I gave you a few examples, and i also value personal freedom, something you are clearly against.
Stalin wasnt a communist for many reasons from fascism to what i described, if the people live shitty lives and you tell them to ignore that and feel good about being socialists just like nazis told people to feel good about whites then you arent a communist.
Communism is about the people, the workers, not some rich state governor who enjoys tons of luxuries and tells people how they should be happy with how they are
I gave an example about the logic part which you ignored
Yeah it is pretty logical to remove all personal freedom until you become pic related, that is why it aint communist. People do unhealthy stuff, food, drinks, cigarettes etc, you are advocating a nazi tier society where people cant do unhealthy FUN stuff because it is bad for various reasons.
Especially when the only reason you care is because YOU personally feel disgusted or annoyed by it thus you let your personal feelings control you and make up "arguments" to hide the fact that you are literally do this because of your emotional feelings, so i wouldnt really call it logic. If you didnt mind, you wouldnt care
You think most of major countries will fall to some huge civil war? Because if any actual revolution is to come it will be far bigger towards the people's sides making an equal battle between equal numbers highly unlikely.
And i am 24, still enjoying games and normie games at that
Because certain people who obsess over fitness do it dont expect most people to do the same, whenever it is wasting 1-2 hours of your life or exercising between matches.
You do realize you are telling your brain exercise is good to excuse your wasted time right? People can train their brains to all sorts of autistic things like telling themselves pain is a good thing and enjoy it, and i am not a person who falls for such ideas, i do what i enjoy, and i dont do what i dont enjoy
Yes it is, because you have to put effort on working out, wasted time, which all of it could be spend relaxing on your chair. And eating tasty stuff