If Cali and other states separated, would any of you be for or against these states joining Canada?
Would that be better then being it's own country?
If Cali and other states separated, would any of you be for or against these states joining Canada?
Would that be better then being it's own country?
I do not want Calitards and hipster faggot liberals from Portland having any god damn say in Canadian federal politics
Toronto and Vancouver are bad enough
Why would anyone want these silicon valley degenewates in their nation?
Also what the fuck is with Manitoba and Sask in that map
Would never happen as California has approximately the same population and GDP as Canada. Not to mention that the USA would sooner irradiate both than let California leave.
California would not need to join any other country.
Seattlefags can't into maps, I guess.
I'd honestly like this kind of union if it was needed as an opposition to the US when little donnie dumpling wants to play war.
i'd be ok with california joining canada just due to the weather
seriously fuck winter
Calicascadia must become an independent state
That seems rather silly, they should just form their own country. California is the 8th largest economy in the world, it doesn't need Canada.
Don't do it comrades. I know its tempting but you'll only be blasting yourselves eight years into the past. We have the same bullshit neoliberalism except that our leader has the chance to work with Trump. If you don't think he'll sell out as hard as he can, you're are delusional as the Democrats were about Clinton. He'll bend over for Trump so quickly, he'll crack his head on American soil.
That being said, plz come over and save us from this liberal hell, we need the 2017 commie revolution now.
It would be better to split California and demand more seats in the Senate and in the Electoral college that way.
Take New England with you
nigger wtf are you doing
California Über Alles indeed
Why is it that Canada is the only country in the West that seems to be relatively unscathed by the crumbling of liberalism?
i want fuher jerry brown to kill all the uncool nieces. with poison organic gas
Why would you want to destroy Canada and help America?
I think it's because we have laws that make people making false claims accountable.
And there are some hate speech laws that prevent people spreading false claims. This shit applies to both the far left and the far right when you consider other laws regarding this.
tl;dr Canada doesn't use alternative facts anymore because we know Reals > Feels
why would you wanna do something as wonderful as leaving the us only to do something as horrible as joining canada
Calling him iterations of drumpf makes you sound like a faggot and a redditor
One factor is the deep and abiding national cynicism preventing anyone from selling out to the actual pool of centrist voters . Even when the cons took power in 2004 as the Alberta Hick Party, they basically told their own rabid base to fuck off and got really into being the party of common sense and rationality. The libs, our "natural governing party", exist solely to pander to the national mood, waffle, and survive. Even the NDP sold out when they thought it would benefit them. Even though we do have Ezra Levant, Lauren Southern, and other committed reactionaries, nobody actually finds them appealing because we're pathologically reasonable.
That probably comes from the whole functional federation thing. We have to deal with a whole bunch of separate populations - Ontario Anglos, Western Anglos, Quebeckers, Newfies, aboriginals, and immigrants - who should hate each other by rights. Hell, the guy above really hates Toronto and probably feeels like we're not real Canadians. There's no reason that Canada should actually exist - with so many completely opposite interests at work we should have fallen apart or never even happened in the first place. We're only together because the givernment is institutionaly shaped to make it less work to stay in and together. The American states basically exist for blocking and opposing the feds, whereas the provinces exist to mooch, profiteer, and abscond shamelessly from the budget. It's been all about liberal horse-trading and national haggling since the start. Even our independence came about as a cynical deal with the British to cut their costs and get deal with American problems. Look at the recent negotiations over health care funds as another example. That particular sort of cynical liberal reformism is essential to the national character, as much as that exists as a product of history and material conditions.
It's pretty much a whole nation of swing voters who despise each other, but despise the effort of falling apart even more.
Yeah nah.
Seems like heaven
I just moved to Vermont, please do this
Won't happen