What would you do if you couldn't play vidya anymore?

Say you lose your hands in a tragic masturbation accident. What would you then do to occupy your time? I think I'd start swimming more. I swam today and my back is burnt up bad because I didn't use any sunscreen. Apart from that I it was good exercise and I like being able to float around and look at 3DPD's in bathing suits.

I am burnt though. Gordan Ramsay would toss me in the bin before I even made it to the table.

What kind of fish are you?

How could you swim without hands you retard? I know it's not impossible but it would take some dedication. Your life would be fucked and your question is retarded. The only thing you'd have going for you is that it would be easier to ask someone to hire an escort for you to give you a blowjob because you'll soak up as much pitty as you can you handless fuck

I'd make make not-vidya thread or tertiary threads that are barely video games on Holla Forums.

watch old T.V. shows, cartoons, and animu
i could still use my wrist stumps to navigate the internet, though slowly

I think about this stuff alot, but I still can't really come up with an answer.
The human will to live is a horrible thing.

We can wind up in tragic incidents like this, or losing eyesight, or hearing, and even if we do feel pretty shitty about it, I'm sure there's no way we'd be so easy to killing ourselves as we think we'd be.


You can put flippers on your wrists if you HAVE TO. Shit, I was floating well enough on my back and kick swimming around today. I wasn't really using my hands to keep me aloft in the water but good job missing the point either way. I can't see it being a real problem unless you're a flabby fat fuck who can't float.

I think about it occasionally as well. I could manage well enough without arms or legs but I couldn't deal with losing my eyes. Reading, watching shit, sight seeing, art; A lot of my enjoyment is visual. I don't think I could deal with going blind.

I'm starting to get a bit near sighted but I haven't bothered to get glasses yet. I need to though.

Probably poop in a sock and smack myself with it until I starved to death.

No fucking idea, specially considering I also don't know how good/shit hand prostethics are for doing stuff. I could get into writing or something like that if they're good enough.
Now fuck going completely blind, that's something that could actually drive me to suicide.

I don't know ask a fish maybe.

I mean, im good enough in the water to swim with my hands behind my back.

Learn how to play synths and drum machines with my feet and make club music.

I could also learn how to play guitar with my feet; there have been people who were born without arms because their moms took the Morning After pill and one of them could do it whilst being born without arms.

I'm sure you could manage without them then or with the aid of prosthetic flippers.That or you could use floaties. If you're not in a deep pool it doesn't matter for the most part anyway.

Basically, swimming is a lot less complex dexterity wise than games which can require more precise key strokes.

you could always play DDR without any issue :^)

A good point. Prosthetics are getting pretty advanced. You might lose a bit of dexterity but you could get some rudimentary tasks done. If you're okay with hunting and pecking there's one hand that is configurable for that.

As long as my prosthetic hand can grip an onahole I think I'll be okay.

I would kill myself

definitely kill myself, as soon as i can.

some people are born with good luck and are able to enjoy life even if they lack limbs or other body parts, i wasn't.

sage for notvidya.

Stupid fucking thread, come on man. I'd find another hobby, preferably one that doesn't require consumption of money. Is this all that's left in the aggregate creativity of Holla Forums? If X happened to you wut wud u du?

make a more creative thread yourself then


Play on the internet.

Op you retarded faggot

What are you retarded? Losing your hands isn't the end of the world. Forget prosthetics altogether and all the options they open up. You can run, swim, sing, dance, read, play futball (albeit not that well as goalie) and a number of other things. What kind of sad sack imagination do you have?

I would definitely miss my hands and I don't want to lose them but I don't think I would be that eager to die without them.