Emotionless Girl Trope

Has a game ever done an 'emotionless girl who eventually opens up' well? Can it even be done?

Bonus points if the girl ends up having a tragic backstory

No and of course it can be done.

Cole Lamberson

Excellent taste! Minotauro is my favorite writer ever! He always makes the best games like Scary llama! 100/10, best game ever! Flawless!

never liked the detective cunt
her hair is a fucking ass shape

the one in the first image worked out really well op, as you can see some people in this thread are so upset at how well it worked out and how positive the reception was, they've been reduced to crying every time its brought up

It's an awful trope that needs to die.

I knew someone was gonna get assblasted about 2B in the OP.

I'm not saying 2B was written well. In fact, I don't think any of the girls I posted were written very well. I have seen the trope quite a lot recently by coincidence and am wondering if it has ever been done well.

2B wasn't "emotionless", she was numb after endless cycles of despair

That's emotionless.

No, that's antiemotional

nah, it's your autism

pray tell, what is the difference?

wrong, it's a good trope that needs to live.

There is nothing interesting nor engaging about a character that refuses to emote, feel, or care about anything.

That's what your dick is for user. To teach her.

really getting sick of this. And someone emotionless wouldn't feel love for you. I'd rather a girl that's fun to be around and loves me back.

Emotionless = has no emotions
Antiemotional = has suppressed emotions

It would be really cool if you were the only person who could make that girl emote. I know a case where this was done, except the genders were reversed. Just breaks my heart.

If that's the case, then I should replace all instances of the OP saying emotionless to antiemotional. To an outside, they pretty much mean the same thing, though.

It's extreme passivity, the same appeal of robot and slaves, except less extreme.

Nair Otto Nation isn't even a gamete grub though?

That is functionally the same. No human has truly no emotions, and no character anyone should give a rat's ass about has no emotion at all. Were that the case any story revolving around them would virtually cease to exist.


Yet she still has emotions, so she isn't emotionless. If she was emotionless there wouldn't be a plot to nier tomato.

Correct, she's antiemotional

Presea Combatir. I actually ended up feeling bad for her as she opened up.

I think I'm the only person who doesn't want to smash the thicc.

Though I shamefully quit half way through because I got bored of beating up toasters.


w-w-what else should I post user-kun?

Kuudere faggot get it right.

is emotionless girl actually good or is it just we yearn to cultivate and protect smiles?

honestly liked A2 best in nier but that's beside the point oh yeah and tomboy > other girl tropes

It's obvious that he just wants to watch like most of Holla Forums.

so that's Batman these days

I rather like it. Personal anecdote and opinion maybe but aloof, emotionless, unengaged women is super appealing to me. It conveys professionalism, conviction and is a trait that I like seeing in a playable heroine.

Comparing that to someone who's emotional, crazy, flirty, or otherwise stupid, I'd rather have coldness than have to trudge through an entire game playing an intolerable cunt.

That's from a movie spin-off of Batman: The Brave and the Bold. The show itself is actually really good. It's about Golden-age DC characters and you can tell the writers really cared about it. The show is over now, though.

how many endings did you get?

What happened to the term archetype? Trope isn't even the right word for what people use it for.

Finally, someone with actual taste.

Archetype only works for characters, but a better term would probably be conventions, since trope was made up just so people who didn't know the word conventions could talk about conventions.

Get out

Hey that's why I always liked samus, I imagined her as extremely focused and professional. Other M doesn't count for anything though, you fucking sakamoto posters

I swear to god you people must be traps jealous of a video game character.

I knew I wasn't the only one thinking of that.

The word has a valid meaning despite its misuse and appropriation by shitty people.

2B is a fucking robot you plonker.

I don't hate 2B I just hate the faggots who pretend her game is good because they want to stick their dick in 2B.
Same thing with bayo and bayonetta.


Kys pedoshit

normalfags get out

How mentally retarded do you have to be unable to differentiate 2d and 3dpd?

You are still attracted to little kids, piece of shit


Not by japs.

You think Batman was always dark and serious?

Tooby isn't emotionless, she stores emotions in her butt.
Also the trope is more of an animu thing than vidya.
I'd say my favorite incarnation of this is The Boss, she doesn't exactly open up, she was just being pragmatic all along, but her muted, almost tranquil personality works really well with her pragmatism, making the character a real joy to watch.

t. wojak

carlos get the fuck out of here

Dunno about other two, but Toobs isn't emotionless, she MERELY PRETENDS to just suffer a little less.

up until zero mission started to characterize samus, i'd say metroid. then other m sealed the deal but yeah. up until relatively recently, she was the quintessential professional, calculated badass who showed no emotion. she was a fucking bounty hunter, and up until they went to great lengths to show her as a hero she was just someone with a dangerous, scary job and who had the stones to get it done with no problems

Functional games repels dysfunctional people.


Spergs are better

and you can thank this grill for your shitty characters

How does it feel to wake up each day with such horrible fucking taste?










Can I be apart of the screencap too?

Bayonetta is a good game.




No, she's just really boring.






And you know what they say might hurt you


I love this thread

the two looks like slut in change my waifu looks like a decent person what love dogs



and you know it means so much







this is a cool thread.


hello tumblrina, here to cry about muh soggy knees?



Tsundere make for shit waifu material. Who the fuck wants a bitch who does not know her place and can't be honest with their feelings? They are the worst dere.


Just admit you're one of those SJWs who bitch about it promoting rape culture or whatever the fuck

You've been watching too much bottom-of-the-barrel shit. True tsundere is quite choice, but still not god-tier.

sorry for doubleposting but do a le B^Uckley face edit next

Adam West Batman is the greatest Batman

What the fuck does SJW shit have to do with personality archetypes?

Decent tsundere are nearly nonexistent nowadays, 90% are just abusive bitches. The classic tsundere are alright. Still worse dere though.


what did I do


I suppose I can agree with this. I do like my stereotype tsundere, but the casual violence is a bit overplayed at this point. Classic versions are still the greatest, but I wish we saw more tsuntsun a la Louise. Worst is still Yandere you faggot.

I want newfaggots to leave.

Haven't you seen the asspain over HuniePop back in the day?

Oh no you fucking don't. Troll is a buzzword used when you're out of arguments and need to run away from the argument. There's no such thing as trolling, and the sooner we end that myth, the sooner the whole internet will be at least a tiny bit better for, you know, DISCUSSING THINGS.


is discussion? Bullshit. Are you trolling me?


Your hurt feelings have no relevance to the facts, user.You can't escape the truth. And that truth?
Trolling is a myth that is killing discussion!

Stop being a troll, nigger.

Having a tantrum doesn't help your case.
I've won.


The only method of argument that can be had here is through blatant trolling, some would even call it by another name.
Playing devil's advocate, only in this case, for laughs.

You just trolled me bro. You're literally trolling me right now.

Goddammit I just wanted to post some Edgeworth pics because he's smug and not actually debate this, but here we go. Last Edgeworth pic though I promise.
user, to say that this community can't have discussion is edgy horseshit. You and I both know fully well that contrary to what underage newfags think, we're not constantly at full-blast shitposting and autistic screeching. Sure, we're no hugbox, but it's not black and white. This site is definitely more insulting and blunt, I won't deny, but it's not the ninth circle of hell that normalfags claim it to be.
In short: Yes, we can have rational arguments. It's happened before, it will happen again. Just have some thicker skin..

Show me that (30), tantrum thrower.

I swear that wasn't meant to be ellipsis.

You have to make them feel with the power of your dick OP, if you can't dick the emotionless then you can't pierce their veil.

I think you misunderstand, I'm saying that the major form of argumentation that occurs on this website is through devils advocate and usually played for laughs, this does not mean there isn't debate. It's still debate, if more crude. The majority, as the user base wanes to a fraction of its previous strength from the constant stream of technical difficulties, devolves to a more crude form of argumentation as time progresses, only turning around when there's a minimal amount of people still using it. We're seeing this now, welcome to the machine.

Seriously please do a B^Uckley edit next, I beg of you.

Well in that case, it's still done to some degree of seriousness. Therefore, by definition, it cannot be trolling.
Pardon the doublepost and shorter answer.

That implies that trolling has no degree of seriousness. Even the act of trying to find the correct string of words to absolute enrage a user base takes serious thought and skill to be put in in order to be worth while, which is why shit bait is called out on for being shit.


Okay, I know I'm going into copout answer territory, but I think we're officially on two different pages. All I know is that when you can't afford to spend any more time in an argument without devolving into a tantrum, you call your opponent a troll. Why be serious when you can say your opponent isn't serious, after all?
So let's drop this, we're probably not gonna go anywhere with this. My bad.

2B is a hypocrite - which would be fine, if she were ever called out for it, or if it were ever acknowledged in the game at all. Imagine if in Route B, every time 2B told off 9S for showing emotion, he brought up what a hypocrite she is since she freaks out all the time?

1) It's called Kuudere
2) Velvet is not emotionless. She's clearly trying to supress her emotions, which on the contrary, are quite strong, and her strong desire for revenge which stems from her deep love towards her brother driving her forward is one of the main themes of the game. You're stupid.
3) Dangan Ronpa is a shitty, shock value VN plagued with shit gameplay and shit pandering otaku trash


Lucia is the true "emotionless girl who opens up" waifu.


Emotionless girl best girl. Emotionless guy also best guy. You can get a better story from the emotionless guy, though. You learn that his wife and children were raped to death in front of him by part of whatever group you’re fighting. Then it becomes a ‘nits make lice’ scenario. Bonus points if he doesn’t smile even when you win. “I’ve BEEN happy. I don’t need to be anymore.”

No, that’s for detached individuals who still exhibit emotions. We’re talking about dandere.

You are wrong and stupid. Please repent.

t. master weeb have seen over 500 anime.

i dont know how confidence looks like the post

nah tomboy is best girl, emotionless is within the top 5 depending on circumstance though

Nope, you were proven wrong. Go read a fucking dictionary, faggot.

Emotionless is first. Crying tomboy is probably second. Very specific tsundere circumstances are either 3 or 5.


op, are you a dummy?




How about emotionless robot who becomes human enough that she becomes the main character?

I have autism.

Let me post you kike

It's actually very common for men that are typically hardassed or introverted to be really gentle and open with their wives.

Sorry not everyone is a fucking social butterfly, normalfaggot.


wowww epic thread poopie :)

Your type of stupidity should be PSA based as I know you're not a troll or even attempting to.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who saw it in that perspective. I mean I read the manga of metroid and Other M no matter how many idiots want to try to Asspull and defend it doesn't correctly base how Samus truly is.

Literally every character in Nier Automata

this is an old one. they did it with 7 of 9 on star trek.
The appeal is a bimbo but with an autistic, socially retarded personality that autistic socially retarded losers can relate to. It makes this target audience believe for a brief moment that they could actually have a relationship with a woman who looks like that…. but she has to be emotionally/psychologically crippled in some manner in order for it to work.
it's pretty cynical. pic related.

When is she coming back?

Kind of.