Trumpapalooza: Call to Aktion
Bad Mouse Productions VS the pro-establishment Trumptards.

Thanks Doc!

How did le vitriolic capitalism man get a following?

Can I just inject for a moment here and say that BadMouseProductions is the only socialist Youtube channel that doesn't give off LARP or autism vibes?

gg the guy who makes these videos. Let's make him "our guy"

he's friendly with rebel so that's step one.

We can't make him our because he fucking hates us. Just look on his and you will see what I mean.

He also used reddit in the past..


Who cares if he hates us? I sometimes hate this board too, too many tankies and subverters. But hey, let actually promote things that don't reek of LARPing and autism.

His Youtube channel actually seems normal and I could easily see him becoming popular. You can get far with an English accent.

TBQH Rebel Absurdity is so cancerous that I'm glad that Holla Forums is banned at his college which is why he doesn't post much on Holla Forums anymore

also known as reddit obesity

BadMouseProductions is the only lefty Youtube channel I know that could ever reach a mass audience.

Do you remember the cancerous anfem who constantly shitposted? That was actually him, hence why he would show up almost psychically to defend 'her'. He also tried to arrange raids on leftypol via his dubtrack. Not en-masse shitposting, but trying to derail and ruin discussion from view points he didn't like.

Cancer does not begin to describe him.

Everyone on earth is so cancerous. Name one person living today who isn't

I guess that's true and honestly while he hates Holla Forums I do sometimes also I don't hate him myself and he looks like from what I can see a pretty chill person IRL and on the Internet and I will admit we probably should promote him because his videos are not spergy, autistic, and LARPy. So I was wrong I guess he is /ourguy/ though we are not /hisboard/.

How did you guys find that out?

nah we already decided on hbomberguy sorry you weren't here when the votes were cast

Stim comes off as a larper or autistic?
He has the best production on his videos tbh.

Well that's a sad justification.

who's stim?

the Submedia guy.

Too many coincidences to be anything but that.
In addition to this, when someone mentioned the above two to him, he went on a big tearful, attention whoring rant about how he was "abandoning the internet.", and stopped the symmetrical posting/log-in times. He never 'left' anything, he just came online at different times. Too many coincedences for me to think anything but him getting paranoid over the jig close to being up.

There's also the fact that autfem never seemed to post when rebel was actually unavailable and unable to be on a computer or phone.

Yeah that

These are just 2 video gamers who occasionally insert propaganda. They aren't our answer to Molyneux and Sargon. Stim and hbombguy are useful and great, but I'm looking at political channels.

Also, video game obsession is a bit autismy. Which badmouse and leftypol are guilty of as well. Way to alienate an entire gender.

w a t

Is the anfem you're talking about that hoochieminh one? I think she posted a picture of herself not too long ago, but maybe I'm wrong.

I think I misread so I deleted my post.
You don't mean submedia has anything to do with video games do you?

Not at all, the anfem flag was used by several people to constantly fuck up discussion and post "WE NEED A KHMER ROUGE THAT IS TRANSSEXUAL!" people. The most prolific of which, Rebel would constantly jump in and defend.

Even you user?

The Youtube stats of 99% of low to mid tier popular gamers are going to show that only men watch these videos. Whenever I put a Youtube link of my own here, there is not one single girl that watches it, and every one that comments from here is a gamer. (Not surprising seeing the gamer rage here to my first comment)

One of the few reasons guys like Molyneaux aren't mainstream is because they target men's hobbies, or in the case of Molyneaux, issue, specifically.

There's a place for making gamers less hyper-reactionary. I'm not saying that's bad. But we need someone even *more* mainstream than BadMouse.

Oh boy, I fucked that up. That second people should be "tier arguments"

tl;dr If you have a gaming Youtube channel, look at your fucking stats, you eliminate an entire gender.

Tbh Stim does come off as LARPy and immature because of how he seems to try to hard to be edgy by fetishizing rioting, hate for police, and just generally, how he cusses every other word, and just generally coming off as rude. And while I get riot porn and hating police to an outsider who doesn't understand why anarchist do it it looks like a whole bunch of rebellious teenagers/college kids just trying to be as edgy as possible. That is probably the biggest problem with the left that and ivy tower intellectuals shuts out those who aren't already part of the left.

good taste

Never heard of this guy before but he's good, how do we meme him into something useful?

Outside of "its the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine" there's a less edgy anarkiddie vibe I think.
Though I'm not sure how much of that is done by other people, maybe all? I don't know.

well i'd nominate contra but he had a really dumb liberal response to the whole nazi punching thing and basically admitted on stream to being "ideally a socialist/anarchism but being 'realistic' by pushing liberalism"

no thanks, we definitely need some new "purely politics" people

Stim thinks the USA didn't want to remove Assad.

The thing with Reddit obesity is that he is extremely self sabotaging, and nearly everyone who knows him eventually becomes disdainful. I think this has happened with literally every Holla Forums tripfag, including n1x, muke, catgirl, etc. they follow eachother on twitter, but I don't expect it will last.

Catgirlfag is still beloved here, though. n1x was always hated, too.

all of these people used to be friends with rebel, and all of them no longer are due to his self-sabotaging personality.

OH. Sorry, my mistake, I misread that. I can attest to what you are saying, too. reddit obesity is the most tantrum prone man I've talked to online.

Can someone remove that watermark?

How do you eliminate something that isn't real ?

Badmouse was once an ancap who became an ancom and has been shit on by Anarchyball/Dapperton for that. Kudos to the mofo for de-classcucking himself.

I fucking dream of being able to make videos with that high production value quite honestly.

He's a meme socialist first and foremost

Someone tell him to read Stirner