How do I know what type of communist I am?
How do I know what type of communist I am?
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When did you last leave the house?
Are you reading a book? Perhaps, say, in a comfortable place to sit?
You'll be first against the wall.
Explain some of your ideas m8.
Well first of all, I believe all anime should be banned.
In all seriousness, I believe in the basic communist principles of a stateless, moneyless, classless society. I envision communes, mutual aid groups, and cooperatives as the main organization of society. These would all be democratically run so as to serve everyone's interests. Again, this shit is basic.
I am a communist not for idealistic reasons but for materialistic reasons, as most Marxists are. I would also say the egoism of Max Stirner and the individualism of Oscar Wilde also helped me decide I was a communist. I don't like the fetishization of factory jobs, poverty and third world countries many communists employ at times, as these are all things I want communism to avoid, especially through automation.
I believe democratic reform should be the first resort in moving us towards communism, but seeing how corrupt "democracy" in countries like America can be, a lot of times violent revolution is necessary. However, if violence gets too extreme people will be alienated from the cause, so violence should be kept to a minimum.
I appreciate the efforts in third world countries to achieve communism, but it doesn't help that much as the rest of the world can and will stop them as quick as possible. I believe America needs to become communist for communism to ever succeed permanently, seeing as it's the capitol of capital.
I am strongly opposed to the authoritarianism and totalitarianism of tankies such as Stalin and Mao because they miss the whole point of communism.
Hopefully I've covered the most important points in determining what type of communist I am.
I love this addition, probably would have made me crack a rib if it was at the end of the post.
Shit you're right. That would have been way funnier. I'm such an idiot.
I forgot to add, I think handing the means of production to the workers is the most important part of communism and should be done before the market is targeted
how do you believe we should achieve communism?
I thought I already explained.
someone should make a communist flowchart
or a communist quiz
no like
how do we get from point a to point communism
you started to explain with your democratic reform stuff but that doesn't tell me a whole lot
Here is the very important piece you are missing
Are you so naive to believe that Mao, Lenin didn't also believe in these things? But where forced to adopt ruthless authoritarianism to survive in the hope that tomorrow would be more free more democratic etc
Sounds like an ancom or anarcho-syndicalist to me.
Sorry that I'm an entryist but how do anarcho-communism and anarcho-syndicalism differ?
means of production belong to the people in unions for syndicalism vs means of production belonging to the people as a whole for ancom and both have labor councils
so the steel union, owns the steel production, the woodworking union, owns the woodworking manufacturing
I'd say I'm more of a syndicalist then.
Then I recommend reading Proudhon and Rudolf Rocker and watching some Noam Chomsky as entry level stuff to get familiar with the ideology.
lenin perhaps
but you'll have to convince me with mao
It's too late for me to do dialectics. Perhaps tomorrow if this thread is still up?
Also, what said
Isn't he a mutualist? I wouldn't say I'm much of a fan of market socialism, except as a transitional state.
The real question is what kind of communist should you be?
the answer is none, you should instead be a communalist
what kind of communist should you be, user?
A proud one.
i-i am proud!
What is communalism and how does it differ from other leftist views?
If you want to rid the world of class, money, and markets you're the right type.
Proudhon is good to read just because he's Anarchism's papa. I'd say the other papa, but then all the Nazbol's get an erection about how he was antisemitic.
How the hell is Asser anarchist?
Not him. Mikhail Bakunin
I assume Kropotkin is worth reading too, correct?
Communalism differs in many ways, but perhaps the most stark difference is it's employment of "libertarian municipalism". Essentially, bookchin believed in a system of popular assemblies operating in the municipal level, and confederating with other municipalities forming a relationship of interdependence and mutualism.
Well I agree with that
yes, especially Mutual Aid
In which books does he mention this? It's very difficult to find functional Bookchin PDFs. Last two I downloaded did not function.
pic related. I think I have the pdf of it somewhere. For now, here's some light reading
Anyways, thanks Holla Forums you've been very helpful to me as a noob tonight. I gotta go to bed tho. 'night everyone, and dream of a communist future!
Are you still alive OP?
If so you're a bad one.
Kind of. Our means of revolution and seizing the means of productions are basically unions, worker co ops and DIY projects since I don't think violent uprisings work as well in the modern day.
Oooh lookie here.
Pierre-Baguette Proudhonhonhon is also anti-semitic tho