What are leftcoms anyway? I thought all communists were left wing

What are leftcoms anyway? I thought all communists were left wing.

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a meme


Biggest cancer on this board IMO inaction is reaction

Constant critics of action, often to a point of ideological fetishism.

They're autists.

they're revisionists

branch of communism that actually reads, basically.

Heavy on theory, light on action. They're mainly focused on 'waiting for the right time' before taking action.

So, you're solution is to beat up those vicious and highly threatening trash cans?

The flag on this board titled leftcom is the logo of the PCd'I, a communist party led by among others Bordiga, which at its height organized over 10 million members to general strikes, political action and political action before getting struck down and illegalized by the Italian fascists. Their political ideology was similar to Leninism, but with many differences and they generally critiqued Lenin's take on his own creation.

Left communism is just a historical term and stands for an opposition faction in the Third International which called itself "the left of communism" (to contrast with what they called "the right of communism") consisting of many various, often entirely separate or contradictory ideologies with themselves, e.g. council communists, Leninists, guild socialists, Marxist syndicalists, etc. and the faction was formed to critique the then leading Bolsheviks post-October revolution. This is why you can never tell what someone's precise ideology is on this board, because left communism is broad and then the confusing flag only refers to a specific party. Ask them and you'll either get this strange Bordigist strand of Leninism, or council communism, or its synthesis, or literally anything.

The only thing consistent with left communists today, or more precisely ultras/ultraleftists, is the following:

They can be a pain because of this and they're often very smug and dismissive, but they're among the better posters and communists on this board and in general because they're well-versed and put effort in their posts.

a middle finger to reformists and leninists

Depends on if you're a Bordiga or a Pancake.
Here's the quick rundown on Bordiga

I find their positive theory in general to be severely lacking, but their critical posts are generally very good, plus they cause butthurt which is good.


Is that the reason why you use that flag, Sorelian fag ?


No I want to form an online group to engage in targeted meme propoganda that doubles as an IRL group for targeted direct action and triples as a study and research group


Seems sensible actually. I disagree about the power of reform. I think it can realistically be used to demonstrate how Bourgeois Democracy can never realistically change anything, thus forcing a mobilisation of the working class. ie. push reform with the express goal of total systemic change until it inevitably breaks and shows itself for what it is.

I agree but I think it's possible to reject bourgeois democracy while using it cynically to prove a point. We just shouldn't waste too many resources or time on it because it's ultimately a dead end.

People who have found out that you can criticize everyone else for not being pure enough in action, while while being safe from criticism yourself by doing nothing.

I think you're right but I'm conflicted. The Left in the west (as a large scale movement) is dead as fuck and even if I was some hardcore accelerationist I see it taking a fairly long time to build any kind of organised party. With that in mind it seems almost cruel to say "Well it's not FULL COMMUNISM so it's worthless". In the strictest sense, that's true, but there's a lot to be said for trying to make life better for the proles in the meantime. I'm not saying anything like some SocDem bullshit, but that in the process of using bourgeois democracy cynically as you say, we can make things at least less garbage for many.
That said, in doing that we run the risk of subverting any actual emancipatory potential there by making things tolerable and thus prolonging capitalism. So I'm conflicted.

We must all struggle against the dustbin menace.

Read Bordiga

Honestly I have no idea. They are two groups of people. The ones who are in full support and the ones who hate them guts. Both will tell you a different story and it is hard to deduct from that what they actually stand for.

I feel that is asking to get subverted by the more naive elements within your party.

I do enjoy this LeftCom/narcho feud.

Best post in thread.

Leftcom is the only instance of "BUT [LEFTCOMMUNISM] HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED, SO YOU CAN'T CRITICIZE US" argument that actually has merit as an argument. If they tried to put it into action they'll see it's just as prone to destruction and co-op as every other ideology. So again they stay safe by not doing anything. Unless "educated" other people so that once they fuck up they can accuse them of doing something wrong.

Anarchists think taking a big hammer and sickle shaped dump in the middle of a crowded shopping mall while shrieking about veganism until security calls their parents is glorious uprising and get salty when leftcoms point out they're just wasting their time or making it worse.


Left communism isn't a unified theory. The Italian left were basically Leninists who were highly critical of the Bolsheviks and the direction the SU took. It's so obvious you don't know what you're talking about.

Gee, I am so surprised.

Right wing communism is best communism.

Gas the judeo-capitalist elite.

And thus they never do anything, thanks for proving my point.

Oh so you do something for once - shitposting. Nice praxis comr8, we're sure to abolish capitalism at this rate! Dumbass.

You guys make no sense

Why the fuck would you call yourself a leftcom nowadays then. To be edgy?

Most of the leftcoms you'll talk to are either council communists or people who are Leninist that agree with Bordiga's criticism of the Bolsheviks. It's just an umbrella term for a disparate group of ideologies.

Oh, just like you anarkiddies, right?

It's a catch-all term for a bunch of different ideologies that all have their own unified theory.

Bordigism is Leninist.

sound p good tbh

We don't.

The term pretty much means, "Communists who disagreed with the Bolsheviks".


Leftcoms live the most progressive and revolutionary NEET lifestyle as they disengage from the struggles of class society, instead enjoying fine works of literature from the work of thinkers like Bordiga. However, this inward reflection is only possible due to their imprisonment in their parents home, much like the imprisonment of Bordiga and Gramsci under fascist rule.


can we get a chat going?

IRC? Discord? with a library channel for bookposting?

Put it somewhere normies can see but give ops to people from Holla Forums

if we make it big enough and outlaw discussing "illegal activities" it can act like a black bloc to centralize and blur our activities

tbh why demonize the "petty bourg" if they would ally themselves with the working class come the revolution? you can't really blame intellectuals or professionals for following their interests through the paths made available to them instead of becoming welders or some traditional working class job.

I'd be interested in this dictatorship of the trolletariat. I also think we should study tech skills like cyber security and maybe coding for "group activities."

Oh, that's rich

Anarchism is unified by several important points and the proponents of the various branches do stuff all the time. What in the fuck are you talking about?

Leftcom just means people who are critical of the USSR from the left, whilst remaining consistently Marxist. It's not a unified tendency and can honestly fit alot of groups under the label. I think said leftcoms do nothing is a bit unfair. Tho you can tell some leftcoms are being very tongue in cheek and exaggerating about it with all the armchair-and-reading posting lately. Could also be shitposters