habbeding. Empty the cages
habbeding. Empty the cages
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumpan. Not OP but it's happening
Bump some interesting things are happening
I couldn't read your article, OP, if i didn't shut off adblocker. So here's an alternate one.
Anyone have a livestream? Maybe we could watch on leftypol's cytube channel.
This is fantastic.
attica, nigga
Here is some more background info
Prisoners are saying to call this a rebellion, not a riot. They are demanding reforms and other things. I can't really make out the rest of what they are saying in these videos. It be great if am user with better hearing can make out the rest of what they are saying.
Some background on Delaware prisons. This is an artcile from just a day or two ago.
This dude has been forced to eat this shit for at least 5 weeks now.
What's the source on these webms? I'd like to share them with people & can't link directly to it.
Thanks user!
The demands→
those sound like reasonable demands,they just want to be treated like people and have a chance in life.No doubt people will scream for the army or go in and kill them or some shit,siting how they must all be evil paedophiles and drug dealers to be in prison in the first place
They already are and supporting them being killed because of this. Apparently, they have zero rights as criminals since they committed a crime no matter what it was. You have to understand that if someone gets something, it's because they deserved it. No matter what.
Those are perfectly reasonable demands, and they honestly should have got them anyway. Education is perfect. People still want to think that prison is solely for punishment and not rehabilitation at all despite seeing that rehabilitation is good and reduces them going back because of zero opportunities.
There were also recently riots in prisons in the UK because of conditions under our conservative government. The riots spread to several prisons.
Now is the time comrades. The world IS waking up.
i think this is the police radio but I can't tell exactly yet, it is at least in one of those areas
Yes this is it I am listenting to a negotiator talk to a prisoner.
They were talking about MALCOLM X
Right now they are talking about maybe releasing 19 prisoners
sorry, hostages
somebody please record idk how
Seems to be a feed archives button below in red.
we are listening to the revolution
We're listening to an interrogator fuck over rioters.
Wait, who got stabbed? I missed it. Guy on the phone said he was bleeding out.
I think so.
Strangeways prison riot in the 90s in Liverpool worked so I hope this does to
Oh dear they tried fucking them out of the phones and rushing the door.
Even the prison guards are getting pissed. Attica?
So they are 16 hostages down now, I assume? One guard was among them. And swat teams and regular popo laying siege to the prison.
So far no attempt to address the grievances or proposed areas of reform.
Am I getting this right?
Yes. From what I can tell they didn't even get the phones they were trading the hostages for.
These are not savvy people.
They are prisoners of course they arnt savvy. They have no access to education in there and in all likelihood came from a community with little to no access to it
These guys pretty much gave their entire drugs stash to the shady bloke they met yesterday while he nips to the cash machine. It's not an alien concept to them just because they can't solve x.
Why is the audio cutting off randomly?
This fucking negotiator is talking to them like fucking children.
He's trying to convince them to release the hostages to prove thier good intentions and then they'll get thier "platform". Luckily they aren't falling for a cheap trick like that
Yeah, a little disappointed all they ask for is education reforms and not being treated like absolute shit.
But at least they're ignoring this negotiator's bullshit about "you got your freedom, just give us all your bargaining power and play by our rules now"
Lol he actually tried to get them to think they'd be freed?
No, he was saying that they got their today freedom by rioting. Like they had their fun for the day, time to give up.
This cop is way too cool with them losing contact over a battery tbh
Sam: Where our phones at?
Negotiator: Lol IDK why don't you check outside where the cops are?
That negotiator is not a negotiator he is just a time waster he is trying to run the batteries out on the device they are using
Seriously. Fuck that guy. Incredibly condescending. The inmates see through it, because they hear that shit from the guards, 24/7.
Tbh the part about liberation was wild. It seemed unreal hearing it live.
Yup. They'll use the loss of communication as a justification for breaching.
20,000 people are listening to this one broadcast alone holy cow
I just checked that, too. Wow.
It was 71 like a couple hours ago
Link probably being given by some mainstream news site or on twitter or something
Great thing, tbh
Aint done nothing if you ain't been called a red,comrade
This man, sam, will never live to hear this apology from the governor.
I retweeted it on Twitter form the post someone shared here. Then it got retweeted by someone else, from me. I love how things can spread like that. I used #Delaware & #Delawareprison hashtags.
this cop sucks at his job considering half of it is just deciphering wtf sam is saying
Damn, I missed that.
Thats the point comrade he is just wasting time.
I think the trial run is in reference to the fact they've been eating nothing but prison loaf for five weeks in a trial.
oh fuck
Trail run meaning what?
absolutely based
there is so much untapped potential in prisoners, deliberately kept divided by race and gang allegiance
Almost to 30k listeners now. Within just the past 10 mins it jumped nearly 10k.
Exactly, that's where all the people who are fucked up the most by the system are sent, where they can't spread awareness or do anything
Here's an inspiring piece by some filthy lifestyleists. It's on prisons, prisoners, freedom, etc.
I don't think so. In the context of the conversation he seemed to be implying this insurrection was just a trial run.
Meaning they plan on doing this again if their demands aren't met.
I'm probably wrong then, I wasn't here for it but I know that the prisonloaf diet is what sparked it.
isn't that kind of dumb to admit? why would there not be more security measures in place for "next time"?
I guess he's using it as a bargaining tool in a way. They don't have too much to lose, anyway.
Maybe but it sounds good. The prison can only do so much too. These guys have all the time in the world to plan.
I don't think there will ever be a time when the prisons can be controlled fully by force. And that time definitely isn't now. The prisoners (or at least Sam) are saying that they have a radical conscience and are willing to defy the authorities.This is very important for the success of their reforms/movement/liberation.
misandrist fucks
fair enough just sounds like it could be overplaying the hand. if this is really a trial run you downplay your requests now and downplay the potential of future instigation
I think she's an elderly lady. The prisoners said they were taking care of her, though.
From what I heard, after the inmate played that card, the negotiator just mentioned getting them a phone.. So it may have worked.
Yeah, I guess. Makes sense tactically unless they plan continuous revolt, which they probably wont' do. I'll just chalk it up to him being cocky/empowered and making a bad tactical move.
Lmao once again you're outed as liberal cucks
Did the feed just go out for anyone else?
It's off for me
Shit… That's not good
yeah I'm kidding but i also thought the same
They surrendered 15 hostages to get the phones back online, fuck this negotiator is a faggot. Sam shouldn't have let them go.
It regularly drops off for extended periods.
I bet you think you're less retarded than SJWs somehow
asking to be educated and for help to get off drugs and for prison money to not be squandered. Most of them are not murderers or rapists statsically
Sure, it goes silent, but it's turned off completely now, for me. Says "Offline & 0 listeners"
Wew. Not even one post mentioning thier demands. Every post is literally "kill all those niggers"
everyone press the contact broadcaster button maybe?
I never heard them say this about Trump. Anyone else?
I think they said it way back. Saying they are doing it because of Trump is fucking retarded though
You're the ultimate cucks, tbh. Take that porky dick deep.
Would be funny if they said that just to get the MSM to cover it, lmao
The reason was they thought Trump was only going to make things worse in the prisons. Which isn't a reach at all considering how much he stressed law and order.
That journalist is being dishonest as fuck though
Holla Forums pls go
probably some liberal think piece writer or some shit
Where did you find this? I want to retweet at the MSM shouting just about Trump.
Wtf are you talking about? I'm not Holla Forums.
No news articles for half an hour, they're definitely breaching.
The article. He also said it on audio way in the beginning but
Surely there's some local Delaware news that's filming the prison, even from afar. I'm looking for info right now.
The reason I say it is I'm pretty sure they start peddling disinfo/cutting news teams out when they breach so that the besieged don't figure out what's going on.
The reason the feed is out is because Sam said he was done negotiating. They were going in circles. He made the choice to stop playing with the state bullshit. Saves phone battery and gets people up the cops's asses about the hostages. This is best case scenario though. They could also just be planning to breech soon or sometime in the early morning and will just shoot them all. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Hope there is some solidarity in Delaware for these people.
Dispatch smashies to Delaware?
We really need a way to direct smashie anger somehow.
I'd be in favor tbh. There should be violent protests in solidarity with these people rather than some irrelevant alt right faggot
I'm kind of joking. Because I do wish smashies would target Delaware right now. I'm just also paranoid.
It's a decentralized movement, you'd just need to push them in the right direction. Not saying anyone here should go full smashie.
We are, afterall, the vanguard :^)
You need to throw the stick for the dog, we just need to find a stick
IGD is pretty popular and has news on the rebellion. This'll attract the attention of sign holders and banner droppers. The question is will it attract cop killers and prison breakers?
Wasn't Holla Forums running an op against these guys? Can anyone remember the details?
Yeah. They were trying to get the fed to nab them for supporting prison riots
shit, maybe there's hope for lumpen after all.
can't tell if a kek moment because site is still up and doing fine, or oh shit moment because their censorship will probably happen with trump as prez
Fucking kidding me. Since when did it become "cool" or edgy to be on the cops' side? Imbeciles.
But then again, these are the same idiots who believe they'll all be entrepreneurs one day. What a bunch of faggots.
/pol irl
Check out the Holla Forums thread on this. And people here unironically think these fuckers have hope to turn lefty smh
Seriously. They're literally manchild tattle-tailers.
Is the one in the back right carrying a sword?
Don't worry. It's LARP-safe.
Some of the very first comments
Which reminds me, right now there are thousands of demonstrators smashing Berkeley up because of Milo.
They shouldn't waste their fucking time on Milo. He should be irrelevant. That's exactly what he & Breitbart want, too.
Milo's thing has been called off, i heard
Now it's time to redirect the mob to Smyrna
Liberals can't help but play in the Spectacle.
Tbh though, some are just being edgy. There's some on there who are defending the prisoners, at least. Very surprised to see that. They then get meme'd at for it.
I think many can still be reached. This is why it's so important to talk to people irl, because there's better hope of converting them that way & they won't have their shitposting defenses up or feel like they have to fit in with the other retards on Holla Forums.
Fucking hell, what pissed me off is that got 100x more attention than the prison rebellion
All of the issues that could've been protested or targeted & publicized instead of Milo.. Not to mention they're allowing this fuck to now say they don't support "free speech".
They've really been happening more frequently, now. This is a good sign that people are starting to wake up. But yeah, the coverage that strike got was minimal.. BS. Also a lot of faggots saying the same shit as they are now. "Just shoot them, starve them, they shouldn't have broken muh law". I hate how stupid most Americans are & how emotional politics is so easy to use here.
Anyone have any updates? Any Delaware anons here?
I doubt we will hear anything until morning. Even if shit is going down right now in delaware, the media currently cares more about what's happening with milo and the berkeley kids.
I didn't realize what time it must be there. It's almost 10am where I am. I hope we hear something soon.
Spoilering just in case. Just from a show, though.
was meant for you.
email me this is what I am trying to set up [email protected]
has anyone heard any further news? Is it still going on? I'm Britbong I had to sleep
almost a full media blackout, although i did hear maybe a line about it yesterday on the radio
Delaware prison standoff over; corrections officer dead
Sgt. Steven Floyd, a 16-year veteran of the department, was found unresponsive and was pronounced dead at 5:29 a.m., minutes before authorities secured the scene at the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna, officials said.
oh shit, looks like a prison crack down. Although wierd how he was alive, then the feed went dead, then suddenly this guy turns up dead
They found him unresponsive 8 hours after the feed went down. I assume the prisoners decided to make their point to the negotiator. Since they don't say what time he presumably died, he could have been dead hours, with the police only just managing to root them out of whichever parts of the prison they still held where the body was.
Well, that explains that.
fuck shouldn't have let it get to twitter