Hbomber Hate

Probably not the best place for this, but I see him discussed all the time here.

Does anyone think there is something off with Hbomberguy? He seems kind of greasy, I get a really bad impression from him. Other people make youtube bully videos, like Idubbz or our own schnitz, and Badmouse makes videos about anti-sjw idiots, but both of these guys come off as genuinely nice people. Hbomberguy justcomes off as narcissistic, mean, and abusive. maybe it comes down to the fake laugh he always uses, or his willingness to grab onto interpretting something in the way that's least threatening, most mockable, and then pull on it for 10 minutes. if you've ever been unfortunate enough to know a sociopath in real life, it's similar. His videogame reviews are similarly offputting and narcissistic. To compare him to other people who make high quality, indepth reviews, like Superbunnyhop, Errant Signal, Mathew Mattoeisis, Joseph Anderson, what stands out for him is just how incapable he is of divorcing himself from the subject, not just his opinions and subjectivity towards the game, but he himself. Despite his constant presence, he is also only able to refer to himself in one kind of self aggrandizing way.

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I like it.

No I like Hbomberguy.

dude i know exactly what you mean,I realised it when I watched his latest video about the Sargon ban from twitter and I totally felt like you explain there.

But have you heard Sargon talk? He's the smuggest snottiest little shit imaginable.

dude is probably going to be outed as a creeper/rapist/abuser at some point like a bunch of that group has been recently

There's a "group"?

I dunno, I just watched half of one video and decided I didn't like him.

Yes, you know, those internet people.

I shoot Sargon,but Hbomberguy I'd probably just not want to hang around with

I'm an asshole, I like assholes and I understand assholes.

The people who make anti-reactionary videos who scare me are the ones like Garrett and Kristi Winters who want to be reasonable and moderate with reactionaries and corporate shite to a point of absurdity.

Did you sage your own god damn thread?

more of a loose clique i guess?

he was one of those guys who was obsessed with gamergate or whatever for a couple of years and was raising his profile as a good male ally. bunch of them have since been caught up in scandals as sex pests or abusers

I didn't want to bump the board with a low quality, off-topic post, but I did want to discuss it, so polite sage.

I never could even laugh at his videos.

Hbomb straight up does not take people like Aruini seriously and does not respond seriously to their arguments. He's essentially admits that he argues in bad faith when he's dealing with fascists or right-liberals, and he only ever actually gets into an actual issue to deconstruct an argument he sees regurgitated like "rape statistics are bloated." To be honest, I think this is how most youtubers behave, but hbomb is more explicit about it and doesn't drag on needlessly.

His videogame opinions, uh, they're wrong, but I still enjoy listening to him go on and on about a tenuous interpretation. You say that he can't divorce his subjective opinions from the material, but why does he have to? I appreciate people like Matthew but not everyone has to be Matthew. Listening to someone talk about a game through their own personal lens has its own sort of quality.

didn't mean to reply

He's been coming out with horseshoe stuff on twitter recently, put me off him

Why should he be nice to the aut-right? Extending to the liberal kumbaya bullshit to the far-right is where I draw the line. They should be made fun of and they shouldn't be taken seriously. Taking them and their arguments seriously would entail massive amounts of work to debunk shit that most people know is bullshit already. Just make mockeries of them.

the only time he was explicitly wrong about games was when he implied the god of the last of us war was gonna be good

not op but If it were alright to bully a no-friend's, insignificant, mentally ill sexist like Aruini, like this is r/cringeanarchy, that's totally different from Jontron. Everyone knows Jontron is just dumb, not a bad person. Just a normie with normie opinions who got in too deep.

I said it wasn't that he has subjectivity. you need that to be a reviewer, and plenty of reviewers also talk about themselves, but it's always about the video's they're making. Hbomber goes beyond that and makes portions of the video to jerk himself off, and that's the only way he can ever refers to himself.

specifically a poser-bourgeois new york douchebag normie

You're saying that Jontron is more fair game than Aruini, because Jontron is an idiot?


Was unaware of this.

Reactionaries are reactionaries are reactionaries.

If you hold racist opinions you're a bad person until you stop holding racist opinions

This seems pretty arbitrary. It's not like he's a a product-reviewer, he has no obligation to be structured about it. The ladder point is fair, though.

I think that's the point, it's completely intentional

Probably part of this mythical "the left" I keep hearing about on the internet

Don't you know?
We are the left.

Golden one is that you?

what is this meme

Someone he mercilessly bullies for being unironic humans vs orcs tier

Where's the problem? Why do we have a problem with a British guy who rips on reactionaries? He's better than LSR, who's feminine and unlistenable.

LSR makes better arguments, let's be honest.

can Holla Forums bitch about this guy next?

who is he? the pic makes him look like a wannabe steve jobs

WE don't. Plenty of people in this thread who like the guy. He mocks reactionaries and maybe convinces a few idiots not to fall for Sargon-tier bullshit. He's alright in my book.

actually… hbomb is good.

Lagers are shit reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I don't, the internet is at its best at its worst.

where did I said I had a problem with Hbomb?
I fucking love him!

I feel like such an ass for laughing at that webm,the molyneux bit fucking killed me

No he doesn't. LSR sounds like an unconvincing wimp. Arguing on the internet isn't about making cohesive points especially when you're into a fringe ideology like socialism, it's about making your opponent look like a morn. Hbomberguy does great.

Shouldn't of quoted you.

Porters and stouts are better than both.

who is lsr

who is lsr

ok just post it twice server whydoncha

And tbf the aut-right won't stop making fun of anybody on the left of Pinochet and don't hesitate to be as bad as the condescending snobby liberals that they are rebelling against so the left might as well mock them since they have already locked themselves into an echo chamber where every leftist is a hypocrite who deserves to be thrown in and off a helicopter or move to Venezuela.

Libertarian Socialist Rants

He's a guy /g/ hates on both chans.

thats the joke

and oh god please don't tell me linus is aut-right

Reminds me:

Hbomberguy is a total manchild who sleeps in Sonic pajamas so I find it really hypocritical when he mocks alt right figures for being cringey (still funny though).

A self admitted autistic anarchist. pic related

Fallout 3 really is shit tho.

The main shit opinion I never understand so many lefties having is liking the star wars prequels, both him, Sam Kriss and others. The defenses always boil down to a death of the author interpretation, or an overreliance on the simplistic bush-Era criticism.

At the very least Sam Kriss critique hinges on the idea that Star Wars itself is dumb and reactionary, and that the prequels just reveal it unintentionally. The fact that Hbomb doesn't do much to explicate his defense beyond criticizing RLM betrays contrarianism.

Wait, Hbomberguy likes the prequels? What video did he cover that in?

Same to you friendo.

nothing makes me disregard someone's critical opinion faster than saying they like the star wars prequels were good. In the 00s, you could call it Star Wars Apologism, but now it's more akin to Star Wars Revisionism. ignoring dumb fan theories like "it's a masterpiece because Jar Jar is a sith", are the "critical" people who like star wars really just Contrarian? I alway read it as total failure to appreciate cinema. even dumb people know the way Lucas shoots dialogue is far far worse than anything in the originals (except for that conversation luke has with Force Ghost Obi in episode 6).

What a fag.

You realize that bit was a… joke?

Also, what the hell is wrong with that quote? People have to deal with being autistic whether you like it or not, there's no need to be an ass about it.

In the video about the outrage surrounding TFA, at the end he makes reference to other opinions he could express about Star Wars, including "I like the prequels, and I will fight you." But he doesn't go more indepth. He's recently mocked RLM on Twitter about their Rogue one review, but the primary point that he made, that making a criticism where a checklist comes into play is a horrible way to go about things, is one that I can sympathize with.

I agreed with RLM about Rogue One. My parents who I went to see it with shared the same opinions as them, no character development and overwhelming action. TFA had some character's to sympathize with but Rogue One was like a Michael Bay movie at some point.

I know, I don't care what he sounds like. I was saying he actually makes better arguments, whether it matters or not is irrelevant.

I don't know how Hbomberguy who railed on Fallout 3 for being a cash grab can come close to enjoying the prequels. That seems extremely inconsistent and yes, reeks of contrarianism.

Revenge of the Sith is objectively the best SW film. Nothing in the series comes close to the raw emotional intensity of Anakin and Obi Wan's fight. RotS elevated Star Wars from a kiddie popcorn flick to a serious work of art.

100% true. His is exactly what me and my gf thought walking out of the theatre.

Every scene was a locker room style speech or shots of characters we've never met before getting blown up.

I don't care what you think about the plot but the film making was just plain lazy.


I think Rogue One sucks, but I disagree with a lot of RLM's reasons why. Of course, the characters fucking suck, everyone agrees, but They're comments about "it was too dark, and miserable for a SW film" was completely wrong. it's not dark in any significant way, besides character death, but disney movies for 6 year olds have character deaths. it also wasn't shot like a war film, like they claimed it was as a reason for not liking it.

a video that I found that really matches my opinion is
ignore the clickbait title, it's a really good analysis. Rogue One fanboys in the comments are something to get a look at.

I'm really going to wonder why R1 is so divisive. TFA has problems, but the core elements good. I liked TFA but I hated R1. I know so many people prefer R1, and are indignant that someone can like TFA but hate R1.

Well, I don't know if I agree with the "too dark for a star wars" point but I think that isn't how RLM framed it either. It seemed more like they were commenting that Star Wars tried to go in the Dark Knight/Suicide Squad direction and didn't do it carefully, and the result was really weird, with none of the whimsy of the original trilogy but none of the psychological edge like the movies it tried to emulate. Half in the Bag isn't nearly as eloquent as Plinkett reviews (and besides for the checklist which I think he was just dumbing it down for the frothing fanboys), the criticisms were properly placed.

I'll watch that later.

So what's the consensus on YMS here?

Everyone can have a dumb opinion every now and then.

I really liked RLM's takedown of the prequels, but then they also criticized The Force Awakens for not including a dumb romance cliche in their movie.

I don't think RLM meant they wanted a cliche, but they wanted something akin to Han/Leia in the original trilogy. If you think that's cliche then okay, but there was legitimate chemistry behind Fisher/Harrison. This becomes especially apparent when you compare it to "muh sand" Anakin in Episode 2.

taste in movies is fine but damn his middle-school getup and condescending voice get grating pretty much instantly

I feel like I ought to be upset by Cinema Sins, but I just don't understand what it's supposed to be doing inorder to hate it. I don't hate it because they said my favorite movie sucks, they haven't covered my favorite movie, and unless they want to commit suicide by making one of Schindler's List, then I'm safe.
I just don't understand it. Is the premise to say "every movie has flaws, lets point them out", but if that were true, then why would you remove points for doing somethat that is "le epic XD!" usually involving some quirky marvel character doing or saying something cute. Does this mean there could be a movie with no sins?
Is it supposed to be actual critique? But a lot of their criteria makes no sense, or is way too overly applied, like the "no narration" rule they stick by, even when it's presented in a novel, engaging way, with a complex backstory that can't be really be propperly delivered in another way. sometimes there is just key info you need to get out.
is it just supposed to be dumb clickbait that you watch without thinking? well that annoying bell sound makes it unpleasant as fuck to watch this way.

You basically just answered you own question

I agree with this. But that's most people on opinionstube, comedy and commentary in general are too incisive and even kinda political these days, it sucks, but I get this feeling a lot more from alt-right figures than I do with youtube lefties, although there are genuinely likable people on both sides. He might overdo it sometimes but his heart is in the right place.
I strogly disagree, he's very relatable. He's not humble but he isn't narcissistic either. Perfect mean imo.

also this.

Really? Holla Forums was positive he was an ancom. Shame.

t. Zizek.
"Not like here, here everything is soft and smooth"
The OT is Circus for boomers and plebs, formulaic and manichaeistic.
The Prequels are masterpieces distributed under the guise of selling Legos.
I haven't watched the new ones because there's no Star Wars without Lucas, also fuck Dysney.

Hbomber is banana butt fuck

It is.

There's this cynical belief amid Hollywood porkies that you need to include romance subplots to bring in female audiences, so they've just found ways to shove them in whenever possible, whether or not it has anything to do with the plot or theme of the movie. The original trilogy was fortunate that Han/Leia fit in fairly seamlessly (even if it was still completely extraneous), but I don't think it would have worked in The Force Awakens. Maybe we've just been culturally conditioned at this point to expect these extraneous romance subplots, but I would have hoped that RLM would have seen beyond it.

I'm pretty sure hbomberguy is just one of those people who gets really indignant about people who don't agree with him. Like, there's something in his brain where he doesn't understand that different people have encountered different information, have different sorts of though processes, and come to different conclusions because of that. He acts like anyone who doesn't agree with him is just doing it to be a spiteful asshole. Basically I'm saying I think OP is right that it's narcissism.

Personally I was relieved when I watched Pacific Rim that they didn't go there and just had the male and female lead be friends.

Can you give me a source on that? I checked his twitter and I didn't find anything. He did say he was a marxist multiple times and he generally seems to be fairly critical of liberals.

Yeah, I get this but don't blame RLM for letting their nostalgia seep through. Romance is fine when it works but when it isn't it ruins the entire fucking movie.

I get what you mean but we need assholes on our side too. I'm glad that someone willing to genuinely rub it in and "play dirty" because when leftists play nice or seem too genuine it always gets twisted into them being a pussy or generally weak-willed

Well he's definitely some sort of socialist/communist. I'm not sure where the horseshoe thing is coming from and I don't see it on any of his channels, plus he had a fight with conra on twitter where he was very on the pro-punching side and was mocking the liberal position. That's a pretty un-horseshoe stance to take

I didn't feel "relieved" as you say, but I thought the ending to Pacific Rim was a pretty interesting change in writing, but it was especially hard-hitting due to the movie having a sort of Michael-Bay-ish aesthetic

tbh the hug in the end somehow managed to make me feel the same feeling from a gushy romance in spite of how it turned out

he comes off as crass because trying to unpack, critique and rebuke five minutes of the shit these anti-sjws say takes an hour and a half.

A good example is when he's talking about Sargon's discussion of sexual assault statistics. He mentions another youtuber that was willing to dig through all that crap just to definitively prove Sargon was A) either wilfully lying or a complete retard, B) the SJW's were right but you wouldn't know just listening to his rhetoric and C) that his channel is devoid of any useful content.

Hbomberguy is content, however, to autistically screech at their autistic screeching. Not only does he do it in an entertaining way but not a single word has come out of his mouth that is even half as obnoxious or narcissistic as these idiots.

Whoa, such a revered group of intellectuals that Hbomberguy so ARROGANTLY challenges. The bald guy with tonnes of skulls who drinks and just bitches about Anita. The guy with he beard who lies about doing his research and bitches about Anita. The guy who used to bitch about creationists but now just bitches about Anita. What a prick amright?

Yeah Fallout 3 is bad but all of his observations are shit.

A good examples is when he discusses choice in Fallout 1. He uses the example of discussion you have with the bad guy at the end and have to convince him that killing humanity is wrong. He likes this because you actually have to think like you are talking to a real person and delicately navigate the dialogue choices given to you, stepping into the characters shoes…only to COMPLETELY circumvent this by finding some secret and thus definitively finding the absolute right choice.

He doesn't really understand where choice ends but his own enjoyment began, in this case having discovered the secret appropriate choice. He suggests that Fallout 3's ending could be better if you got the Super Mutant to push the button because it means you figured out a solution on your own. But that's just the same shit: click the screen enough times and avoid the moral conflict entirely.

His Bloodbourne video (one of my favourite games of all time btw) is also dumb. He says that dropping the shield is genius move on From's part because "whoa, how do I solve this challenge? I know, hold down LB! Or should I say HOLD X TO WIN" But shields have a risk/reward element to this because it reduces your stamina. You can't just block everything, all the time, especially not against larger enemies.

And its ironic because now the emphasis on dodging is ALSO be considered a "press x to win button" alongside parrying which he revered. As long as you do what he did basically strip the mechanic to its bare essentials everything in the fucking game can be considered overpowered.

He also said everyone in the community used to play two handed R2 spam, end 99 zweianhder builds and that is the only fun way to play, which is absolutely not true. He also claimed that Bloodbourne was easier get into for newbies even though its EASILY the hardest one unless you have perfect timing on those "press x" buttons. So why is it pure genius when its basically a character action game at that point?

In short, good for anti-sjws, bad for video game shit.

Considering that the main target of his videos is alt-right faggots, he's absolutely right. Anyone who treats them otherwise is incredibly naive.

BomberHarrisGuy responds

I've never looked at twitter before but jesus
Yeah, because the right answer to people gatekeeping a hobby is to gatekeep them back. It wouldn't be half as obnoxious if it wasn't for him seeming to not care about video games at all. What exactly is his stake in the matter?

Remember Patrick batemen reviewing music in his raincoat? that's essentially the depth of Hbomberguy's opinions on cine&vidya.
Badmouse actually has some useless degree in Film, so he's actually decent to listen to for movie talk.

He is an ancom, or somewhere in that area. What I'm pretty sure user is referring to by horshoe is that Hbomb was accused of being hypocritical for supporting punching nazis while being a communist, and he replied "You should punch anyone calling for genocide and authortarianism.
That includes stalinists and maoists - good look finding them!!!"
I don't think this is horseshoe theory at all, but whatever

yeah I like that the "hbomber vs garrett method debate" for lack of a better term, basically follows the same axioms as the "nazi punching" debate. Fundamentally these people don't listen to arguments, or at least not their content. They care about the "aesthetic" of the movement and the argument that provides the better image for them

They don't care about actual rationality they just want to regurgitate whatever ideology best enables them to feel superior to those they deem lesser.

And that's where we get to hbomber and why he does so much better than all the other "anti-anti-sjws". He knows they're all about style over substance, so he effectively:

1. demonstrates that their "substance" is barely worth addressing and is just an illusion anyway
2. zeroes in on their insecurities and makes them look vulnerable, weak, and ridiculous. And remember that all these manchildren only value their beliefs to the extent that it reinforces their masculinity, virility, strength, etc. in their own minds so when instead their ideas are leveraged to make them look effete and stupid it's incredibly damaging to them

And it's the same thing with punching nazis. Nazis recruiters and leaders promise you strength, beauty, masculinity and intelligence if you emulate them, but those drawn to the ideology are fundamentally repulsed by those leaders if they fail to maintain the mirage of untouchable superiority. Just check all the alt-right/stormfag spaces post Spencer-punch. Sure, whoever punched him is a "weak, leftist cuck", but also "Spencer is a weak faggot I never liked him anyway"

…he definitely "cares" about games. This is a pretty confusing criticism since he's clearly a gamer himself

He de-sargoned a close buddy and randomly dropped in on a discord of ours once. He's a good guy, even if he does tend to be a total douche to reactionaries - but who ever minded that? Overall, even if he's a little skeezy sometimes I like his content and have no problems here.

Sargon of akkad is a pudgy liberal. do you really think he cares about being persceived as dominant?
besides, if that's what Hbomber is doing why should I watch it? I'm not alt-right, it's no skin off my back that Aurini is stupid. I just don't want to watch a guy be a sociopath as he figures out the most bullying and manipulative things he can say, Is that really the quality of his content? his audience is rage clicking alt-right nerds and his style is bullying the mentally ill? what a great public service he is doing, while also being a Last-man Liberal rotter.


He an entire channel devoted to dramatic readings of classical literature

I don't see how making fun of the fact that the bald guy keeps drinking booze in very episode, yet doesn't seem to finish his glass, is that manipulative.

I'm not so much making an argument of why you should like it (and after all for you or presumably 90% of this board's regulars it's more or less preaching to the choir anyway) so much as I'm debating how effective he is/isn't at flipping those who are generally misinformed and primed to fall into the alt-lite rabbit hole that is "youtube rationalists"

Keep in mind I'm not actually moralizing his mentality I'm just debating tactics of messaging

Anyway I strongly disagree that Sargon is anything resembling a liberal anymore considering how well his views align with Milo, for instance. He's just a liberal in name only who is in denial about how far he has drifted to the right in chase of easy anti-SJW views

It's actually pretty genius how you simultaneously compare people like aruini to mentally ill people AND moralize about how bad it is to bully the mentally ill

What bugs me about him the most is how he seems to ignore the people who aren't on any side, but could be swayed by what they see people doing.
And mocking that is one thing, but hbomberguy ends up coming off as just another obnoxious guy. To a neutral normie, he'll look worse because he doesn't even care about the aesthetics (at least in how he presents himself). There's a perpetual battle going on between the left and alt right. Making an ass of yourself is just going to push people to the other side. It's not about the person you're arguing against. It's not even about the people who follow them or the people who follow you (except for hbomberguy I'm pretty sure it's just about pandering to the people who follow him) - it's about the middle. That's who we're trying to win over in the public sphere. The more assclowns we have representing the left, the more people will find the left unappealing.

How does he do either of those things? I don't really care if he or his viewers see it that way. I'm interested in the people who don't know where to stand yet.

That sounds like a load of horseshit to be honest.

He's never come across that way when I've seen him bashing other gamers. A "gamer" would be someone who actively identifies with the hobby, but his criticism centers on that point - that to identify with the hobby is pathetic. Playing games isn't the same thing as making the hobby part of your identity.

How is there anything inconsistent about that? Pointing out that someone is stupid is not bullying them. Some people are stupid. Pointing it out and declaring your lack of interest in their ideas is not remotely comparable to making a "pwnage" video where you try to find their most vulnerable spot and emotionally hurt them.

oh and somehow I skipped over this point but yes, Sargon's philosophy is absolutely centered on his appearing dominant over the "intellectually inferior, histrionic, autistic left" (his terminology not mine)

There almost isn't a single video where he doesn't endlessly hammer on the fact that, unlike those emotional SJW idiots, he's too "calm, rational and informed" to be brainwashed like they were. To him his biggest strength is his self-percieved mental fortitude

The humanist meme is running strong in this thread.

Reminder that there is no such thing as a human essence or core "humanness" . There is no warm, relatable human core at the heart of the aut-right if you only understood their story and their reasoning. The vast majority of them really are just repugnant shitstains.

I think they struggled to put what they felt into a crisp, clean opinion. They clearly liked the movie and they clearly didn't like the surrounding circumstances. I think they wanted it to go further with a more ambition which a criticism which basically everyone has.

Its also his weird fetish of how classical people live ad what made them great. I don't know why he just doesn't go full traditionalist.

there are two ways to damage someone's aesthetic. One is to appear to hold to a higher aesthetic to them, and the other is to revel in absurdity and drag them their beloved aesthetic into absurdity and "down in the mud" with you for lack of a better term and delegitimizing them by marrying their arguments to the fundamental inanity underneath them

My argument is that's what he's doing, he reveals the comic absurdity of their arguments (point 1) and then makes a case for what insecurity would lead them to that position (point 2). The result is, by the end of the video, it's hard to have any respect for the people depicted and their arguments lose any "magic" they once had

At least that's my take based on seeing full on reactionaries watch his videos and change their tune. Made me examine why they worked more than well-researched, well cited substantive works by people like Garrett

Someone with an interest in coming across as rational and informed wouldn't take a left or right position. He's not doing that, he's playing to a base, that base is largely right-leaning.

What about Jontron? do you think he's insecure that he slurred the word "Communist"? I bet he's rocking in the corner of that one, and all the fake laughs HBG had at his expense are really tearing into him.

and therein lies the fundamental contradiction that someone like hbomb is then able to exploit. To someone like Sargon, proclaiming his "rationality" is almost a mantra, a self-serving reaffirmation that his worldview is based on reason when deep down both him and his base know that it's about reacting wildly and predictably to the slightest perceived threat to their self-identity and the idealized version of themselves. Basically, he's tied the very idea of "rationality" to his very masculinity and then proclaimed his ideas to be more "rational" and therefore better than his opponents despite his, as you clearly noticed, his largely substance-free rhetoric

I'm not explaining that he uses rationality to make his arguments, but that he worships the very idea of rationality and that it's central to his self-image

Is this just a code word for "I have unexamined, subconscious prejudices against him that I see myself under no obligation to interpret. understand, articulate or confront"?

just to throw in my 2 cents, everyone saying "it's an act/persona/calculated strategy" it's not. He acts like this all the time. Listen to him during steams, on discord, on twitter, he's the exact same. yeah, he kind of wore thin with me, but he's not like psycho, just kind of insecure and obnoxious.

it's code for I couldn't remember the word sleezy, so I picked a word with similar feelings. obviously I have spent a good deal examining why I dislike his personality.

Not gonna go into any deep analysis on Jontron since I've never personally been a fan and have always been put-off by his videos as kind of bland and directionless. To me the treatment of Jontron made me think that he just wanted to paint him as an overgrown child pointblank, which I admit I'm not fond of since it's not exactly a thought provoking analysis to realize that people with that kind of worldview are childish. I'd have to know more about Jontron to say more though, honestly but I get the impression that he just doesn't have a coherent worldview worth addressing even at a substantive level?

Agreed though, hbomb's treatment of him was not the brightest aspect of the video

Can you give an example of that because I'm pretty sure you pulled that right out of your arse.

You're assuming a few things here that I don't think are reasonable assumptions
I disagree on all of these points. Sure, Sargon and probably most of the people creating similar content fit into the box that hbomberguy puts them in. But he's not just talking about the content creators; he's talking about the people who consume that content. Many of them are just gravitating toward the first thing that made some sense to them. And hbomberguy comes off as disparaging toward the neutral party who is unconvinced and would even implicitly consider the side that he's lampooning. Some spineless fools might be browbeaten into following the "correct" path and some people who get what he's going for might find him refreshing, but the majority are going to feel alienated.

Eh, I haven't seen that. To be honest watching his content made me sympathize with the aut-right and alt-lite. The leaders are shysters, sure but the followers aren't. Writing them off as shitty people (ahem) just because the reactionaries got to them before he did makes hbomberguy look like a whiny cunt who's really just out for validation.

Nah, the rest of that post goes into detail on why he feels that way. Maybe you should have kept reading.

Wouldn't surprise me. It comes naturally to him at the very least.

meant to say "even at an aesthetic level", clearly my wires got crossed


maybe you're right that my assumptions are flawed, I just have a fundamental belief that people who are swayed by Sargon-type "rationalists" actually just want to laugh at the absurdity of others. I find that hbomb channels that method of "look at the dumb SJW, i'm smarter than them you can trust me" and turns it on its head by showing them that their new heroes are ridiculous and actually kind of dumb themselves, but you bring up good points about how good his videos actually are for those looking for anything meaningful. I just fundamentally disagree with the idea that people who frequent "anti-SJW" type channels are actually ever that neutral to begin with

Your forgetting that humor is a massive aprt of grasping someone's interest.

Can you provide at least one example where it seems like he is attacking a neutral party? Because he only ever talks about a specific element in a group as far as I can tell.

If anyone was every a Sargon or Thunderf00t supporter after watching one of his videos then yes, yes they are. he really isn't any more vitriolic than they are,

Half of the posts on this thread are going on about how hbomb is being too harsh and dismissive instead of considering some warm human essence in the aut
-right that doesn't exist. This thread is way up the ass with the humanism meme.

dude he totally does. when he's just talking straight, not in an editted video, he's really uncomfortable being mean to people.

I think you're overstating how much people who watch aut-right channels actually identify with the people they agree with on youtube. They just want to laugh at idiots and will glorify the last guy that "BTFO'd lol" the last guy. Hbomb making fun of Sargon doesn't feel like an attack on Sargon followers since they're all fundamentally primed to watch him be torn down already.

Of course they do. They're surrounded by liberals, who are ridiculous, and have to regularly deal with their ideological bullshit. Liberalism is not hard to point out as ridiculous, and laughter is cathartic. Reading malice or insecurity into that says more about hbomberguy than about the people who watch the Sargonites.

I watch some of that stuff now and then just because there aren't a lot of our guys doing the same. I have to deal with liberal (and conservative) ideology in my life and I like the catharsis.

More like they're getting swindled because as far as they know this is the best they're going to find on the internet. And if you read the above part of this post I explained why.

You're implying hbomberguy is funny.

To clarify, he paints the Sargonite's ideas as not worth considering (as explained here ) which implies that anyone who would possibly consider those arguments is wasting their time and wrong. It's fairly subtle but it's exactly the kind of thing that subconsciously sticks in people's craw. Someone who's neutral may listen to neither side or some of both, but being that disparaging without addressing what people have to say makes you side look weaker. This is something that the Sargonites have figures out and leverage to the hilt.

Again, do you have examples or are you just characterizing the thread that way? I'm a little busy responding to specific posts and I don't plan on going and reading the whole thread.

Read the first part of this post. I agree except that hbomberguy is mocking these channels' humor and ideas which is indirectly mocking the people who find that humor funny or the ideas interesting. The connection there is pretty obvious.

And that's why I said "after watching" the video. Sure, it might take more than that but its pretty ridiculous to think that these take downs are anything short of complete.

Sorry double post

I think he is but that's subjective.

But he does address what their saying and he proves him wrong. And they aren't worth considering and he demonstrates why.

Its not like he's just calling him names. Sargon made some very specific claims, and some pretty sneaky implications, and bomber addressed them. Same with most of the videos of his I've seen.

I don't call endless autistic yelling about how they are just uneducated, deluded, simple minded leftist cucks involved leverage.

Again I think you overestimate the average sargon viewer's allegiance to sargon, if they find an hbomb video and view it they don't link the arguments to themselves.

Here let me use an example. Remember Dane Cook and his sudden popularity? At one point literally everyone loved the guy and he was the biggest comedian in the world. But when he was revealed as a fraud and (more importantly) openly mocked for his style, somehow suddenly no one had ever found him funny. Everyone was the one person who realized how dumb he was before everyone else.

And that's what I think the average person watching Sargon be ripped to shreds who used to like him thinks to themselves. The important thing is that if the mockery speaks to truth (and it seems a lot of people find it connects) then people will just change their stance and point and laugh in the other direction.

Being technically superior is not the same as being persuasive.

I'm not just talking about Sargon (meant to say Sargonites' not Sargonite's), but the whole cluster of people in that network. We're not really at the main point though, which is that I think a solid majority of neutral people who come across his content are going to write him off before watching the entirety of the videos. Sargon and his ilk can get away with being abrasive and demeaning because they're responding to people whom are already seen as ridiculous by a lot of people. The "rationalists" aren't seen that way. People broadly see them as centrists trying to be reasonable and taking down the nutty extremists. Adopting a similar persona to take the rationalists down. Condescension only works from a position of established superiority, and to most people a "centrist" seems more credible than an "SJW". The viewership and subscriber counts reflect this.

You're really not doing anyone any good by downplaying the effectiveness of reactionaries.

It's more an allegiance to their own sensibilities.
No, he did well for a while and had a lot of fans.
Plenty of people never did find him funny. Not every single person is jumps on any bandwagon they see. And if you think that it's his style that got him shitcanned, you don't know dick about comedy. To comedians, stealing jokes is like fucking a kid.

For Sargon maybe, but he's one example. Reading insecurity into Sargon specifically is pretty accurate, but to paint everyone in that sphere the same colors is just not accurate. I've wandered amongst them enough to see that a lot of these people are earnestly trying to sort out fact from fiction, including the content creators. Their flaws are less to do with mean spirit than ignorance.

I also feel the need to point out that "alt-right" typically refers to the right of the mainstream liberal political spectrum. Sargon is "alt-lite" as are most of the people he associates with. And from watching these people now and then over the last few years, the drift appears to be simply that liberals have made it too hard to see anything of value on the left. Which is precisely the kind of thing that chafes me about hbomberguy. I've seen "centrists" move rightward in response to him and the people he associates with (see that "questions for anti-SJWs" video and its responses). I still wouldn't call most of these people the alt-right; all the two groups really have in common is their disdain for idpol liberals.

I mean he deals with Sargon and his kin all day. If I'd do it I'd also become a bit smug and egocentric. I couldn't deal with it any other way.

I just like him for ripping into Sargon.
I tune him out when he starts talking about
feminism, though.
btw he made a new vid about Carlgon getting banned from twitter

Just characterizing the thread in general. Seems like a fair chunk of the anti-hbomb people think he should nicer to or engage more with aut-rightists because there's something valuable about those YouTubers and about that audience when there isn't.

not enough wew in the world for this post

and with maximum derision is the only way to talk about the "alt right" because they're nothing but laughable adult-children

I think the problem is with your autism mate

the only reason anyone would watch him is if he were funny since that's all his (political) videos seem to have to offer. only problem is he isn't funny, just incredible smug. i can't speak for the vidya ones.

Is it just me or did this post read exactly like it was written by hbomber?

If that is you, we're an image board. We have no compassion here. A lot of us do irl and off this site but, not here.

You fucking autist.

Punching Nazis is alright, but don't be mean to snotty fucks on the internet. That's going too far.

Fucking hell.

noone mentioning his shilling for no man's sky while using the "I didn't have any exceptions" bullshit that is a obvious fucking lie

pls don't ruin him for me. I like laughing at rationals

he probably has a cuckold fetish

Pffft, it's the thinking man's fetish.

It's possible to like a game that fell far short of expectations if you didn't follow the development or the hype.

Like all those people who liked Bioshock Infinite.

>>>Holla Forums

hbomberguy is good people

I like Hbomb and think that he is great for agitation & propaganda as well. Think of all SJeWs, pwned rationals and gaymers who flock to his channel and follow him on social media and get exposed to the leftist ideas and little by little become ML's (The age & ideological path thread proves that this works insert ideology
here>>>succdem>>>marixsts>>>insert leftist ideology here)

Oh and R1 is bad, but still better overall than TFA.

but both are terrible and shallow as all fuck and people loved infinite the hate came long after everyone moved on

Some people just can't be saved from their shit taste

Harris is a nice boy dont bully

I'm aware Bioshock Infinite was garbage.

But I think many people liked it because they weren't expecting anything more than what they got.

He was right about Fallout 3, and that's the only opinion of his I even care about.

yeah people were buying it day one out of pure curiosity never once seeing any commercials or e3 trailers right

wasn't like it was a original one though

Most commercials for it were incredibly vague, and Bioshock was an already established title.

Why are we talking about some irrelevant, shitty e-celeb? Why are we lowering ourselves to the same standards as Holla Forums? Okay, it's amusing to see him argue against Sargon, but Sargon isn't exactly intelligent in the first place, or particularly harmful to us to the point where we need to counter him. The only videos of his I've seen have all been poor arguments, the one about The Golden One was particularly embarrassing considering that it isn't difficult to shoot Golden's "logic" to bits, yet hbomber failed even in that, and just resorted to ad-hominem and non arguments.

Stop with the fucking e-celeb drama, and if you must continue it, at least do it with someone with a shred of intelligence, rather than someone who makes videos about games for a fucking living.

Not everybody is that autistic about video games and won't bother with E3 and trailers and other things. I imagine the game is enjoyable enough if you don't play video games that often or aren't familiar with the original games in the series.

It was shit though.

hbomberguy is a total idiot, every single time I see him say something it's vapid nonsense, not to mention he is also insufferable

guy makes alright videos making fun of youtuber commentators and the such, but has shit videogame analysis videos. also hes a bit too smug for my taste


His videos are great tbh. I enjoy his vidya analysis more than his reaction vids, mostly because there's more actual indepth analysis vs easily refuting aut-right bs.
His opinions may be contrarion (SW prequels, nge is least favourate gainax) but I think he's smart enough to atleast express his opinions in a way that allows us to learn.
His analysis of Fallout and Bloodborne were also spot on.

I just want him to produce political videos with more analysis in them compared to the simpler argumentation in the reactions.

I would like to see if he's capable of not acting completely glib for once. He's pretty well read up, but when he actually tries to act serious it always turns into a long, clumsy segment that never really gets anywhere until he pretends to get distracted by something.

We should have a dedicated, cyclical e-celeb thread at this point.

He is the personification of the 'smug liberal' Holla Forums and similar ilk feel ostracized by. The thin veneer of good intend he attempts to erect here and there is transparent and does nothing to distract from his mean spirited cackling at people who are mentally stunted and emotionally broken. People who desperately need help and compassion, rather than further being driven in the pit of self-loathing and/or alienation.
(Glad to get that off my chest.)

That's not to say I don't enjoy his videos. That said, I prefer contra-points in almost every way.

I think Shaun&Jen do the best job of the anti-antiSJW crowd in making their opponents look utterly embarrassing without being mean and condescending.

except that, like it or not, hbomberguy is actually ideologically one of us and Contra is a "muh liberal democracy and free speech" liberal

Contra is a former academic Marxist and still uses an unnecessary amount of jargon re-contextualized for liberalism imho.

t. Stefan

yeah but that doesn't exactly ingratiate him to me

plus I get the feeling he's just too deep into idpol and if he came back a bit he'd be less conflicted and reconsider his liberalism, and it's painful to watch

for an example see his latest "nazi punching" video. literally all the conflict arises from idpol equivocation and moralizing

Stop being so naive.

I don't hate him but he just somehow doesn't come across as very confident. It could be his voice or demeanor or maybe I'm just imagining it but I can't imagine the guy doing well in a debate, for instance

"Help" and "compassion" are invariably weaponized by the existing social order, to the same effect as the lethal injection: what appears only outwardly, to observers, to be a compassionate execution of society's sentence.
But yes, they're as much victims as everybody else.

I think his way of speaking is pretty great and probably partly deliberate. I love seeing some boisterous fascist like Black Pigeon Speaks get schooled by someone who sounds like a meek nerd but has demonstrably all the facts on his side.

I think he would do fine in a debate.

I think you're confusing internet shouting matches with debate.

You can be compassionate without directly interfering. In any case, I do agree: what they need is something more than liberal posturing - that's what went wrong in the first place.

Sissy boy has been more open (and above all eloquent) about their ideology than smug wimp. It wouldn't affect my opinion either way.

These work.

What do you? I seriously don't get what you are trying to convey.