How do anarcho-communists plan on suppressing ehtnocentrism in nonwhites?

How do anarcho-communists plan on suppressing ehtnocentrism in nonwhites?

What happens when you're outnumbered by nigger nationalists?

nazbol is that you?

Internationalist workers values and ideals.

You couldn't comprehend.

When's that ever worked on a meaningful scale?

the worst thing about anarchkiddies is the belief people will act rationally.

humans are 100% emotional, anarchism will never work.

do you understand how different schools of anarchism work or are you just imagining Waterworld or something?

The day of the rope

I can comprehend it perfectly Holla Forums.

Those twins won't save you.


I know they probably had more fun than the fascists, but they also lost the war.

you are retarded

Yes, and that is why you can't have a state, because you can't trust it to hold power.

A durrrrrr.

I don't trust it to hold power. Doesn't change the fact people will keep on creating them.

nobody is inherently ethnocentric

if need be, irrelevant shiting will be encouraged to stamp it out

That's debatable. Studies have shown that people are more comfortable with others of their own racial appearance/culture.

What the fuck does that even mean?

But I don't think black people will actually kill me

rac-e mix-ing

that's called naivety sweetie

I don't care though you condescending cunt
Black people won't kill me for not being black


fuck off, Holla Forums

Because of backstabbing trotsky