There are bordercucks on Holla Forums right now
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I am against free trade and against the influx of pouring unskilled workers into a country for cheaper labor.
That being said, whats going on here is ethnic nationalism, which is a spook. Trump is not barring mexicans from entering because they are unskilled workers, he's barring them because they're spoopy brown people.
Daily reminder that you cannot be a leftist and still believe in the childish fantasy of egalitarianism
Please, this threads with frogs and everything are really stupid.
Besides literally 99% of us think that borders should disappear sooner or later
unskilled workers coming to america is only a problem because we allow business owners to employ them for next to nothing and break up any attempt they make at organizing by having them deported. if we had open borders the workers coming to america would get paid the same as everyone else plus have the right to organize for better conditions, meaning they wouldn't get used by porky to compete with native workers.
Watch out fam you are going to trigger the nazbols
That's right gomrade, down with borders, Just let all the lumpen in :—-DDDD
What happened in this nation is that the liberals (right wing) are letting in all the people who wanna come, but have simultaneously completely privatized the integration program to the point where the immigrants have to figure out themselves how to learn the necessary language and skills and also have to pay for it themselves. This brought the amount of successful integration exams passed down by like 80%. In other words, they bring the people in and then take zero steps to prevent them from being a hopeless lower class which will do nothing but cause social instability, create nonsense issue for the politicians to fight over, and thereby produce distractions which prevent people from focusing on failing capitalism as the root source of the problem. Whilst simultaneously consuming Porky's products and driving down the wages for his jobs, obviously.
Flawless logic
I support free movement for workers, but not for capital or capitalists
That is the patrician stance
Prove me wrong
*free movement for highly educated workers
That's elitist as fuck.
Your point?
Good thing leftists don't believe in borders!
It discriminates against the majority of workers who aren't university educated
Middle class leftists need to fuck off
We have people in this board that think the Berlin wall was a good thing, lad.
First world countries such as the on I live in have no need for unskilled third world rabble, especially not when further automatization will kill a shitload of jobs in the near future.
Until global communism is a thing there absolutely need to be borders.
mass immigration is a condition of neoliberal capitalism.
Elites bring in desperate people from third-world countries so they can lower wages, and hide this with a bullshit narrative about being "progressive" whilst simultaneously causing the crises in third-world countries that fuel mass immigration in the first place.
Don't forget bringing in enough immigrants to completely overwhelm the 1st-world target, nowhere near enough to make the tiniest dent in the suffering of the 3rd-world fleshpot.
I know you're a troll, but god damn that post pissed me off.
this is what nativists actually think
this is what transnationalists actually think
How does undiscriminating third-world immigration bring Communism closer?
its like your fucking retarded nigger
the point is to convince 1st world workers that they have more in common with 3rd world workers than with global capitalism. ending global capitalism and exploitation will end immigration
Proofs? He keeps saying ILLEGALS, it just happens that most of them are Mexicans but there are many other ethnicities too. I think he's going to deport white looking people too in this process.
Also friendly remidner that Obama deported more people than George W. Bush.
This hasn't worked so far.
how does defending private property undermine capitalism
does immigration even matter if ending global capitalism will make the issue obsolete anyway
What if religion doesn't wither away and radical Islamists/Christianists try to start a global crusade to establish their chosen flavor of theocratic Communism by force, for example?
How does drowning 1st world workers in porky subservient slave soldiers, incinerating every victory that our working class has won for a century, making porky more powerful than ever, and doing precisely nothing whatsoever for the billions of 3rd worlders that can never emigrate, help build bridges between us?
If it sets back the global economy to the Gilded Age before socialism happens, it can be a significant problem.
Hes not barring mexicans. He is trying to force mexican immigration to occur through official means as prescribed by US Law as opposed to "Just come on over" like it is now.
With that being said, imho, I think its time that Mexico either become a socialist country or allow the US to annex them… because being a country that needs to have its people illegally emigrate to another country to work and send home money isnt a good social model
I love how bordercucks, be they tankies or smashies immediately become reformists on the topic of immigration.
Muh immigrants-types fundamentally fail to understand what global capitalism is, and how capitalists benefit from dividing the proletariat into discrete units (this includes both nation-states and discrete populations within nation-states, for example the white/black difference in the US).
Capital's advantage is that it can easily flow across borders, and exploit each "nation" as its own opportunity. By controlling (as Trump's wall will allegedly do to the flow of the proletariat across the Mexican/American border, and as refugee camps and such methods do to the flow of immigrants from the Middle East into Europe) the flow of the proletariat, the capitalists are able to create and maintain discrete opportunities. Here the minimum wage is this, here it is that, here the cost of land is this, here it is that, here X can be made, here Y can be sold, etc, etc.
The capitalists worst nightmare is a world of completely open borders and a uniformly exploited proletariat. Such an economy offers no opportunity for profit and will promptly crash.
So, no, porky does not want open borders, but that comes as a surprise only to those people who keep their heads perpetually stuck in the ground. After all, if porky didn't love him some walls, why has he been building them at such an accelerated pace (from 14 border walls in remaining in 1990 to 70 as of 2014, and continuing to rise).
Flawless logic
No you're a useful idiot lad
Except any attempt at immigration control is axiomatically assumed to be entirely due to racism. There's no way to frame opposition to immigration that won't automatically be written off as "you just don't want brown people in your country YOU WOULDN'T BE AGAINST IMMIGRATION IF MILLIONS OF SWEDES AND FRENCHMEN WERE MOVING TO YOUR COUNTRY"
We get it. Perfect equilibrium is bad for capitalists.
But unskilled labor flowing into the west by millions is not creating "equilibrium", it's just pushing down wages, throwing the existing working class into poverty and replacing them with people happy with earning half the income of the workers they replaced.
It also offers a continuous trickle of people that can be enslaved by debt, forcing them into accepting loans and mortgages that fuel a consumerist lifestyle.
This then continues until they are milked dry, at which point they are replaced with more debtless complacent migrants.
This has been going on for over a hundred years, starting with America. First it was western Europeans, then southern Europeans, Chinese, Eastern Europeans, Latin Americans, etc.
Ah yes, if there's one thing that the EU has achieved it's advancing the socialist cause by permitting free movement of EU members
The influx of economic migrants is still controlled and still creates a discrete population within US borders. This is where your highly thought out Marxist analysis falls apart. The porkies want more cheap unskilled labor in the first world and want more racial tension. Both of which has been achieved with undocumented economic migrants flowing from the Global South into the West.
We've all literally watched the porkies do whatever they can to encourage the destruction of borders and identity in the west. The world in which there is a uniformly exploited proletariat is impossible because certain areas with concentrations of resources or skilled labor will remain petit- bourgeois also
Do you really think that the porkies don't know what they are doing when it comes to their moves to dismantle the nation state? Lets look at Africa. Lack of coherent national governments and identities combined with porous borders has allowed them to rape an entire continent. I had a discussion with a Kenyan immigrant about this and she told me they come in and rape the land for tin or what have you and leave with no benefit to the locals.
Holy shit you must live in some insane level of economic muh privilege.
Literally what nigga
This. You really have to have been under a rock for the last 50 or so years to think that immigration policy in any advanced/late-capitalist nation has become increasingly restrictive, and that the capitalist classe as a whole is fanatically oppose to any relaxation in immigration laws.
It's just disingenuous accelerationism, really.
The working-class does not know what is best for them. That's why they need to listen to college-educated middle class whites like me, who know what they really need.
The problems with borders is that they're economically necessary but also ontologically arbitrary.
It prevents Porky from using immigrants as a virtually-infinite reserve army of labor to gut wages and wreck working conditions but it also is a massive middle-finder in the face of people who had the misfortune of being born in a country with worse life prospects.
The contradiction within borders is that they seem to mean "don't let yourself be exploited" and "fuck you, got mine" at the same time.
"immigration is bad because it creates competition for native workers" is a fascist meme, it is not true, and even if it was true border walls and mass deportation are very stupid and harmful ways solutions
Not an argument Holla Forums
Hi Holla Forums
kill yourself, rethuglikkklan plant
I gave you a well thought out argument as to why the dissolution of borders is globalizes late capitalism's end game and your ideological fetishism left you with Adhoms. Provide a coherent argument rooted in Marxist critique other than "muh discrete populations" which literally are multiplied by mass migration. Whether you like it or not we are curentky living under globalized late capitalism, you are advocating economic migration it creates, enables, and encourages. Your idpol fags or insane tankies.
And I gave a counter argument. Mass immigrant has been a porky ploy for decades in Europe, and over a century in America.
Open borders in neoliberalism really just means tax free movement of capital, squashing labor rights and the porky muh privilege to import lower cost labor from anywhere.
It drains developing countries of talent, it inflates the labor pool in the west and it props up a harmful culture of mass consumption and debt that's build on the exploitation of non-western countries.
It's exploitative, destructive and dehumanizing.
What does that have to do with anything?
I hope you realize republican porkies love their undocumented southern immigrants, who they frequently squeeze and abuse. (Sub-minimum wage labor, private prisons, private migrant detention centers)
when someone claims he's against immigration he means they are against immingrants
If you want your first world country to turn into a third world country, then go right ahead. Import third world labour to depress wages and consume finite natural resources.
Always these sob stories.
You know what could have prevented this? If the porky west hadn't divided Africa and the middle east into dysfunctional artificial countries.
This also wouldn't have happened if muh democracy interventionists on both sides hadn't started bombing those countries and supported all sorts of extermists, so that in the end western porkies could pour in and buy land and resources for pennies.
This doesn't even cover the fact that most immigrants are not refugees. Only a small percentage of immigrants in the west are Syrian, Yemeni, Iraqi or Libyan nationals.
I didn't think your kind existed
I don't oppose immigration full-stop. Mass immigration just doesn't make much sense. Why would I willingly want to make it even more difficult than it already is for me to get a job? Why would I want to willingly depress our wages even further? Why would I want to increase competition for myself for finite natural resources?
in any argument about immigration "mass" is just code word for "nigger"
If the first world stopped having an imperialist and even neo-colonialist relationship with the third world, hopefully we would see less of a desire for immigration. But the bottom line is that if our lifestyle is better than the third-world's, they are going to want to come here en mass anyways…
You did not provide an argument that I wouldn't have heard from Holla Forums
To be honest with you, the black precariat has more revolutionary potential than white or Japanese precariats. I actually have mixed feelings about immigration for this reason. Docile bootlickers like Indians and Chinese, I have no use for. Rowdy immigrations like Muslims and Blacks who actually have revolutionary potential, front in line!
If you're going to come here to blow up trade centres, kill cops or gang-rape roastie whores, you are my comrade.
If you are going to be subservient to the man and depress wages, like the Indians and Chinese, fuck off, we're full.
That is the definition of a system moving toward equilibrium.
This is the stupidest fucking meme.
Do you know what the minimum wage in Mexico is? Less than $5 a day. In the US, the only people who work that cheap are prison labor.
A Mexican kept in Mexico is vastly more open to exploitation then one who arrives in the US, and has a much greater effect at depressing wages in the first world by working in local sweatshops.
Immigrants take on much less debt, are much less likely to get mortgages, car loans and credit cards, etc, than people born in the USA.
Wow, yeah, at the rock fucking bottom of the slippery slope. Real revolutionary there, comrade.
Then maybe we should slap some FairTrade requirements enforced with counterveiling tariffs on that?
Seriously, this is like debating with an anti-abolitionist during slavery!