everyone should be ready to meet this opportunity, noone can afford blowing it this time
everyone should be ready to meet this opportunity, noone can afford blowing it this time
What did he mean by this?
What are these people smoking?
it means this pace of right radicalism and authoritarianism damages le koch right trademark, and republicans in a short time.
they see the upcoming 2018 midterms as their last shot ever.
We might get some socdem domination but thats basically it.
We might get some socdem domination but thats basically it.
Never ever happening.
The American left is shit
This doesn't matter
They have only themselves to blame.
The media is pushing this narrative really fucking hard. I don't know what the average American thinks about Trump's performance but there definitely isn't the unanimous revulsion that these people are speaking of.
I'm sad. I live in America. Where should I move?
the Evangelicals are already disengaging bunch of their church groups funded refugees.
without them, they only have the Trump train
France or Spain
Only 30 million people in the US actually bothered to tune into his inauguration. I'm guessing that a lot of people, his more moderate supporters included, learned not to project their dreams onto Trump.
wtf. aren't those the guys restricting right to assembly two years ago?
Nowhere. As long as America is this classcucked, they'll just smite any radical leftist alternative which pops up.
Has Koch's predictions ever been right? Trump's policies are crazy anti-capitalist, like when he trounced TPP.
This is more just whining from Koch because they know Trump hates them and they say the same in turn.
As it stands, until we see actual demands for the means of production, it's not left. It's going to be hijacked by bourgeois liberals funded by billionaires Koch and Soros themselves so the left always gets nowhere like when they led it into the idpol trap and destroyed OWS with progressive stack bullshit.
Fuck off donkey.
it reminds of that time when Time Magazine declared Trump's campaign to be dead in the water on two separate occasions, it's literally just IRL shitposting
sure, fam, but that also means they are going to turn the Koch-funded Senate GOP on Trump's ass first chance.
and that just means more distrust in the system and subversion, and that converts people to the left. subversive capabilities from the Dems are diminishing, and with the secret services becoming outright bullish instead of subtle, that is a chance.
Shit's fucked up, man.
I only hope next crisis make people get real angry and some sort of actual left to appear.
Yeah, the gag law.
And the guys who made it are still ruling (because of our meme electoral law, negative of both """left wing""" parties to co-operate, and it was so close it was almost considered to have a third elections)
I still don't know how did Podemos fuck up so badly.
Soros did it first.
Is there any way to be categorically further left than a socdem without being a socialist? Seems like that would actually be a nightmare for them
Whats the most leftist party in Spain? Communist party?
you need to spend less time online. all the rabid defense of Trump is disintegrating irl and just leaving some really desperate damage control
Smartest guy I know voted for Trump to destroy the Republican party and knew he'd win.
anyone got that picture showing that Soros undermined socialism/communism and was funding dissident groups behind the iron curtain?
It's only online that I'm seeing this hysterical attitude to Trump. IRL people don't give a shit.
He's only doing what he said he would do, and any adverse consequences of his actions are yet to become apparent. I don't see why any damage control would be necessary.
maybe demographics are different where you are but I'm seeing a lot of irl trumpgret here and I'm in one of the 3 important flipped states
damage control is necessary because of all the people who used the "he isn't really serious he wouldn't REALLY do that" as their go to excuse for the shitty policies
The only good things Trump promised to do was withdraw from the TPP and prevent tech companies from abusing worker visas. Unfortunately his stupid muslim ban is getting in way of his visa initiative which is bad. I could see why people would regret voting for him.
Was he an Accelerationist?
lol remember the "waste of my fucking time" press conference yesterday? no one is on his side with the ban, they all either think it's immoral or fucking retarded
You know it.
You know America is such a classcucked country when their "official" left-wing party isn't even close of being socdem like those of Europe (that aren't really lefty anymore).
This reminds me of that time Soros said that the EU was over if Brexit passed. and we would face a dark era of protectionism and xenophobia or something. Putinbots are quoting him for his fantasies to this day.
Meanwhile Tories are already looking for a way to tie themselves to the US even before article 50.
Even rich Porkies need to make up a narrative for themselves to believe there's some kind of conflict going on instead of slow, quiet decay.
Both of the polls I've seen on the issue suggest that the ban is moderately popular.
stay and fight
Hahahaha holy shit
Trump is 100% capitalist, he just prefers a more "cronyist" capitalism over traditional free-market liberal economics.
42% of Americans approve of his recent Muslim ban, 55% disagree.
Very telling that only 3% of Americans are undecided.
Holla Forums get out
The screening process already takes forever, The people who do these things are professional bureaucrats. This is security theatre, nothing more, nothing less.
Pretty much all terrorist attacks that happened since 9/11 were done by US citizens of muslim families, not foreigners.
The more radical provisions of the ban are also going to expire in a few months and will be long forgotten by the time Trump is held to account in 2020. It's hugely overblown.
I hope so. This is one of the few times. Where it really wasn't overblown by the MSM. As the son of a Muslim immigrant, I literally know dozens of families that were affected by this shit.
It will be fucked by cointelpro idpolers like before. Anti idpol should be our first focus, the second in retaining fun for the proletariat..