If Bookchin is really as awesome as you people meme him up to be...

If Bookchin is really as awesome as you people meme him up to be, why aren't there any Communalist political movements anywhere except Rojava? How do you suppose to change this?

Other urls found in this thread:

libcom.org/files/Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism.pdf

We gotta help him into the spotlights fam

Rojava is also the only leftist project that is not garbage.

Please post all of your Bookchin images so i can save them.

There are Communalist and social ecologist groups in a few different places. The Montreal Urban Ecology Centre comes to mind as a big example, but there are smaller and lesser known groups like Eugene Communalism. But yeah, Bookchin is a lesser known about thinker.



Here's a documentary made by the Canadian government (NFB), about a Bookchin-influenced movement in Montreal in 1990.


Mainly because classical leftism, both Marxist and Anarchist, has conflated state-craft and politics, and so therefore, there has been no libertarian movements that do not also reject communalist politics.

Bookchin is legit a well-read and clever guy.
Google him.

Google Bookchin.

There is a small movement that recently got started in the USA: demconua.wordpress.com/



also this

Communalism is still a pretty new ideology tbf. And Rojava will become the paradigm. Bakur (Turkish Kurdistan) also implemented the system and declared autonomy and Turkey went in and flattened many Kurdish cities to the ground in response. The goal is to build a base in the mainly Kurdish, sympathetic areas and then start pushing outward till as much of the Middle East as possible gets on board. You can see this with Rojava, they're now far beyond Kurdish majority regions and are implementing the system in Arab towns and cities too.

Does anyone have volumes 1 and 2 of "The Third Revolution"?

As a random thought, this would have been a perfect system for a leftist version of the Ottoman Empire.

Thanks. I promise i will read the ecology of freedom and tell people about it.

No it fucking isn't. Communalism has existed for thousands of years and mostly for religious intentions.

The whole point of communalism is to invent local identities to it. DemCon is meant for mesopotamia, not America.

America must makes its own Libertarian Municipalism


Agree, larping Rojava in the USA is stupid. But maybe they are just copying the name because its pretty rad

The Next Revolution is a good place to start with Bookchin. You can even download it from here:

Small "c" communalism, yes. But Bookchin's big "C" Communalism is a specific ideology, despite being historically informed by past communal experiments.

zapatista is sort of libertarian socialist with councils too. Although they're not strictly following bookchin.

They're also stuck on a mountain doing a whole lot of nothing.


Parallel socialist mountain hideout from the military, more like.

some would call that freedom


Certainly. But it's nevertheless a doomed effort which has been driven out of its former heartland and does not stand a chance of spreading to more of Mexico.

They are quite active in organising the natives into political movements.

"Revolution by example" has already been debunked. Get on with it.

Have some more images if they're relevant to your interests.

I'd start with The Next Revolution, although if you're already familiar with leftist thought I strongly recommend the last chapter of the following PDF (page 69 of the pdf, marked as page 66 in the book), "The Left That Was" which highlights why and how he breaks with the contemporary left.

libcom.org/files/Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism.pdf

soz forgot the link