So, Holla Forums, what are your thoughts on the Justice Party?
I know they're probably a bit too center/slightleft for you, but I like 'em. I've been trying to start up a local branch, but since they don't have that much money or resources probably it's been kinda harder to reach out to them. But I think I'll do it.
Not to be confused with the recent TYT Democrat bullshit, of course.
Don't you have a funeral to go watch for fun, Debbie?
Andrew Nguyen
Come on, folks. Surely you have an opinion on something other than Hillary or some dumb shit Holla Forums said.
Lucas Anderson
What's the point in starting more parties in a two party system?
James Reed
Don't know shit about them but it sounds like idpol cancer
Hudson Evans
I've never heard of the Justice party and the way you described them they're just left democrats, so I'm not too interested.
John Bailey
John Flores
The political party, within the context of a system in winch political party's are the main avenue of channeling revolutionary potential into useless votes that mean nothing for the working people of that country should at the absoloute best be regarded as ineffective and at worst as actively anti-revolutinary and be activly opposed.
Fuck your liberal party.
Asher Hall
There's a difference between bourgeois democratic and revolutionary parties.
Luis Peterson
Winning local elections and subverting a two-party system.
I think a proletarian party is good, sure. If it can be used to oppose bourgeois politics then it should be.
But if I'm going to go to the trouble of organizing a party I would rather it be some kind of revolutionary vanguard rather than pink reformists.
Wyatt Jenkins
never heard of it.
Democratic entryism is the best path for America though
Sebastian White
their is, however that does not mean that difference is minimal theory as well as practice.The effect is the same, almost especially with the so-called "revolutionary" parties, and even more so when they are within the framework of capitalist parliamentary politics.
Jose Russell
Americans are too fucking stupid to bring up new parties - their culture is one where additional parties are a hindrance to their favourite teams victories, not potential coalitions or better representations of their ideas
Eli Clark
This, I am convinced that nearly all of these independent parties are either scams to get donations or money laundering operations
Joseph Hill
Maine recently changed their voting rules I think to be more friendly to multiple parties. I don't much about it though.
Dylan Kelly
Third parties have won local elections.
If I've got it wrong, explain it to me. If you're just going to tell me it's HAAAAAWRD and I should complain on Holla Forums more instead, then you still get a trophy for replying.
Americans are also too unmotivated to vote local elections, a lot of the time. Find the desire for a third party, and wins will be easy. Most local elections do not have that much competition.
Joseph Bennett
That's true about local elections. Most of the big parties' resources are embezelled monopolized by state and national level campaigns.
Christopher Morales
I love the name Justice Part, too bad they're liberals
Austin Watson
They will never win or hold on to anything more substantive than a governorship, and even then they usually have to piggyback into one of the two main parties to do it. Our time is much better spent spreading class consciousness.