Howdy y'all. Im yer typical trump supporter. excuse me fer one momnt
adurdurdurdurdurduhduhduh hyuk hyuk hyuk
sorry bout dat, its a lil genetic defect on account dat i's inbred hyuk hyuk hyuk. ya me mom is also muh sister
i hate dem wetbacks n darkies even tho i've never seen one of eother in my lif. i just liv in muh sodomy shed in da back woods hurdurrdurrdoy
Trumps a grat biznessman even tho he failed several and inherited most of his money. he haz alot n dats all i care about hyuk. i donno ethics or economics well doy
ah luv muh gunz. ah collect a buncha them incase da guvment comes 2 takem away even tho the guvment has tankz n drones n nuclear weapons. ima paranoyd schizofrenic tho hyuk
ah thinks im smart for votin trump but i's justa edgy sertherner who thanks tha sauth will raiyse agen hyuck I just wanna own slaves to satisfy muh antisoshal personalaty disorder hurhyuk
Ahy believ that tha young paypol tewday ar all lazy. They all need ta fahsten their bootstraps n work hard w/ their hands! College duhgree? Thats just intellecshual hobblehooey. *collects welfare check in the male*
well i gotta go scream n cermplain at town hall meetins bout issues that i donno about. hyuk.