What's the deal with Rebel Absurdity? I really like his videos but I've heard a lot of weird rumors about him...

What's the deal with Rebel Absurdity? I really like his videos but I've heard a lot of weird rumors about him, like that he shitposts as an anfem and that he's mentally insane. What's true, what isn't? Also, what's his deal with Christianity?

Other urls found in this thread:


He's a Gnostic anarcho-monarchist now. He posts on /liberty/.

I'm sorry, what?

and I thought I was a hipster for being a socialist

Rebel is the latest book he has read, he has no identity, he only absorbs.

What the actual fuck ?

Rebel is actually a Tzimisce. Don't ask me how I know.

It's a totally real, coherent ideology and not a meme. It even has a flag.


he's unstable

there's something to be said for people whose ideology develops the more they read but this guy just absorbs and becomes in an endless cycles


Proofs ?

I thought he was a keynesian socdem

Fuck off and kys rebel, nobody here likes you. Nobody here likes you, you are waste of oxygen. Did you think people will not know who are you if you use lefcom flag, eh? This thread is nice example of shit tier threads you are constantly making.

He's alcoholic


Him buying into the benevolent dictator meme, coupled with his Christian spooks turned him into a monarchist.

First he was a marxist, then a keynesian, then an anarchist, now I think he's a post-keynesian, although he may have moved past that since I last checked

His ideology is that of whatever book he last skimmed the sparknotes for to get internet clever-clogs points

It's a retarded meme ideology where it's an anarchist society, but has a "royal family" that has no real legal power. They're a mascot, basically.



Who is AW?

A Marxist who used to frequent in this board, a namefag also.

A pretentious shitposting faggot that memorizes lines from books he doesn't understand.

not a marxist. he likes hegel and thinks that in the future we'll have socialism for machines but eternal capitalism for people. basically he's retarded.


Rebel is that you?

I like Rebel.
He has some rather odd ideas, but he is a pretty decent guy; Shame about the weight however.

At any-rate, he is far better then 'No Books' Muke.

I don't think rebel was ever a Marxist, he did calim to have read Capital though, but I could be wrong. And I think he began with anarchism in the first place.

He is cancerous and constantly tries to get you to be inactive. Hump and dump.

This. He's a narcissistic attention-whore, the worst excesses of the Holla Forums e-celeb coalesced into one being and then shamelessly stripped out of the context of leftist politics altogether.

Who cares? There's more than enough to resent without muddying the issue into some tabloid press.
He actually believes that crap, the absolute madman!


Excuse me, I'm trans-monarcho-capitalist

the guy stopped tripfagging, so let him be

Yeah, he did.

Now he's a she called Hoochie Minh

He didn't, he just stopped posting.

A pseudo intellectual lolcow whom gets chased off this board most of the time he comes to post here.

Rebel pisses A.W. off, so I like him.

One idiot scaring another idiot is not cause for celebration.

Hard to say which one of them is worse, no, they're both worse!

I don't like neither of them but I do like this

So basically a constitutional monarchy but ancap

hahaha fuck off bunkertard, in addition to no one liking rebel, no one likes the rest of your shitty circlejerk

rebel detected

He use to be cool, now he's kind of smug and annoying. I think reading Kierkegaard broke his mind, honestly.

Rebel puts a public face to the board and all his "bright ideas" involve you looking into leftist movements and thinkers that will make you inactive and unrevolutionary…. Hmmm

A what?

Either that, or those like Kierkegaard with no palpable relevance to leftism whatsoever
Autistic Waste isn't much better

So, when you work as a butcher and the worker safety regulations tell you that the floortiles need to be slip-resistant and the food safety regulations tell you tiles must be the other type, just tell yourself that the state is the collective self-consciousness and rational will of a people.

I guess state borders mean that there are drastic genetic differences that result in different collective wills or something like that, and whenever borders change, that must be in correspondence with genetic changes that happen in some areas of one country that make their population more similar to the neighbor country, which is why that area then will be absorbed by the neighbor country. And, uuuuh, if people in that area don't want to join the other country even though they have genetically changed so that they become part of the will of that country as is proven by being absorbed by that country, that is because they, hmmm, maybe it's because they aren't even conscious yet of what their real will is. Which is why you need expert philosopher kings to tell them what they really want. Yeah. Perfect.

Now that A.W. is gone, who will tell me what I really want :/

Oh look!
I found Prickly Autism!

Rebel does not use my trip.

Also, he hates it when people bring up his weight; So that is not something he would do.

Should we all pick an ideology and just plug our ears to literally any other ideas we're faced with?

I'm just naturally suspicious of anyone who pleads for inaction or tells you to believe things that might comfort you out of it. He has said multiple times he thinks communism wont work for 80's years. When he would talk about theory he would make constant appeals to automation and technology rather than to workers action or policies. He generally seems to be anti action towards making workers more independent from bosses. He said Corbyn will hurt the "middle" class. The fact that someone even falls for the middle class meme is sad.

He is the one christian who manages to have zero passion or zeal for any causes, I've ever seen. Remarkably boring thinker who wants you to radically do nothing while capitalists rape the planet and he comforts himself with revolution deterred philosophies like post-leftism and post Keynesian shit. He is a complacent liberal in theorist clothing.

>In Hegel, writes Marx, “The sole interest is in rediscovering ‘the idea’ pure and simple, the ‘logical idea,’ in every element, whether of the state or of nature, and the actual subjects, in this case the ‘political constitution,’ come to be nothing but their mere names, so that all that we have is the appearance of real understanding. They are and remain uncomprehended, because they are not grasped in their specific character ” (Volume 3, p. 12. Emphasis mine).

Where are da proofz?

The proof is in the eating of the asshole pudding.

Not a proof!

He told me he wanted to subvert the Holla Forums to nihilism in the dubtrack.
Of course it was a joke at that point, but it was self-conscious satire on how he didn't care for leftism and would much rather discuss irrelevant philosophy on Holla Forums.
pics related are your proofs. He changed his name at a certain point to lingualmusic for some reason, but you can still see one of the images where it says he's the creator of the dubtrack, which he still is.

Rebel kinda just lost it and burned every bridge he had here for some reason then just kept devolving into different more obscure ideologies every couple weeks.

Uh oh.



we gotta find our boy ;_;

That burn redeems him in my eyes.

He left the dubtrack for a while now I think.

This image was from when he was drunkposting on leftypol. He basically got a classic aspergers meltdown, fueled by alcohol and attentionwhoring.
He didn't do it, of course.

Is he fat or thin?

It was a meme that he's fat, but he's not really. Pic related

Ehh I'm really not proud of that drunken spurge out against Rebel from a couple months ago.

Great thread though.

Please do a content-cop-style hit-piece video on Rebel, it would make my day



You know, as much as we shit on muke for not reading, I would totally be friends with Muke.
Would play warhammer with.

Rebel no need to be ashamed of your weight, lad.

ive met him in real life a couple times and he's actually really nice, and the "not reading" thing really is a meme

at a rally he was talking to some trots and was getting some bretti gud theory discussion going with them while i basically watched

i just wish the eternal muke/rebel drama would end, block each other on twitter or something ugh

do it faggot i double triple dare you

I'd actually love to but off of Holla Forums the support for rebel is too strong.

Plus it would seem like I'm just bringing up stupid drama for views.

because it would be

the second link was meant to be for

no way


No, A.W. is still shit.

If Rebel and Muke are both shit, who are some actually good Leftist channels?

Muke isn't shit though.

Sargon of akkad

Muke is actually pretty good tbh

For more leftist shit though, just look at the sub-box and related-channels boxes on the right of his channel page


Badmouse is probably making the best leftist videos on youtube right now.



Basically this at this point at least kind of has some self awareness, but Rebel is just pure cancer that doesn't know he's pure cancer though he's not on this board right now because his college Internet banned Holla Forums so thank God for that. I'll admit though his "fall" was kind of tragic for me because I thought his videos were pretty good the first few times I saw and the first few times I hung out with him I thought he was a pretty cool guy, but overtime I really got to start knowing and well let's just say that his head progressively farther up his ass and he just became worst and worst person who couldn't stand the slightest bit of criticism. Hell I remember once in Dubtrack I said that "I feel bad for Rebel, but he has bought a good amount of hate on himself" and "if he doesn't change he's going to be his own down fall" and even people who liked him in the chat agreed with me which is pretty fucking sad if you think about that. I don't really have much empathy for him now because in the end he did it to himself and he didn't change at all and ignored all criticism so I can't feel too bad for him. So it's not my fault he destroyed his brain with Drugs and alcohol.

Actually Muke Rebel tripfags on the /lit/ board of 4chan and they hate fucking hate Rebel a lot too. So you might get some support from them also if you make a video about him.

muke isn't shit!! i like him ok!!!!

but uh..i have a channel youtube.com/channel/UCvSxr2itY1QChBxHzsP98rw/videos

muke taught me to pirate vegas recently so at the moment i'm just making experimental little shitposts to learn my way around editing, and once i've done that i'll probably start making some serious content

Muke is fine. He's not the next Engels, but he's fine.

I've seen some of his stuff. It's decent.

Gib boypuscci

By that you totally mean I'm the next Marx instead, r-right?


Muke try reading. ^_^

*at least Muke has some kind of self awarness


Try making an original joke

What drugs has he been doing?

Reading this almost does make me sad. I almost miss hanging out with him on the bunkerchan IRC, and having another youtuber around the same size as me was nice for a lot of reasons too. Idk why though but over time our conversations just got more bitter or our debates more heated and personal. It also didnt help that he could not for the life of him take any banter that everyone got on the IRC.

But at the same time you're right that he bought it upon himself, so watcha gonna do. A content-cop video could be a lot of fun.

Nothing, he just pretends he does drugs to pose

Just like how he used to make regular threads on here claiming to be "ssooooo drubnk guisye ::;:69🍀🍀🍀)^🍀🍀🍀"

It's all a part of his act which people have gotten wise to, and now he feels the only way he can one-up himself is by pretending to do progressively more and more stupid shit

It's the flipside of being a professional provocateur - eventually people get bored of your antics



that's a pretty common thing among people from south-east england, especially the middle/lower class (bourgs generally speak RP)

not muke btw


Oh yeah, I know it's common. It's just always funny to me, since only little kids talk like that in the US

it's not the same as when kids do it though - it's not a speech impediment

it's just a local dialect thing

most people in professional situations will put on the "proper" pronunciation

On top of every other criticism I've laid out, I'll also state that existentialists are bad bedfellows in any movement. Individualism doesn't bode well for group cohesion and tepidly agonizing over every stupid decision you make and worrying about authenticity and or spiritual enlightenment were what killed leftism in the 60's on top of the people who literally died because of the feds/wars.

If Rebel changes his opinions so often, how has his Youtube account been so consistent? I've dealt with him before, and I know how unpleasant he can be, but the whole "he changes his ideology every day" thing seems a bit unfounded.

if you look at the dates of his videos, he uploaded the majority of the videos on his channel in the space of about a month

No, I gotcha
It's just a different set of learned associations that make it funny

Was Pierre right?

"post-Keynesian" isn't a political ideology, it just tells us how a market economy works, it doesn't necessarily tell us in what way one would want to structure a market economy (or even have one at all)

of course with that being said, obviously understanding how a market economy works might make you gravitate toward certain ideologies (you'd more likely be a socdem than a neolib or libertarian for example) but you can still understand how a market economy works while rejecting having one altogether, for example

sargon is just a social liberal tbh

I'd say Jim Profit but he's been gone for awhile as far as I know.

Is &t=2s some kind of abstract avatarfagging you're trying to do?

no. I'm a different christcom. I liked rebel until he went on this new anti-socialist kick. I think it started with his thing for post-keynesianism. He started becoming marksoc and now he just hangs out with ancaps and Sargon of Akkad. Anyways, both Rebel and AW are no longer socialists. Such is the behavior one can expect from namefags.

Jesus was the best commie.

but rebel is mean to muke. Muke means well and is trying to learn.

Ironically enough, it's the behavior of edgy kids with "communist phases" who manage not to read a word of theory through their overbearing focus on aesthetics, too. Hmmm…
Come, now! At best he was a form of utopian socialist. All pre-capitalist theoreticians suffer from certain, clear limitations.
And the social views of the historical figure have very little to do with the question of his divinity, or existence of the Abrahamic god in general, I should think.

I've been watching too much muke


You know he's related to Milo, right?

Hey guys remember that time that Rebel started sperging about Tankies in the dubtrack room and started acting like an emotional little bitch because he couldn't deal with the fact there are people who disagree with him?

those really small ones run by Holla Forums posters

Chairman Roo>>>>>>>>Muke>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Redpill Absurdity>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AW

A.W. is the Hegel of our times

Mostly in the sense that he's an obnoxious faggot that likes to pretend he's smart by using big boy words. Not so much in the good philosophy.

I forgot how much Rebel gets triggered by zippocat. Someone should play him some Doom music over it and then he'll appreciate it.