tell me again why Trump is bad?
Telling a 2004 Democrat about Trump
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We're not liberals, we're not Democucks and we're not Hillary supporters.
now go back to Holla Forums
you didn't read the posts
Why would anyone want to read your leader worship?
Give me a summary.
thought the OP was neat and applies here anyway, seeing as so many people on this board don't like trump
What does that mean? Why should I care? Which policies in particular?
Hitler wasn't a capitalist. He was very much keen on making a welfare state and doing it better than Bismark.
didn't Chumpsky vote for Clinton?
Sadly yes. Everyone is permitted one or two mistakes in his life.
He basically invented privatization.
read the post
He is head of the largest Capitalist superpower the world has ever seen, he does not intend to dismantle this state of even to use that state to dismantle capitalism. Therefore he is definitely not good.
If he wasn't a capitalist then why did he model his entire economy around fractional reserve currency just by another name: MEFO bills?
Trump having some sensible policies and sometimes saying things connected with reality doesn't make him "good".
He was a meme and at best an overton window pusher. He was never anything more than a socdem Keynesian.
He would have been several times better than Binton or Slump however
Because he is a fucking porky.
Lurk more, faggot.
OP forgets to mention the background of said president. Talk is cheap and it is doubtful if Trump will actually give a shit to fulfill his campaign promises
so were Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Castro
Isn't China the largest Capitalist superpower?
In terms of economy yeh, but the US still spends waaay more on its military, so its a tough one.
My guess is that endless troop numbers and a militarisation of the Chinese economy + the allegiance of most of the third world would see China win quite comfortably although it would prob turn into a Nuke fest or a new cold war with covert coups and such
rlly makes u think
Wow, you even fell for that piece of propaganda.
Trump wants to privatize our infrastructure, and he was interested in putting out some money as a sort of subsidy as an incentive to porkies to buy up leases on roads and bridges the government would be selling.
You must be next-level gullible if you actually bought Trump's blatantly two-faced attempt to re-frame privatization as some sort of New Deal infrastructure project.
His stances on global warming are rather concerning
If anyone wants to oppose trump, read this PDF. He will not divide us!
PDF thanks to:
majority to reshape America in his own racist, authoritarian, and corrupt image.
Honestly this sentence was so cringy and liberal I probably wont read the rest unless there is a good reason.
Socialism and capitalism don't mix. The workers either own and control the means of production or they don't.
Man all these newfag Holla Forumstards who have no idea about communism or its leaders
Honestly, there is nothing more stupid than a Trump supporter who believes Trump is good outside the accelerationist perspective
suck my dick
Yeah, but the accelerationists and Nazbols here openly admitted to voting Trump.
Goddamn stop posting this.
Holla Forums threads should get used to it tbh, they are so silly, might as well be used for quality art
That's better. Just stop it with the weird fetish shit ones.
Hello upper middle class undergrad
p much this. with how fucking skewed the media have made the popular concept of the political spectrum, i dont think the public will ever realize that liberals are actually right wing.
Well, he's supposedly going to be doing something with the fucking liars at the EPA at least.
Stalin and Mao grew up poor as fuck lol
Castro technically was born to a rich family but he was a bastard and grew up living with the practical slaves that worked on his father's plantation. Then he got shipped off to live at a religious school.
Lenin was from a fairly wealthy family but he literally spent most of his adult life in poverty due to his exile and revolutionary activity.
We are not "progressives", you retarded burger, we don't care about your meme issues