Leftypol Action Front

So most attempts to have meet-up threads on this board have generally failed. There are probably a number of reasons for this: paranoia about infiltrators, a general lack of desire to commit to IRL action and the thread doesn't get bumped for a while losing all the info shared. This is a problem because action is important to what Holla Forums stands for, meet-ups and praxis need to occur for our movement/s to gain traction. Even if direct action doesn't interest you, it's generally a good idea to get out there and meet like minded people, discuss ideas and just have some plain ol' fun (or commit some cheeky praxis against our capitalist overlords).

In answer to this I have created a shared google doc for people to dump their email and location. This list will provide a handy and constant reference for people to see if any anons are close enough for meet-ups. What happens after this is up to you guys, the list just exists as a permanent resource to get in contact with Holla Forums IRL. Some of you are may not be stoked at the idea of dumping your email into a 'Google Surveillance Datamining Document (TM)' so simply create a new email account. For sensitive email exchanges I would recommend using GPG encryption, I have provided some links that should help get started.


When enough emails have been added, a discussion should be had on where to go from there. Perhaps the creation of a popular front? For now let's commit to start getting out of our armchairs and start getting shit done!

Other urls found in this thread:


The alphabet soup is not even trying anymore

Made a throwaway email and added myself.

What I want to make clear is that there are now two people who are willing to at least try and make this happen, those two email addresses you see, what we are hoping for is that other people will at this stage simply agree to help us by adding an email address and helping to gather others.

The reason for this is because we want as broad a front as possible, which means that what actually happens is up to the group once gathered.

What we are basically doing is calling a general assembly.

If you want to be part of it, add your address and please tell others of the assembly.

I've seen post after post here recently. Something must done. We must tackle the reactionaries, both online and in the streets. For many of you, probably online will be all you feel you can give, that is fine, propaganda is our number one tool. This is best done as an organised force.

Similarly, it is only once we have gathered structure and reach online can we mean to take to the streets on mass.

Right now is the time to seize the reaction to Trump and push it to revolutionary ends.

Our board is growing, that means that people are starting to get it, we have to seize that opportunity and seize the web.

the only problem with this is, will you ever check it?

Yeah I'll check it. And I have to ask, are you that same autist that tried to do this before and wrote that manifestatio?

I am. Does that make you less inclined?

Nah, I'm grateful for your tenacity and the effort you put into this. God knows I'd give up after the first try

I'm gonna mail you just to start the conversation but I will go to sleep very soon after so may not reply after that.

Yo I'm the other user whose email is in the document. I've provided plenty of ways to stay totally anonymous if you choose. You can use a throwaway email and use GPG to encrypt any messages. My point is though, if we are to actively organize we will at some point become known. The more we put ourselves out there (which is necessary to enact real change) the more likely we are to become identified. If you go out and join any leftist group IRL you are probably putting yourself on a watchlist anyway. Hell if you've ever googled anything remotely left-wing you're probably on a watchlist. Be careful obviously but don't let paranoia freeze you in your armchair.

you think we're important enough for COINTELPRO to sneak into a meeting of like 16 of us in a starbucks on a Saturday afternoon?

Since everyone is too autistic to leave their homes, why is their no vanguard of 1337 Holla Forums scriptkiddy hackers?

maybe if we can get their attention then they will come

There's no reason why the Leftypol action front shouldn't include online activities. If there are any hackers in the building pls put ur email down.

bump for interest

Anyone in Vancouver can hit my email up [email protected]/* */

You're a lower paid NSA worker, aren't you?

Make a throwaway email and encrpt your emails if you're so afraid. There's instructions in the document

man would cointelpro really write a 20 page manifesto?

That doesn't have to be part of this, but come on

what does this mean exactly

once we have a decent amount of people we will try and come to a group consensus on exactly what it should mean, what will be effective and how we mean to proceed.

I have several suggestions, but the idea is that we collect all of our ideas and try to come up with an action plan.

Also just to say if you add your email I will probably have emailed you in the next hour so check the account if its a burner

It means leftist theory realised as action. Basically any activity done with the intention of hurting capitalism or spreading class consciousness.

bumpity bump

Yes, you absolutely are.


Not suggesting anything overtly illegal, IMO its necessary but all I'm suggesting is a group of people get together, what they decide to do is what they decide to do. Most likely this will all be legal so it really is of no consequence if they know

What can I time-stamp to gain anons trusts?

Call me when you need a vanguard of Holla Forums porn connoisseurs.

Why haven't mods deleted this obvious fbi thread yet

There are literally instructions for email encryption in the doc. Don't let fear paralyze you in your armchair

Your genitals

Is this the(incomplete, I like to move around light) book collection of cointelpro?

There are now five email addresses on the list. That's five anons willing to at least try. Will you be number six?

Hi, NSA!


Consider me surprised if this should go deeper than putting some antifa stickers on a street lamp and then getting drunk in a bar and being existentialistic

no I intend for well thought out, well organised actions. If you would add your voice you can help stop it from being this.

I want to gather people together and then decide what we should do, by group research and discussion that is explicitly for the purpose of attempting to uncover the ways in which we could be most effective. I expect one of the first points of discussion will be a rigorous examination of tactics and organisation, so we can decide how to proceed from there.

I want to create an environment where we debate in order to create, to come to conclusions, to act on those conclusions

I would even like to consider options like group reading and exercise schedules if people become willing to be that omitted. This is what far right groups do, this is what we are up against. Obviously we aren't there yet, but all of these things can be discussed and properly dealt with.

How many people do even lurk this board roughly?

I can 100% confirm this. I'm compromised and so are most of you, I wouldn't even take my phone with me.

Jesus Christ you paranoid fucker

We should have a leftcom meetup at an armchair bar.

There's always need for that especially 3d latina or bdsm with sub qts

Nice collection.

Color me surprised.

Dubs of truth

what gave you the impression I'm a trot??

Maybe there's none in the premise, but maybe learning these sorts of skills (as well as cyber security) could be part of some learning group or something.

I forgot about the black guy

Enough that there should be one or two of us in most major cities in the west at least.

Take your phone with you where?

Colour you a butthurt leninist who probably dreams about one day joining a van guard but would poo poo a simply gathering of like minded people.

Don't wait up for me.

Just to be clear I have nothing against Leninists per se, but if you are going to be a naysayer you are hardly revolutionary vanguard material are you

jesus christ how compromised

hi FBI

id add my email but there are a lot of radical leftist organizations here to get organized with, so i take it this is more of a US/AUS thread

tbh the more emails on the list the more likely US people will write theirs down, so don't shy away

where are you? Why not be part of more than one?

go ahead and put your email down my dude. you never know who may be lurking and if someone from your area puts their email down then you got yourself a pal. so far I'm the only aussie on the list but hopefully someone will see my country there and be encouraged to participate.

greece. only popular one is the tankie communist party, but i don't agree with many of their views. I do participate in some local uni councils held by trots and anarchists though

like i said, it's not hard to find a leftist in greece. liberal ideology isnt so absolute here, a good 20% or so of uni students are actually genuine radical leftists

massive envy

Based. Sad that the Nazis are growing there tho.

its good because most of these people tend to leave greece afterwards, in a sense greece is breeding radical leftists that immigrate to other european countries

well the nazi loving crowd is mostly uneducated people in the capital.

why is greece so based

please spread greek communism back to anatolia

Well why don't you get some of your greek leftist friends involved, you don't have to tell them its from here, just tell them that this thing is going to happen..Then once it happens you can explain about here

involved in what?

The idea is to get people together to link up and carry out direct action IRL and Online. If we can get even one person from a few major cities to act in co-ordination then we have ourselves a global action network, what actions we take will be the choice of those involved, I'm not here to make decisions for anyone, I just want to gather together like minded people who feel like they have done enough reading and watching and now they want to act

I guess it hasn't materialised just yet but the Leftypol Action Front. The idea was to just have a permanent resource available for people to organise since organisation/meet-up threads are wildly unsuccessful. Once we have enough people interested we could discuss where to go from there but ideally this would become a Holla Forums approved space to organise with fellow anons easily and effectively. We all talk a big game on this site but we gotta actually get out there and start doing shit, even if it's just 'meeting in a Starbucks' it's still better than nothing. There are a lot of people who want to get involved IRL but are disillusioned with their local groups or maybe would just feel better about meeting a fellow Holla Forumsyp. If this idea takes off and the google doc gets enough emails we could finally start getting likeminded people organising on a local and global level involved in larger esoteric projects over the internet and also working in local areas. What will this amount to? I'm not really sure and a lot of people in this thread have already expressed some extreme paranoia despite my inclusion of countermeasures to prevent detection. Despite this I hope that this succeeds because it is very hard to find likeminded people in the same city. The city where I'm from is mostly full of complacent and lazy leftists who care more about infighting and idpol than making a tangible change.

This is basically the main point, we all come here ostensibly because mostly everywhere else sucks and we yearn for something different. We see the world around us and we know it is a massive system of of exploitation run by violence. So why do have to just lurk in the shadows? Why don't we make our voices heard as one?

can you link the manifesto again i didn't get to read it last thread

That manifesto is separate from this, I mean ideally it wouldn't be but I want keep this as broad a front as possible so I don't want to jump in with a manifesto yet, add your email and I'll mail you it fam ;-)

It's a fancy, intellectual way to say "practice." So instead of Theory and Practice, you have Theory and Praxis.

Truly, they are the two wheels of a cart named Revolution.




Jeez louise dude. Did you read any of shit in the OP? I said to use a burner email, I provided links to use email encryption. I know a google doc isn't perfect but it's easy and gets people involved, there's literally 0 risk if you use a throwaway and use GnuPG. I mean I know there's a lot of paranoia on this board about cointelpro but none of us have even started doing anything and the paranoia is at startling levels lmao. My friend who started this with me wrote a 20 page manifesto for gods sake, do you really think he's a fucking suit? I mean how is the left supposed to succeed with this paranoia? Do you honestly think that the FBI or NSA or whatever don't already know that you're a leftist? We live in a surveillance world. If you don't want people knowing that you're a leftist, you really shouldn't own a computer or a phone. You should have never visited this board. You should be fucking /innawoods/. Do you think that the alt-right are this paranoid? Do you think our enemies are this frozen in fear? How are we supposed to achieve anything tangible with shit like this? How are we ever gonna leave our houses with this sorta thinking? Goddamn son chill da fug out.

if they want to investigate you for terrorism they can find the owner of an email without a warrant. burner email means shit. they have your ip

your a fucking suit gtfo this board


Now how bout you suggest a backdoored VPN for us, Mr. "Well-Intentioned"?


PLOT TWIST: The paranoid guys are the real suits

sounds like a shit tier m night shyamalan plot twist

If they want to investigate you for terrorism they don't need some dude in aus email phishing. So if they did trace your burner email back to you, what would they have on you? nothing has happened yet. Is it illegal in USA to just be a leftist or to meet up with other leftists? Actually scratch that it probably is.

He recruited me to help him with this endeavour

With a fake email and GPG it's pretty secure imo. I mean the Rojava lions (used to) recruit using GPG email encryption and people managed to get over there without getting picked up by feds. That shit is way more revolutionary than anything proposed in this thread.

I don't understand. If you guys are this paranoid why do you even post on this board? If the FBI is this dedicated wouldn't they be monitoring IP addresses that visit? All I'm saying is that at some point it's going to become known that you are a radical leftist. If you join a leftist group IRL, if you like a leftist meme on fb, if you order a leftist book to your house and so on. At some point you gotta stop being paranoid. At this point I'm not sure what I'm arguing for since we got like 4 unique emails and now the document is being raided.

I'm beginning to think that or at least think that the people fucking with the doc are Holla Forumsyps since they're talking about meme magic and shit. They've been posting spam into the document for ages now which requires a high level of autism - indicative of Holla Forums.

Plot twist: It was the suits that wore the people!

Without a warrant, by simply saying they wish to investigate you for terrorism, the provider of the email must surrender all records about the email.

even if it is burner they will have IP.

you must further anonymize your connection every time you connect to your email with tor if you want to be safe

mind totally blown

How to Serve Man… It's- It's a cookbook!





Every fuckin time

But that's right though, everybody but trots are FBI

That's where you're wrong my friend. Everyone except nazbols are FBI. I should know: I'm a nazbol.

Exactly what a Fed would say

OP is obviously FBI.
he has been sitting in that google doc now for a couple hours reverting all of the shitposting leftypol has been doing.

No –normal– person would sit there that long reverting changes to documents unless their getting paid for it.

its been getting shitposted with random bytes since it started. Hes only finally started to give up rolling back the shitposting

Sorry…I left my shitposting flag on…this is my real flag…
Ask yourself…Would a fed post with the fed flag? It's so obvious that no fed would be so foolish. Remember kids, only trust a poster with the fed flag.

Anyway since we both know I'm not a fed pls gibme ur email.

This post sounds like a classic example of counter-cointelpro. Since you don't have the fed flag like me I must assume you are cointelpro working against your own agency to make people on this board scared. Surrender your email to me immediately so I can crosscheck errr…. I mean give it to fellow leftists for doxing purposes.

heres a few:
Martin Shkreli, 245 East 40th Street Apt. 18H, New York,New York, [email protected]

[email protected] (Glasgow, UK)
[email protected].(nw suburbs of Chicago)
[email protected] (Fort Meade, Maryland, US)
[email protected] (Vancouver, Canada)
[email protected] (Chicago, US)
[email protected] (Huntsville, Alabama, US)

The first guy on the list is criminal as fuck and happens to have all that information registered to the domain pharmaskeletons.com . the rest are probably fake emails. please refer to google document at top of page

Assuming that the whois query for pharmaskeltons.com returns true information, and shkreli didnt lie about it all when he registered his domain, then I suggest you investigate him before investigating us

Thank you for this information fellow leftist. These people will be anally rap - I mean we will meet up in real life (irl) and commit some violent acts against those darn capitalists. Perchance would any of you fellow leftists want to meet up at my house and discuss terrorist operations? My address is: 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20535, USA. Swing by anytime.

Holy shit, don't even click that gdoc link, they are probably real time looking at IPs that load it.

Well, I tor'ed over to it. There has been a user sitting there on the doc since it was created.

someone started flooding the document with random bytes and the user kept reverting the changes. I think he gave up, or is just waiting for the shitflooding to die down

just to clarify, mr federal agent… that was publically accessable information I posted available to anyone who runs a whois query on the pharmaskeletons.com domain. I have no knowledge of their accuracy, I only suggest you investigate the people who break laws and profit hugely from it before you investigate those who have different ideologies from your own

Tor is trivial for state actors, though they probably don't have too many resources devoted to leftypol. I'd bet any resources they have for domestic terrorism is more focused on stormfags and 8/pol/.

domestic terrorism on imageboards*

stormfags, 8/pol/, and baph*

youd be surprised.
tor is actually extremely resiliant. you can only deanonymize the user if you have the entry node compromised. even then, you cannot view the encrypted communication. Once the traffic has entered the tor network, you are untracable

But it's so simple! All I have to do is divine from what I know of you: are you the sort of man who would wear his own flag or his enemy's? Now, a clever man would use his own flag, because he would know that only a great fool would believe it is sincere. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not assume this to be ironic FBIposting. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not treat you as non-FBI.


Yo listen there pal. I ain't no goddamn snitch you hear me!!!! I ain't no FBI!!!!! I ain't no fuckin snitch!!!! I'm the realest n*gga there is on the whole muthafuckin left-wing!! If I was a fed would I have just googled Bookchin??!! Fuck outta here with dis shit.

That sounds dangerously confident on a technology. You probably already know about this attack on Tor, but if not lookup "tor correlation attack" on ixquick

delicious shitpost m8. I loved the self censorship on "nigga" especially.

But have you read North?

Do you seriously think that isn't just a Holla Forumsyp?

Im an IT uni student.. programming and cyber security.
This is such a difficult attack to execute, you need to control both the entry and exit nodes on the tor network…
I generally get popped out on an exit node in some place like Cameroon or Lithuania…. Granted its possible, its still probably the best option available.

As am I. CS, minor in math and forensics

I agree, just saying it's possible, I'd bet the number of tor node (relay, exit and entry) that are owned by state actors is in the mid-30% range by now. Then you have to consider the amount of intel sharing amoung all of the US's allies.

I don't know, and don't care, but I found it funny

You niggers better watch out, I can factor thousand digit semiprimes in my head

O-of course I have…as a leftypol regular I read many books about theory…to prove I have read it, I will sum up this book in my own words:

The polemical essays in this volume examine the complex interaction between history, philosophy and politics. The author defends historical materialism against contemporary anti-Marxist philosophical tendencies related to the Frankfurt School and postmodernism. Among the topics covered are the irrationalist assault on the traditions of the Enlightenment, the reactionary character of modern utopianism, and the importance of a historically-directed consciousness in the understanding of objective political reality. The book evaluates the work of such neo-utopian theoreticians as Hendrik de Man, Ernst Bloch, Wilhelm Reich, and Herbert Marcuse. Upholding the tradition of Marx, Engels, Plekhanov, Lenin and Trotsky, this work is vital reading for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of classical Marxism. It provides critical insight into the philosophical and political issues separating scientific socialism from the ideological tendencies that influence a wide array of pseudo-left and anti-socialist political movements.

Now I know what you're thinking! No one on this board actually reads! I've got you FBI!! And you're absolutely right about one thing…this is copy pasted from Amazon.com! I've only ever read the first ten pages of Capital before I got bored and fell asleep. Only a true leftist has never read anything!

Holy shit this thread. I feel bad for op, guy seemed to have good intentions

hmm I think that number may be just a tad bit high, but point taken.

good intentioned or not, this is an anonymous image board. people dont necessarily visit an anonymous image board so that they can deanonymize themselves

Truly a hero for our time.

Don't be butthurt you picked a social sciencey degree, like political science or philosophy, and not the shitty STEMlord "true path".

The 30%-ish number was for all state actors. Including Russia and China. I'd even bet the number of entry and exit nodes owned by state actors is higher then the relay nodes as all the normal users only run relays.

This and honestly it very well could be FBI looking to railroad some poor mark into some terrorist charges.

Hey, if you're STEM, your distro reqs are essentially by themselves a libarts degree. When the other guys have to take like one "perspectives in nutrition" or "the physics of music" class and understand precalc, at most.

THREAD THEME: youtube.com/watch?v=KYq90TEdxIE

yes please

yup, STEM.
im going for a straight science degree tho

hey it's op here. I gotta concede that this didn't really work out. i knew that paranoia with giving out personal information, even if it doesn't seem like much, would be an obstacle with this project. there is a tendency on this board to declare any attempt to go beyond the standard chan posting an fbi plot. there were also limitations, the choice of a google doc was a really bad one on my part, it probably contributed to the amount of noided responses by a great deal. i only started this thread because since I started lurking here i would always mention in meet-up threads that I was from brisbane but no one ever responded, this gave me the idea of an easily accessible collection of emails for meet-ups indexed by general location. i guess i thought that there would be some naysayers but enough of you guys would come around to make it worthwhile.

has a good point. people browsing here just wanna post shit with anonymity and i guess i overestimated people's interest in a resource like this. also a public google doc was just begging to be fucked with. so with all that being said i'm gonna close the doc. to the four people who put themselves out there and put their emails down I do appreciate it. i guess i just gotta try harder to find likeminded people in bris. Im not sure what my comrade tonguebox poster thinks about all this as i haven't heard from him for a little bit but we will continue to brainstorm different ideas and hopefully come up with something that will actually work. that being said I have come to the conclusion that this board is not the best environment to try something like this.

I'm not sure if you're taking the piss out of me or not but I'll assume you are just because I feel like internet arguing right now.

When I grad I'll have 20sm hours in math, and 19 sm hours in forensics as well as having a computer forensics focus in my major classes. My wife has a masters in psychology and she would turn a gun on herself before doing half of my minors, let alone my major. I suspect she's smarter then me too. It takes a special kind of autism to want to do what I want to do.

If you really are just well-intentioned, then bronze star for making an attempt.

It will be hard to get a true gathering of leftypols together, especially now that we're #3, pol taking so much interest, and so much unknown on how intelligence will be run by Trump.

Revolutionaries will be more and more skiddish. Hell, I fear putting my name to a SA memberlist. I can see the "red menace" being trumped up (pun intended) again as an issue and a neo-mcarthyism coming.

Currently, I see full speed accelerationism as the only way to any kind of socialism to take hold.

Full speed ahead, number one

i dunno if it was that well-intentioned. i did it mostly because i wanted someone to watch my back when i went out tagging shit and my lefty friends are pussies who won't help me. that was how it started anyway. tonguebox poster also really want someone to do some shit with as i'm sure you saw with the numerous threads. i guess we were both just lonely in a sense which is depressing to admit but it is the reality of the situation in the left.

Hope you're excited for grad school and then doing a post doc!

I am.

If you are a technocrat then there's no way you'd be the Capitan

Enjoy academic life

were all number one with socialism

tbh all the better to start organizing now, while the alphabet soup still has better shit to do than troll internet lefties

With Trump elected as President of the USA our time is ripe. We must build support with the Mexicans whom Trump wants to deport and those that are willing to join the cause. Once Trump starts to try and deport the undocumented Americans we erupt into protests in the streets. Some of us from within the crowd use molotovs and explosives against public infrastructure, capitalist strongholds, and government buildings. The protests turn into riots, the riots into revolution. Canada will join us and Mexico will fall to us once we have control of the USA. Then we liberate South America, and from there the world. The time for revolution is ripe, prepare to kill our oppressors, the rich, the capitalists and their cronies in the government. We will purge the world with fire and death!

This is some truly higher-level trolling.

I have no idea if I agree with you or not. I side on not though, I'm just to tired to think much harder anymore today.

please let this shitposter be telling the truth


The real suit is the one telling you not to add your name and not to act. I've been here, suggesting this, for more than a year now. If you don't know that, then you are the suit or just plain newfag

Every time I try to organise on this board suddenly a poster appears giving all these bullshit reasons why you shouldn't join up and why you shouldn't act. This is the real cointelpro, who is the one telling you not to act? Who is the one telling you to 'disrupt' leftist activism as a leftist?

This guy.

All of these things are reasons to take up the cause, not to run from it

Do shit IRL. Otherwise you're just going to fall into a fed honeypot.

what do you think I am going to suggest people do? Let off bombs? Execute people? No, nothing of the sort. You realize almost every activist group is infiltrated by the feds as a matter of policy. Its part and parcel of activism these days. Unless you plan to do violence it really isn't a problem.

The fact that people unwilling to take part are also extremely willing to tell you not to should be suspicious to you.

We can't do shit IRL unless we have people

So what you are saying is, some Holla Forumsack decided to fuck with the doc to disrupt us and the based AUS OP kept it open on his laptop to check it for new addresses….

come on the amatuer sleuth work is pretty embarrassing.

The excuses for not getting organized are becoming leftcom tier

I've already posted my collection of radical books. What else do you want me to time stamp? Hell, do you want to me go out and take a picture of me doing something illegal? I will go out and do almost whatever you ask me to prove it, provided it isn't something that had a ridiculously high chance of getting caught.

Stop bitching about me being cointelpro and put your money where your mouth is, put the bet on. I will deliver.

or you know I could do something simple like posting my LOL account that registers like 700 wins. Would an FBI agent have played so much LOL?

Post boypussy

if this wasn't a joke and I thought it would help I will do that. I could even post face even you want

Failing that, could a friendly board volunteer perhaps shed some light on my post history to calm the nerves of jittery anons?

Failing that, maybe I should just tell you about myself.

I'm 24, I live in Glasgow. I always knew there was something wrong with how things were, I was some kind of Libertarian Socdem. IKR but w/e. Anyway, around about my third year of university a girl I was madly in love with became violent and abusive. One time she attacked me and I defended myself. This happened a couple of times. I was loathe to call the cops on someone, eventually out of spite she called them on me when I had had enough and physically removed her from the apartment by pushing, she told them I had attacked her and failed to mention all the punches and kicks she had delivered on me. Needless to say the cops didn't even bother to question her about my accusations. I went to prison. I did 240 hours of community service.

I was at university at the time, for one of my classes I had to read Society of the Spectacle. It was in my studying of this book one night at 3 in the morning that I was finally able to wrap my head around this concept of alienation from Labour. Suddenly it was like a light had gone on. all of these other things started making sense. I got more into read radical books, I came across the notion of the owning class. Now that '1%' I was railing against suddenly became something different, it wasn't just that they were rich, it was that they had complete control.

This is two years later, I have chewed through most of the standard anarchist texts and some Marx. I've been researching imperialism, particularly cold war imperialism.

What you have to understand is the girl I loved had a shitty childhood and was extremely fucked up. I don't honestly think she was in control of herself a lot of the time. I think the issues that we had could have been resolved, only the police and courts refused to do anything logical at any point, she repeatedly tried to drop the charges and tell the proper story, they wouldn't allow her to change the statements made, my life was torn apart, I left uni with a substandard degree and basically lost all social contact. The process of waiting for court dates that would then get adjorned and for them to reject my evidence WITHOUT EVEN GOING TO VERIFY IT ONE TIME sent me into a spiral of depression. It got to the point where basically I either pled guilty to assault and got community service and the month or I could take it to trial, but at this point I was already in jail and I was told I could get out in a week if I pled guilty and took the community service or I could wait over a month for a trial date and i would likely get 3 months.

I tried suicide one time but then forced myself to throw up all the pills. In short, the state ruined my life. I was given first hand insight into just how ridiculous a mechanism it is for delivering justice, I was also shown from the inside of a prison exactly how criminals come to be criminals. I was the odd one out, I had a good background. Almost everybody in there came from care as a kid, had mental health issues and was addicted to Valium. The only people that were not like this were the big gangsters or gangster hang ons who sold the drugs,these were the extremely violent people, the only difference is they would do cocaine instead of downers. I was only in for one month but it showed me enough to know that our society is rotten to its very foundations.

I cut myself off from everybody. For about a year all I did was shitpost here and do community service and work in a coffee shop not talking to anyone.

Then I realised, why am I the one sitting in the dark hating myself, why should I continue to be a victim of this mechanism? Why should all these people who have lived in an economic prison their whole lives now stew in a literal prison while the real criminals wear the wigs and put them away?

Why should white man be pitted against black for the profit of the worst scum on earth?

Why should the entire population of earth slave for this same class, toil every day, sweat and bleed, suffer, have strained relationships, stress, sickness, discomfort, while these people live in opulence.

My depression turned into anger and my anger has now turned into the NEED to act and I need you to act with me. Please.


Porky you evil cunt you have fucked us till we don't even have the mutual trust to fight you :(

Buy me a plain ticket to where you live and ensure me I won't get detained as a potential terrorist, and I'll come, user.

the idea is to start little pockets all over the place so we can act together all over the world

and not do terrorism but civil disobedience and direct action

or even such a thing as the organised re-education of Holla Forums through shitposting. We want to attack from as many angles as possible.

I feel for you m8 and I admire your efforts

Honestly I'm just spooked as fuck at talking to anyone in any serious capacity. I can relate but I feel like the leftcoms are right in that there's not much you can do right now. I expect there'll be a serious economic downturn soon which will change that, and hopefully I'll have my shit together by then so you can come chill with me some time and I'll hopefully be able to teach you stuff that will help.

well the google doc in down because some fux fuxxed with it but you can mail [email protected] if you like.

Okay so you can be a purely online member, remember its 'from each according to their ability, too each according to their need' your actions will fit your ability and your own gumption.

The point is that right now I think shit is heating up, when the downturn comes we need to already have an organisational structure in place to act on it, thats why we need to build now, really we should have been building a long time ago. Its 1 minute past midnight.

I think being part of a revolutionary network is good. There might not be much to do which would directly impair porky, but when shit does get real, having like minded contacts for ideological support won't hurt.

I'm off the opinion that the Left's role at the moment is to read and prepare for when things so get bad, so that we have the theory we need to explain to other proles why we're in the situation we're in and what to do about it. That's not to say don't download direct X, just that I don't personally think it's the best tactic ATM.

If I don't forget I'll drop a line later this evening

It's okay, Momentum have been mobilizing thousands of people under the SocDem banner and when they get absolutely shafted that's going to help serve as a recruitment database. Trots are currently trying to infiltrate the party and steal the membership database, according to the media. Although to the media literally everyone is literally Trotsky.

Me and a friend are attempting to recruit other sort of apolitical friends. Friends are immensely more helpful and trustworthy than a hundred randos.

I guess where we disagree is just that I think that time you are talking about has already arrived, I think it arrived a while ago.

We have been woken for a while, now the normies are waking you know shits getting bad. We need to show them how to change it.


It kills me to say it but Corbyn is not the leftist firebrand Britain needs atm if I'm honest he was the final nail of disillusionment in the coffin of my reformism

Haha yeah, it was 2008 and everyone just stood around fingering themselves.
Corbyn could clinch it with all the shit that's going to happen to the Tories before 2020, but the Blairites will probably just shit the entire place up even if he's lucky.
At least he shows that even if there was an alternative, you would never be allowed it.

I think Syria and the Arab Spring kind of threw the world into dissaray and everybody forgot about wall street, then the immigrants hit from that displacement and it was gone forever. Weird how that happens..

Yeah, you might be right. I'm sure our circumstances vary a bit. It seems to me like a large portion of the US population is still sleeping though.

In any event, may Fortune smile upon you, comrade.

thanks fams

wtf i am literally crying right now


National.shitposting.agency is actually affiliated to Holla Forums, as part of the separation deal with Brennan. It is a cock.li domain.

I know. The email address is obviously a joke.

Are you the kid that started the thread about killing the grass at Trump's Aberdeen course? Because that was a pathetic thread and you're pathetic for continuing to try starting "muh direct action" and "muh organizing" on this board. Go out and do shit.
Alternatively: Fuck u fbi

Yes I am what is wrong with that? He is porky numero uno incase you hadn't noticed and people everywhere are denouncing him and attacking him. Not least, Liberals need to be shown the value of action. They are currently on board, everybody wants Nazis punched,lets roll with that.

I do take part in IRL action but the groups in my area are pretty lacking in scope. I want to try and start something fresh. Why can't I do both?

This is exactly what I am trying to achieve? What?

This post pretty much sums of the value of a negative response to this. Either its 'oh you must be FBI' which if you really look at it is kind of ridiculous, and if its not that then its 'what your doing is wrong/useless' yet suggesting nothing constructive to replace it.

Funnily enough, both of these positions allow the interlocutor to remain… inactive.

If you don't think those are appropriate tactics, why don't you join and tell us about it. The whole point is to gather together people who want to act, discuss what is most effective, then carry it out.

I disagree

oh and I was also the guy posting about attacking the homeless spikes in Manchester, which by the way, other people in manchester actually carried out completely independent of me, so I wasn't the only one with the idea, which means people all over are getting these ideas, which means class consciousness is awakening, now is the time. There is only one way to deal with these people, and that is to seize control yourself.

The radical left needs to get themselves in some newspapers. The only way to do that is to BIG AND LOUD AND SAY OUTRAGEOUS SHIT.

We live in the reality TV era. You don't have to be right, you have to create good television, be spooky, put together weird and sinister protests in the dead of night or in broad daylight in public places before disapearing again. Create a state of awareness in the public. Create a constant stream of people opposing the injustices in front of them. That's the end goal. We have to start small by doing things which may inspire other people to carry out such actions.

To be fair placing pillows down isn't really a long term barrier. Someone just moves the pillows.

Reminder to use a payphone in an area you don't frequent to take responsibility and to leave your mobile (pretty much tracking devices) at home.

All I'm saying is suck it up and stop whining on Holla Forums about how much trouble you're having organizing. I promise you, you're never going to find anyone on this board willing to link arms and ramble around Scotland with you on your quest to dismantle the bourgeois. You have to hook up locally to fuck globally. You're just wasting your time trying to organize here…Go out, wheat paste from fliers about a meetup or book circle or action committee or whatever THAT YOU WILL HOST. Find your friends. If you don't have the means or the balls to do that IRL right the fuck now, actually meeting 8channers (which won't happen) isn't going to give you the kick you think you need.

It isn't about me getting a kick, its about them getting a kick.

Yet another liberal press method of destabilising action.

Well if you care so much, what are you doing? Why is creating a local group so much better than creating an online group.

This is all just defeatism, you actually haven't provided a reason why. I have one other user right now who is dedicated. One up and coming. I'm willing to stick at this so I'm certain I can find more.

If you don't want to take part because you think its a waste of time, that's fine, I have to question your motives when you tell other people not to join.

The way I look at it, if there was even a hope of people organising I would support it, even I thought it may come to nothing, because right now we basically have nothing, so we would have lost nothing.

Literally, what do you lose? Time? Time spent doing what? Nothing.

These are all the things I am trying to do, this is the second time you have told me to do things I am actively trying to do.

Just because action isn't going exactly as you imagine it should, does not mean it lacks value.

IN.ANY.CASE. I repeat, I am not the captain of this ship, I'm just trying to find some people to sail it, what happens is not up to me.

SO, if you would like this to go another way, join up and make your case to the other comrades.

are you the Manchester user I was talking to the other day? If you mail me we are discussing an idea I think you will like.

How are you supposed to "take responsibility" for DA, like, is there some established procedure? Call the press and hope they find you "newsworthy"?

Do it in a public place. Or yes, call the press. You realize every major newspaper has a number you can call with a story and email addresses you can mail.

holy fuck dude, you're an amazing person for sharing this

keep trucking fam i believe in you

Bumping this back up for another day of shilling. There are three of us now ready and willing. Doing it through discord atm so email me [email protected] I can tell you more about the idea and we can add you into the chat

and thanks fam

Sent a mail.
Maybe check your spam folder, because reasons.

i mailed you back fams