A friend of mine started a project archiving texts from his mom since Trump was elected. insaneracist.mom/
She is basically as brain dead as your average Holla Forums user. I think this is pretty funny. Is anyone else struggling with a family member like this?
Thomas Kelly
How degenerate do you have to be turn against your own mother like that?
Alexander Myers
Family Loyalty is a spook
Ayden Green
Kek. Redpill her on communism
Lucas Stewart
Sorry had my shit posting flag on.
Justin Butler
This.My dad is a nazi,like an actual fascist not meme fascist, I'd kill him in an instant if I had to regardless of the fact I'm his son
Zachary Foster
Bentley Ortiz
Lucas Williams
This looks fake as fuck, sorry.
Mason Bailey
He needs to bash that fash.
Blake Baker
I need some help. My dad sympathized with Richard Spencer when he came on NPR. Said he wasn't a racist for wanting a homeland for the white race.
Sebastian Reyes
His mom literally is mentally ill. I've seen how mentally ill people write text messages, and that's how. Massive walls of text that they literally spent hours pecking away at on their phones. Rambling on and on, unreadable.
In communism, she'd get some fucking mental treatment, not a presidential candidate.
Justin Cooper
Seems fake how she posts like 5 paragraphs at time and you respond with like one sentence. Does she know your a commie?
Nathan Price
I wonder how hot she is. OP, does your friend have a bangable mom, or is she an alcoholic/chainsmoking wreck?
No, just the way it is written is way too real.
Colton Green
Who the fuck would bother to fake thousands of words of that shit?
Camden Turner
ya I had a 100% real convo with my mom the other day too.
Zachary Rogers
Orwell has documented how commies have faked decades of history, so that sort of thing is nothing new.
Parker Gomez
My point is it would take like 30 minutes to write all that an I doubt anyone would actually do that.
Mason Evans
sorry m8, you have autism
Colton Flores
is she cute?
asking for a friend
Liam Foster
Yes, I too can write 8,000 words in 30 minutes.
Luis Reyes
Not 30 minutes but two long for a texting conversation.
Bentley Long
Some people genuinely believe that. My grandmother bitched about someone disavowing his parents because they beat hIm as a child.
Jaxson Gutierrez
This will not generate serious, meaningful discussion.
Ayden King
hurr durr autism meme.
No buddy, your friend pretty clearly has autism. For anyone to write out the things he wrote, even as a fake text conversation, is pretty much a diagnostic criteria for autism all on its own.
Tell him to go outside more. If this shit is actually real, tell him to cut off contact with his mom until she shuts up. No family is worth that.
Mason Campbell
Where do you think you are?
Christian Garcia
holy shit, my parents are the exact same way. They claim I am mentally ill whenever I disagree with them but clearly they are insane since they reject all logic entirely.
Your friend is awesome for doing this project. This shit needs to be seen. Its too real.
Levi Butler
Not Holla Forums that's for sure.
Daniel Jackson
feel sorry for you guys with reactionary parents
Dominic Brown
The anti-federalists were right. Burn the constitution and the government to the ground.
Joseph Hill
do you have to live with them?
Brody Cook
*tips fedora* I could see if he were a shitty dad but come on now user.
Andrew Harris
Easton Price
Zachary Long
What a fag.
Hunter Campbell
identities were redacted don't be such a triggered librul xDDD
Gabriel Peterson
I'd defend my family even if they were fashy, or racist tbh
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with half you retards
Ian Hall
Bentley Price
It's called being a sociopath who will throw his family to the wolves for daring to disagree with him.
Hudson Anderson
mate,the guy told me to not play with the nigger kids and pollacks at school,supports the EDL,goes on about 'deportation camps' to make England for the English again.This isn't some "wow dad won't let me stay up and have cookies,he's literally Hitler" I mean he calls for ethnic genocide
Jaxon Sanchez
If my uncle treats me well and like a person but also having reactionary views that's one thing But if my dad treats me like cheap is a full on Nazi fuck him
James Gonzalez
Angel Bailey
Why would you do this to yourself?
Austin Diaz
Would you defend their fascist and racist views too? This actually has little to do with how they're related tbh, save for seeing their interactions and the condescension that goes on from his mother.
Benjamin Turner
polacks* which is a derogatory term for polish people,although to him all eastern Europeans are polish
David Morgan
You're literally just spooked You should love your parents if they love you and treat you with respect If they don't do either why the he'll should you? Are you all too sheltered to know what parents can be like?
Dylan Thomas
2/10 meme would not recommend.
Connor Garcia
I saw nothing to suggest that the mother in OP's post hated her son. In fact it seemed more like she wanted a better life for him.
Oliver Baker
This is all more proof that child raising is all the more vital being done communally.
Leo Miller
Just because they have some terrible views doesn't mean they don't love you or treat you with respect.
Austin Lee
No I wouldn't, but I'd defend them from being harmed by others.
Julian Fisher
Joseph Thompson
Unironically this.
Once we get the babies out of the test tubes we'll send them straight to the gulagdaycare centers for education.
Easton Perez
This lady isn't being harmed.
Brayden Green
Seriously how many levels of fucking autism do you have to be on to have a conversation like this with your parents?
Colton Taylor
actually she will be when she fucking gets doxxed (which she will)
Juan Adams
Human decency is a spook, user
*tips fedora*
Jeremiah Wright
Carter Harris
I'm talking in general They're identities are kept secret so it's not like he's actually hurting her either
Leo Mitchell
It doesnt even have to be test tubes and daycares just get more then 2 people to be responsible for the well being of a child.
Ethan Harris
Yeah, the best parenting involves three people.
Joshua Garcia
How many levels of spooks are you on?
Eli Robinson
Most people are, I've noticed. Had a parent who kicked the ever loving shit out of me then kicked me out so I was homeless for 6 months. My sisters and acquitances still tell me I should call them once and a while. Shit is ridic. People can be real spooked by family loyalty.
Gavin Fisher
Why is the son's avatar French individual anarchist Albert Libertad?