The dialectic. It is in motion.
Trump is creating the largest oppositional movement this country has seen in 50 years
George Soros, you mean.
It's fukken liberals, though.
muh jewspiracy
muh everyone who doesn't like me is a paid shill
This is actually a very bad thing.
for now
The Women's March doesn't count.
The airport protests were not funded by Soros. They were entirely organic.
Not all. And not for much longer.
Are you all cucks? Genuinely curious.
Fuck off, shitstain.
Islam has no country you're right every Muslim majority country should be banned and hermetically sealed.
They're liberals. If anything, Trump made it impossible to ever be anything else in opposition.
Fuck off, shitstain.
Reminder that you should trigger the fuck out of nazis when you can't punch them
Why do you want more Muslims here?
To hasten the destruction of Babylon.
BLACKED is overproduced garbage, dogfart is better because they still treat the black actors as dumb subhuman animals (closer to life)
I should have known.
That's cool, can't wait until I'm watching LiveLeak clips of them beheading all of you purple haired trans degenerates.
Oh man this is fun
thanks for sharing your discerning taste in interracial pornography
How do you think they found slave ray? I'd honestly run a study to figure out how sexual insecurity motivates fascism.
Only a Holla Forumslack would have so much interracial porn
We oppose idpol of all sorts here, fam. Lurk more
This is just sad.
Friendly reminder that the Muslim ban story is to distract you from the fact that Trump put Bannon on the National Security Council and made it so the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff are no longer automatic principals on the committee.
This is fantastic.
For one thing, it proves accelerationism is right.
It also disproves Chomsky and his fetish for muh progress muh social democracy will radicalize everyone.
It's all idpol bullshit. We're closer to Trump than fucking liberals right now when I had to speak with one they unironically supported TPP just because Trump was against it and Hillary was for it.
user I have some bad news
You are the liberal. You play with advocates and devils.
blacked is owned by a jew and it operates at a loss. It's also highly produced compared to pretty much all other pornography which really raises some questions on the motivations behind it.
Besides that I struggle to understand how anyone could see cuckholding porn as anything but destructive for their society. Even Mao and Stalin were against such things!!!
the black penis is beautiful
accept it
Not my comrades. I'd side with the Trumpists before I'd side with these fucks.
I wouldn't side with the liberals I would just side with the liberals.
soros was an active anti-communist, dipshit
Ya I don't think it will trigger them since if the mod team went down we would be flooded in cuckporn. That's always how they try to spread their propaganda and colonize boards is by flooding it with cuck porn initially.
Ah, but userβ Hillary was against TPP :^)
Those trips are not incorrect.
substantiate any of this without an image
tpp being bad for america is kind of a meme tbh
If the cuckporn drives off nazi shitposters then drown me in it
also this. The fash is consolidating power.
Ai'm gonn a go jag onf to some black ebnis naw
I think you misunderstood fam they are the ones who spread it. It's a well-known tactic of "swarmfront" online tactics for sometime. It's like a 101 tactic for them when it comes to "redpilling" normies. It wont work at driving off Nazi shitposters because they are the main posters of that garbage on chans however if you do have to post NSFW pictures, I'd say pictures of dead fascists work the best :^)
not surprising
Really magnetizes my melons.
please dont fetishize or spread images of abusive behavior for bizzare and detached political reasons.
You are about as oppressed as the women who have to deal with you, especially your mother
How would we defeat the police state in place though? The figures of authority are pro-trump?
Iβ¦what? I realize fascism is a meme ideology but wouldn't cuckolding porn drives normies away?
A classic
if you can't socialize better than people you consider actual subhumans, not even enough to get laid even once, the human race is better off weeding you out
Holla Forums loves cuck porn m8. didn't you listen to the nazi who clearly has a refined taste in it?
Yeah, but you're saying it redpills normies.
Why are you so sure I haven't gotten laid? Maybe I've even fucked mulattos and Brazilian mestizas for all you know.
The eradication of the white race is a systemic, structural problem not an individual one.
No. Bigger protests happened under Bush and all we got was Obama.
Nothing is going to happen. They don't even have demands
It's literally nothing
then stop contributing to it cuck
t.Tom Metzger
It's only been 8 days man. Trump is now more than just a man, he is a symbol for everything the proletariat hates. Wait till the economy eventually crashes or when his hawkish cabinet and congress get us into war. There is real opportunity for a leftist revolution.
people who get laid don't spend a lot of time worrying about everyone else's sex lives
No. Because they usually either false-flag post it or couple it with inflammatory rhetoric to raise tensions.
They shitpost it chronically to try to get cuckold porn associated with their political opponents, jews, and voluntary unions between people of different races. It's a gas-lighting tactic, you get people to associate cuckold porn with certain things and to view it in certain ways then once they've drawn the right correlations you use that to frame your own worldview as legitimate.
For instance, it'll go
It's not so different from when groups like this deliberately incited racial tensions IRL prior to the internet to recruit or when they burned the Reichstag tbh
I thought communists hate marketing of all forms. Why do you suddenly like marketing that encourages miscegenation?
Something ain't right. Lot of cognitive dissonance on the left. Always trying to eat at two tables.
Ah. OK. Dead fash it is.
don't you ever shut up
why don't you try spreading those aryan genes you fucking ghost pale albino neet shit
ay m8
imagine being cucked so hard by shitty market ideals that even concepts like "communicating a concept" is thought of as marketing
I'm paying child support for a quadroon daughter, i love her but her mother is a bitch.
Honestly, I'd rather all pornography that isn't made by private consenting individuals for personal use be banned.
Even in his fantasies he's bitching about family court
This is good. To bad you didn't get any (you)s. It's good though. Post it again later.
So why are you so happy to ally with people that literally want to murder your daughter?
Look man, I hope you're trolling. But just incase you're not, it sucks that you got cucked by your wife but you do realize you are simply projecting by subscribing to a shitty and hateful ideology.
Thank you Comrade marinus, the 60 million dead in Europe will forever sing your praise in paradise.
I don't see it that way. More like Europe is being legit colonized the way Africa and the Americas were in the 19th century. It's not gonna end well I simply consider myself ahead of the curve for acknowledging it.
You're probably shitposting lad. But if you're really interested in this look up Benjamin Carter Hett's book Burning the Reichstag: An Investigation into the Third Reich's Enduring Mystery I came away convinced that it was not physically possible for Marinus to have set that fire.
For instance the oak paneling used in the reichstag was flame-retardant, it wasn't possible for it to catch fire and cause an explosion in the plenum within the hour that he set it using a t-shirt and a firefighter. It had to be set using some sort of liquid fuel or other incendiary which was not discovered.
There's a lot more evidence backing the view that the Nazis did it themselves besides that if you think I'm just going the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" route.
meant for this poster
I'm pretty sure he's actually saying ex is half black, given it was in response to "why aren't you spreading your aryan genes."
In fairness he's one of the few people to take things to their logical conclusion of "fuck it let's join the winning team."
If whites are superior but the system is stacked in favor of nonwhites like Holla Forums supposes you should totally want mutt kids that can take advantage of the system while also coming from superior white stock.
Didn't US invade Iraq twice within last 40 years? 1984-pedia says it was 4,497 U.S soldiers in second invasion alone.
I think it means terror in the united states in that case? Banning Iraqis from entering the US isn't exactly going to do anything about Americans in Iraqβ¦
Reminder this list comes from
which was created by the Obama administration
Ain't this list of countries the same one that the us military wanted to invade after 9/11? I think I remember Jimmy Dore talking about it once.
they mean domestically. how shitty do you have to be to count self defense against them in their own homes
Well, they should've clarified. As is it looks a bit fishy.
Average American levels would suffice.
I wish that were true user.
She was a qt
Yes yes I am you fascist peace of shit
this makes the communist happy
lol Holla Forumstards are always hilarious when you realize they are taking themselves seriously and think this is as brainless as Holla Forums to take them seriously
The 60s had a vastly more militant protest movement, and things just got worse. And in anycase, protesting can't do do anything on a theoretical level.
i agree
protesting is a spook
i agree
taking Holla Forums seriously is just a spook
yeah what this guy said
not sexually repressed, yeah, i agree with you
the dangers of trying to pass off as well read but only knowing badly understood memes
relax your sphincter up bro, i'm just saying hardcore conservatives also don't get laid enough because of how repressed they are and so they don't provide a counterpoint
i'll ease off on the sarcasm if it sets you off that badly i guess
Hmm, does anyone else find it disconcerting that progressives are increasingly looking towards Silicon Valley to 'speak out'. Is this how Zuckerberg makes a run for the White House?
dont step on me, spookster
im the fucking best
how about you state something to me
state me something
just make a statement to me
state it like it means something, put all of your vocabulary on it.
that's your problem right there. "progressive" is just a code word for edgy liberal or embarrassed socialist. These are definitely the former, and the latter need to be slapped anyway
Liberals are retarded and have no idea what the fuck they're doing, more news at 11
Actually, protesting is a safety valve against a real opposition movement forming.
i want you to disagree with me
i don't think we should disagree
Several US state legislatures are attempting to effectively ban protest, the idiots.
who knows, it's probably about sex though
You say that now. But this time is different. The world has never been this unstable since the WW2 era. Shit will hit the fan.
Who am i to convince you
the streets got to be littered in liberal blood
it was never different
this was never a wake up call
these whole millenium or whatever you wanna call it, was a fake sense of peace
its something you cant escape
no matter how "successful" you become, you will be drag onto reality no matter what you do.
Hello, paid shill!
You may be right, but defeatism never achieved success. Besides the western banking system is in the brink of collapse, there is a good chance something positive may come out of it. It may not be full on anarchism, but hopefully we make steps towards the right direction.
Hello conspiracy theorist, always remember dat de jews are behind everything
After all you cant be a terrible person who supports a terrible unpopular person am i right? ;^πππ)
It is dem evil jews, you are loved and liked totally xD
I'm starting to think that Trump is indeed a Russian puppet and Putin is a cryptoaccelerationist that wants to turn the West to socialism so that he can revive Soviet Russia without all the Lenin fuck-ups. Trump has done more for leftist organizing in 2 weeks than the DNC in 8 years, it's crazy, you're hearing lawyers talking about political revolution right now.
wait a sec
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why is the 4chan symbol replaced with fiori party and i love overwatch
but my mom says i cant play with chucks
gg ez
trump is nazbol
Most of us don't.
That wasn't the issue so much as the fact that it gave companies the power to sue governments that did things that caused them to lose profits. It literally made it illegal to harm porky's interests in any way.
Communists are trying to co-opt Trump's command of the media. Never depend on a communist to invent anything new.
They weren't "organic" they were fomented by radicals who, in turn, are supported by Media Matters.
Go back to reddit
PoliFact has correct the record concerning direct funding for marchers:
Asra Nomani quotes in the article that the marchers were motivated by "ideology." Of course, you can never question one's ideology, because let's be rational and materialistic for a minute here.
None of the opposition to Trump is coming from the left. It's coming from liberals going apeshit because of their idpol religion.
Communism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin
Nice meme
ty, guy.