NAZBOL MACHINE IS BACK IN 2017. Hasta la vista, Sionista! Stalinator Genisys!

NAZBOL MACHINE IS BACK IN 2017. Hasta la vista, Sionista! Stalinator Genisys!
We had to rise from the ashes of our supposed, alleged death once again. Why?

Well, President Trump, a renowned NAZBOL sympthaizer is president now.

who needs hillary and gay jew bernie
What worth do such people have regarding human history, present and the people's progressive future? NONE.

It is our duty to prevent WW3 through international NATIONAL constructive revolutionary Socialism. So this video isn't pure left-wing "entertainment". We have a mission and it's called PEACE of the people!

But first off, being a National Bolshevik really means being a national Leftist / Socialist with revolutionary love and support for one's own class and Nation and with respect for other healthy peoples building strong socialist national communities. It's never wrong to support each other and exchange experiences. It's WRONG not to be proud of one's own People, Class, Nation and Culture. That's why modern anti-patriotic "Leftists" aren't left-wing at all, but tools of present-day Fascism and its capitalist master making movies such as "The Interview". Their warmongering criminal nature is obvious.

But what goes around, comes around. This reactionary "Stormfront" feels very cool as we all know.

And regarding the recent reports from the mass media (for example: "The Interview" trying to ridicule Kim Jong Un or Putin / post-Soviet Russia vs. Ukraine's "right-wing Neo-Nazis" = puppets of capitalist Imperialism just like phony "White (Christian) Nationalism", Bonehead and "New Left" trotskyite scum, or "the capitalist NSA spying on the world" and especially liberal western colonial/puppet states, which were created after WW2 and include phony right-wing and "New Left" fake opponents which also belong to the capitalist system!!!) we can only come to two conclusions:

That the current capitalist world which most people live in is actually worthless, anti-socialist, anti working-class and criminal in nature and that "democracy" and "liberal freedom" are just hypocritical meaningless slogans of the current economic system = the omnipresent class enemy, who now uses totalitarian spying techniques to satisfy his own elitist desires. But only the right (the LEFT socialist) ultimate purpose justifies the means and not the other way around. So it was all a LIE. Who would seriously doubt this fact by now. And of course Hollywood tries to provoke socialist-collectivist States such as North Korea by making movies about them because Capitalism wants post-Soviet Russia + North Korea gone and to a certain degree they hate China, too. The White socialist Systems of Western Europe (especially in Germany) are already gone and were replaced by paid regimes of the so called victors.

And the second conclusion is that the people need to stand up and overcome the current right-wing world as a revolutionary national and socialist front without reactionary antagonisms. The working class and peasantry will play a great role in the future. Because it will be THEM seeing through the lies, the bullsh*t, the injustice, pronouncing the destructive character and manipulative criminality of Capitalism and upper-class power as we can witness since Snowden's discovery. Not EVERY final goal justifies the means. It depends on what your economic and socio-political national and global plans are. And more people will see the worthlessness of puppets of the system such as right-wing "Neo-Nazi" / White Nationalist / Redneck / Stormfront scum keeping the revolutionaries down as the paid idiots they are. Just like the "New Left" and other capitalist-imperialist, anti-socialist fake groups, trotskyite traitors, neo-fascists, Luxemburg falsehoods, religious nutcases etc. which are all phony creations and artificial trash nobody really needs. The TRUTH is not what you see on TV, hear on the radio or read on a phony monitored internet forum. The TRUTH lies within the people itself, in the hearts of the true providers of nations, the working class and peasantry.

The question is not "Totalitarianism or (liberal) democracy". After the "Snowden" case it is clear that there has never been a "western democratic" system whatsoever. The remaining question is "Capitalism or Socialism". An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth as the trotskyite saying goes.

And that's why the National Bolshevik Machine is back in 2017. Because there're other "machines" which are up to mischief and need a "fresh punch" from the one and only iron fist of misjudged, true Socialism as always. Down with Capitalism, Anti-Nationalism ("Good Night White Pride"), reactionary Anti-Socialism ("Good Night Left Side") and Neo-Trotskyism, which are alltogehter coins of the same currency. Maybe Snowden is not a "hero" but he told people what's going on. Thanks for that and HAIL STALIN!

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Is NazBol gang going to be one of the emerging meme's of 2017?
If so I welcome it.


I accept Nazbols just to look at this absurd edgy memery they produce

NazBols produce some of the most stronk meme's comrade.
Same with [email protected]/* */


What do Nazbols do if they're a small part of a popular uprising? Does the popular uprising's goals count as the culture? Do you play along with it or what?

It would probably depend on the goals of the popular uprising tbh. With that said, I'm not a real NazBol. I'm a [email protected]/* */ Nat-Syn.

You poor fucks don't realize that you voted for the biggest jew possible.
Porky Jew.

And he has a love for Israel too, didn't he want to move the UN over there?

praise nazbol

I don't know what it is with nationalist ideologies trying to show off their women to get people to join their cause, but nazbols manage to actually show women that don't look like the offspring of two cousins.

Aren't Straserites in a bit of a funny position due to history? What do you do with white nationalists? Or the radical liberals?

Have you read this comic?

Bump for epic bread. Finally feel welcome on this board tbh.

He's a deutsch/Scottish fag that panders to Jews because they're the only group capable of protecting him from shadow .gov.

name of comic?

Told you about nazbol faggotry leftypol

you reap what you sow

The Horde by Igor Baranko. Another user here got me to read it and it was a beast.


WTF is nazbol?

socialism with fascist characteristics

Authoritarian municipalism.

Nazi here, you guys are the best lefties and the only OK leftism in my ok.

Fight on nazbols bros!

National Bolshevism

Thanks for the bump comrade! No punching a nazbol today!


Communism would happen after all the non-whites are cleansed and the state withers away bro.



Can't be racist if only one race remains m8.

Implying we're not racial realists.

Could be targeted under worse ideologies, famrade.

Lol fuck off nazi. This brown comrade will be the first in your way.

Nazbol not a fascist & racist tentpole…

Yes, the tyranny of a pasty college kid calling you a fucking white male is truly worse than being executed for being haunted in the head.

Well, I'm not doing anything dude. I'm just congratulating the nazbols.

Truly, because nazbols could build a wonderful society, unlike these college kids.

Don't worry fam, we'll make it scenic.

Thanks bro.


Of course I know online nazis do nothing.

Nazis and Nazbols chumming it up. Why do we allow this facade to continue? There is no theory no thought just empty rhetoric and this is coming from a regular leftypol user.

We are an ideology of peace, bro.

We mean harm for nobody!

I don't think taking someone for a scenic helicopter ride is the friendly gesture you think it is, user.

Nazbols learn from the best, I'm sure.

Thanks Nazi-bro.

Remind me, how are you faggots even remotely similar to Socialists?

Thanks Nat soc bro

Racial seperatists, still "racist" but not genocidal

How are larping socdems who are braindead off left-liberal koolaid?

what's with the nazbol infestation here?

Either "reformed" polcucks or stealth polcucks.

I don't know why they're tolerated considering the bullshit they spew seems indistinguishable from Assershit.

We're just here to make fun of rich kid bourgie "reformed" sjw redditors who fancy themselves intelligentsia and present with actual autism who shit up socialism with their crypto-"""progressive""" hypocritical faggotry. So far the results have been enlightening.

Don't make us seem like "dude rational, fuggin sjw's lmao"