Daily News Thread 1/30

Pressure grows on May as a million people sign anti-Trump petition over 'Muslim ban'

A petition calling on a state visit by Donald Trump to be cancelled in the wake of his controversial immigration ban has passed a million signatures.

Consumers lash out at Uber and turn to Lyft after Uber’s immigration response

The backlash came as New York taxi drivers went on strike Saturday and joined a protest at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport against Trump’s order blocking entry to the U.S. by immigrants from select largely Muslim countries, while a tweet from Uber indicated the company had suspended surge pricing, causing some to view the company as seeking to undermine the strike.

(Peter Theil is an investor in Lyft, I think this is important to note in this whole saga.)

Benoît Hamon wins Socialist Party presidential primary in France

In a landslide victory, Benoît Hamon won yesterday’s second round of the ruling Socialist Party’s (PS) primary contest and became the party’s presidential candidate.

Actors Strike Against Video Game Industry Now Second-Longest in SAG History

The 96-day actors strike against selected video game companies is now the second-longest in the history of the Screen Actors Guild, topping the 95-day strike of 1980 that established contract terms for pay TV and videocassettes.

US growth rate lowest in five years

The US economy expanded at its slowest rate for five years in 2016 according to preliminary data issued on Friday. Gross domestic product (GDP) rose by only 1.6 percent in 2016, down from 2.6 percent in 2015, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported.


COUP: Under cover of #muslimban, Bannon throws top general and spy off the National Security Council and installs himself in their stead

While the American public's attention was focused on the thousands of families whose lives were disrupted and even put at risk by Trump's ban on Muslims entering the USA, the US Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were removed from the list of permanent attendees in the President's National Security Council. They were replaced with white nationalist Trump advisor Steve Bannon.

The Zapatista Candidate

By participating in Mexico’s 2018 election, the EZLN can bring its indigenous anticapitalist platform into mainstream politics.

The call center as a site of control and resistance

Instead of seeing call centers as defined only by their technological methods of control and surveillance, they can be understood as a site of struggle and anger.

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thank you OP, I really like these threads

can someone explain why this is to a non american?


They're the most classcucked occupation after all

They're all contract workers and aren't organized like actors. Harder for them to strike.

It's all burning down.



Here's some more on that

There's plenty of programmers out there who aren't contract workers, and they have almost no organizing potential as far as I can tell.

Most of these people think that they're god's gift to humanity and their bosses, that they're the smartest people they know despite being a glorified creative writer, and that their job will never go away, despite the increasing frequency of outsourcing. No matter what happens, they think they will always be able to just move to another job if they don't like their current one and take a 15% pay raise while they do so. Lots of right-libertarians.

I say this as someone who writes PHP for a living: take it from me, most programmers are just spineless bootlickers with big egos who think its fine if they lick the boot as long as they make snarky comments about the person wearing the boot behind their back. Besides, one day, each of them will finally make that killer project or game they all dream of, and wear the boot themselves, trust them, they'll do it someday!

The worst kind of idiot is the useful kind, especially the ones that think they're a paragon of intelligence and wisdom because they got a B on some of their science courses in college. Like 90-95% of programmers that I know fall into that category.

But there wasn't a recession in or after 2011, was there?

I'm talking about in the game industry. In games the majority of programmers working for big developers are on contracts. Those that aren't make good enough money with benefits that organizing doesn't really appeal.

I agree there are a lot of bootlickers though and programmers can see things that way because they're making good money doing something most of them enjoy.

I don't know why the EZLN are bringing their own candidate to the election; it's not very likely that they are going to win.

This is still happening? Maybe you should post this on Holla Forums as well. Should be good for a laugh or two. Maybe even link them here.

And what if they were straight-A students who graduated summa cum laude?

Math fag here, Almost every comp sci major I've meet has greatly over estimate thier knowledge greatly, them and engineers too. Physicist are cool though.

Seriously how much money do they make off of those workers?

Not really news, but an interesting twitter account, claims to be WH staff, they did leak some info that turned out to be true

summary is basically

Lots of fun stuff on that account.

There seems to be a lot of rogue accounts popping up these days. Always watch out for disinfo accounts tho. That's a very putin-esque thing to do.

Yeah, the one thing they're right on for sure, regardless of whether the account is real or not is the white house power struggle
Bannon and Kushner are supposedly running the show now and forcing Pence, Ryan, and Priebus out


this is another interesting one, if correct we'll see stuff relating to China this week

this looks like parody and there isn't much specifics.

I would not be surprised at all if that's true.

Just wanted to pop in and say Thank You to the OP for doing this – Hopefully this will stick and we'll have daily news threads for discussion every day.

It would also support the theory that the GOP tried to remove Trump just prior to the convention, right after the sex tape got released

Anyways, if the account is real and Bannon and Kushner are in charge, we're in for a long and rough 4 years

this is cool. keep doing this

Ok, fair. I focused on the programmer part instead of the contract part. Thinking about how class-cucked my peers are makes me irrational.

Don't matter how many fancy tassels or latin names they give you on your degree: if the summa cum laude graduate can't see why unionizing is good for them, they're getting just as ripped off by their bosses as the guy who graduated with a GPA of 2.0.

It only depends on how long Congressional Republicans are willing to deal with his shit.

This Boycott Starbucks thing is just a shitshow


Well, if they do, that'll be the first time I vote in my life.

Is Starbucks trying to bust unions here?

Physicist here. We're also faggots, but at least most of us know the world is doomed by our stupid choices to be so arrogant.

They really have it out for that company, don't they?

The French left won't be dumb about voting for this clown. I hope they chose Mélenchon instead. Am I delusional?

yeah,following the growth of right wing populism they'll vote le pen

Also, the screenwriting union has always been pretty powerful.

Computer science majors are the worst. They are always autistic as fuck, and never practice proper hygiene. Lots of them become reactionaries because they can't get a girlfriend, when in reality they simply need to bathe and consume less mountain dew and doritos. The CS department was the only place that had a distinctive odor to it.

t. physicist

CS major here.

This is true.
My uni classes where usually like 3/4 obese neck beards that couldn't look you in the eye to talk to you or be asked to wash themselves. Thankfully at my job I work with a cool former east german who knows how to stay in shape and wash his ass.

Not a CS major, but me and a friend with more experience like to work on some pet coding projects over the weekends. Unfortunately, the only language I know is R, so I was thinking I might take a CS class next semester. Would you recommend?

Thats an expensive way to learn what you could get from a text book and some youtube videos tbh. If you can use the credit towards your degrees go for it.

Does the right not understand how boycotts work?



This is laughable hysteria

Is it happening yet?

soon comrade
