Russian leftypol made their video in English now

Is it time to make a popular front with our Leninist shitposting friends from the motherland?

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say hi from me

wow they´re production quality already takes a quite massive literal shit on everyone from here. nice. i welcome the alliance.

They are shitty tankies it seems, but in the name of internationalism this deserves bumbing


They believe Leninism is the best way to go, but they are not simply tankies. Also, they have made educational videos about all ideologies, including "What is anarchism?", see: And these videos, when they stray away from Leninism, are not biased, just informative.

They don't have an imageboard?

Also, I saw a discussion between them and an anarchist on VK, and they completely BTFO the anarchist but by using proper arguments. I didn't see the typical "you are a bourgeois liberal" or w/e type tankie discourse, it was proper debunking of anarchist ideology and it was comprehensive and not inflammatory.

And if that doesn't cement the fact that they are not tankies, their video exaplaining Juche literally says "they are not Marxists, just ethno-nationalists who use communist symbolism and it's practically monarchism".

Well produced, non sectarian internationalist propaganda from the left, wow. Great to see

Can we invite them over for a party?

They hang here sometimes, but not directly affiliated:

Some of our Russian users are a part of them. They got their name from our board, as you can tell, so the two might reach out to each other more directly soon.

Most of Russia is banned from Holla Forums though on their side. Some ISPs neglected to put the ban in place though.

That won't stop them, they can just use a VPN. Also, among Russian youth Opera browser is very popular as of late because they added a completely free VPN service in the browser.

Ah nice, I remember when KC went down and /kc/ started up all the Russians were missing because of it. How many of them are there?

Here or /ussr/ 2ch?

Those American Trumpfags though.

How bad is it? Not been there properly in years.

They are divorced from reality. I get the impression that they're sincere too, but it's impossible to tell.

We should start a leftypol podcast.

Marx bless those crazy Russians. If anyone can bring meme us to communism, they can.

No that doesn't sound like Americans at all. It must be some cutting edge satire.

somebody pls webm the video


idea for a video:
Spencer getting punched and the subsequent energization experienced by the nternet left as Sorelian myth


I'm crying with joy

Damn. That's some quality content. We need to get in touch with these guys.

get a load of this cooperation

I see now someone posted the webm. This is fine if someone just posts the video in non proprietary form, but as far as direct linking to the corporate leviathan known as Alphabet, comrades should know better. Free as in Freedom, don't forget it.

Go ask them yourself, but I don't think they'll do it cuz last time I heard them talk about that punch thing and anti-fascism in general they said it was just childish violent outbursts without any kind of real political merit. At least when they make memes they know it's just about reaching out and fun, unlike antifa people who think they're doing anything but looking stupid and going to jail.

I'm not part of their group, just a Russian Holla Forums lurker who thought I should share it.

Do you speak Russian? And if so, would you be able to help us get in touch with them?

I already do it a bit. I mean, they lurk here sometimes themselves already.

we have to get them to post here, I wouldn't mind if they had a crossboard general for russians

I messaged them right now on the VK admins group.

Based Leninists.

Unite us


10/10 comrade.

Is there a poll to show their ideologies ?

I suspect most of them are either MLs or Leninists.

are they from here or somewhere else?

If they didn't know about us before they will now.