How can we redeem leftbook?

How can we redeem leftbook?

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I keep on telling you faggots this, but you just keep on ignoring me.

GO TO ALT-LEFT (the pink and green group) it contains anti-idpol leftists, anarchists and socialists, and has greater debate and less circle jerks

Go to 'MANARCHISTS AND BROCIALISTS UNITED', where there is also good convo.

stop using facebook

You shouldn't have a facebook account.
You shouldn't have made a facebook account.

not worth it, if you're going to use leftbook just use it to rile people up about your issues using their language

for the record I made an anti-idpol post the other day on one of the pages and didn't get banned because I used words other than "idpol". Half this shit is just semantics

I'm not too good with that. I also had no idea what selfcrit is.



What group are these screenshots from? Some “I got banned from idpol-spooked ban-happy teenage-mod leftbook” page?

P.S. That Sophia chick tried to ban me from some leftbook page because I said hating white people was bad praxis. Got accused of being white (I’m brown) and piled-on by a bunch of white “allies” for not self-critting enough. I swear idpol is cointelpro.

These two pages are awful, not because they're anti-idpol, but because they over-emphasize on trying to one up the idpol crowd so much that they just turn into the neckbeard opposition to the legbeards. IMO, the admins from the "De-classcucking memes for commie proles" page have the right approach to idpol: they frequently critique it, but it's not the basis of what the left should be about: actually effecting change and talking about all topics left related.

"Alt-left" and "brocialists and manarchists united" are also awful titles which fall into the same trap the ineffectual aut-rightists fell into: thinking that embracing opposition buzzwords or edgy, different-sounding terms under their banner would change anything about their actual ideology. The alt-right has what now? A dwindling reddit with no activity, their "god emperor" elected (who's cucking them and their ideals every single day in practice) and are the laughing stock of internet politics.

Even their comments are no overrun by idpol liberal fucking retards

What is leftbook?


what da fuck


There is zero potential to improve facebook. They are datamining, they are collaborating with agents, they are spying, they are censoring, and they are blotting out more legitimate and secure networks of communication to the government's delight.

Complete garbage which will never get you anywhere, and can never be redeemed by anyone.

No, we need to stay off fedbook.

Leftist facebook pages.

are "leftists" literally making people perform struggle sessions for being white on fb now

holy shit

it's mostly liberals who thought they are now going to be cooler than their friends.

the vast majority of them are girls between the age of 18 and 23 which is good for me since I met some qts from there being a good idpol guy.

Facebook basically exists as a profit making entity by datamining and then it became an advertisement platform. You literally hand over your information, no questions asked and they target ads to you.

As bourgeois as it gets.

You don't know the half, user.
Not the half. And I am not going to elaborate on it. Idpol dogma has shit up things in ways that don't deserve mention.


pure cancer

thankfully the admins put their real names and full information and identities for all the world to see on nsabook, so when revolution comes they will be shot

didn't know this was 2008

you're a tease user

Shit is so bad, I once saw a newly “radicalized” girl, who had potential to go full lefty, get shat on and banned because she questioned whether saying “All white people should be killed” was OK to say.

A bunch of white idpolers came to the rescue saying shit like, “As a yt person u have no right to tell PoC what they can say.”

Idpol is cointelpro and it has destroyed the possibility of basic leftist discussion, let alone education.

like a comment that is not even inflamatory
guy get banned
get tagged and asked to explain why I liked the comment
have to self critic as in explain in front of everyone why what I did is bad and I'm a bad person
in the process of self criting people gang up on you and rub it in

a SLBOK mod was outed as a rapist a few months ago. toxic idpol culture gives cover for people throwing stones to hide their hands

Their response to it was even worse imo tbh

Dude was already punished and suicidal and they essentially launched a campaign to doxx him and harass him even more

Facebook was also seed funded by Palantir and In-Q-Tel, IIRC, both VC groups heavily connected to the U.S. intel community. The NSA thanks you greatly for improving its face recognition technology and for voluntarily handing over other identifying info that can tie you to your face

elaborate. are there any screens?

yeah the guy was scum, and then it turned out he was scum and they were like 'wrong type of scum!!!' and then completely replicated his shitty behavior

Kek, good. Saves us a bullet and a wall a pock mark.

why does this happen again and again?

best case: people who are heavily invested in idpol have said/done some fucked up shit and this is their way of recompensation

worst case: it's purposeful, and aimed at muddying the water/discrediting

why would you ever subject yourself to this

I didn't I told her to suck my dick and left. but I saw others do it.

One of the same retards in the OP said this in a FB group I'm in.


what about the Asian, black and arab bourgoisie?

Aren't you forgetting someone?

Juuuees r white.


