Leftypol is not brocialist

We are fucking socialist. Not radical liberals like /r/socialism.

Other urls found in this thread:


brocialism is simply an ad hominem.

They're going to be so fucking pissed when we kick their squatting asses out of socialism and into radical liberalism.

So we're not bros?

nah fam


we're bros

We are bros as in brothers, we are not bros as in the normie synonym for chads

dirty brocialist detected

Brocialism is socialism.

Brocialists are socialists that happen to be bros. There's nothing wrong with being a bro, and nothing wrong with bro pride.

Holla Forums is reclaiming this anti-bro slur in favor of bro liberation.

The word doesn't mean shit but a slur made by illiterate Reddit "leftists"

No. Fuck off. That's a terrible idea.

For the huge majority of people the word "bro" carries a positive connotation. It's only autistic internet activists and Clintonite/Blairite journalists who use it as a slur. The people are on our side. Bro liberation NOW

You're trying to take an insult that exists only as an insult, and adopt it, and expect people to suddenly change their opinion. The word means "sexist socialist" and it's a unneeded association.
Almost as bad as alt-left.


Idpol, idpol, idpol everywhere

basically this. If I said "brocialist" to any socialist who isn't involved in autistic internet slapfights about what pronouns to use, they'd take it as a compliment.

it's honestly our fault for engaging the "issue" on their terms as if it was worth discussing at all

who here /TERFalist/

literally no one, get out idpoler


brocialism should just be a small meme for us to laugh at ultra-lib scum, not something we wear as a badge of honor

Is it just r/socialism though? It often seems like Holla Forums is the only place left that prioritises socialism over idpol shit.

Anybody who actually argues that "bro" is inherently an insult is trying to shyster you. Especially if they're talking about reddit specifically. /r/animalsbeingbros and /r/humansbeingbros are both popular, and depict acts of kindness or helpfulness. The people arguing against us appropriating "brocialist" precisely do not want the non-idpol left to be associated with that popular meaning of "bro".

Also, isn't Gurren Lagan The reason 4chan used to use "bro" as a compliment?