meanwhile you can post spoilered ofcourse asuka hentai to keep the thread bumped
Justin Sanders
I think I will rather bump with webms, but have one you sick fuck
Landon Butler
shit forgot pic
Xavier Phillips
I am the user you are looking for. Why wouldn't you just bump my thread?
Anyways, what can I do for you?
Ethan Watson
A guy I know in Rojava is really interested in it, and he would love to know essentially if its legit, where it comes from and if there are any major problems with it explaining why it wasnt released or if there are any other problems with it explaining why it shouldnt be shared. As you know the KCK is pretty into Bookchin and they would love to get their hands on more stuff. He also hinted at sending it up the party levels. Hes overall really hyped about it.
Lincoln Phillips
Not that user, but can confirm it's legit. It's been floating around for a while. I'm currently OCRing/transcribing and editing it into something a bit more legible/searchable/etc, do you want me to throw it across to your email when it's done? It only exists currently as the scanned typed pages with Bookchin's original edits and notes so it's a little hard to read.
Jack Allen
Yes, I would love that and I could relay it to the guy in Rojava where it probably would receive the most interest.
Yeah, it's legit. I'm not sure why it hasn't been published, to be honest.
Gabriel Hill
Asuka is a shit waifu and quite possibly a sociopath.
Dylan Garcia
And let me guess, you're more into your archtypical Rei clone?
Chase Phillips
My favorite eva grill is Misato actually, though not quite my waifu, everyone in eva is messed up except the bridge bunnies,Hikari, kensuke and toji.
Mason Wright
Yeah allready downloaded it, its just really weird how this was worked on since 1994 atleast and how Bookchin clearly wanted it to be released but it still hasnt happend. In the last thread it was also stated that they dont really like sharing it, so there are many questions for me.
Dylan Rodriguez
Thanks for your contribution Holla Forums. 1 punch has been deposited in your face.
Gavin Parker
Lincoln Hill
Leo Long
Still interested in anyone that can offer any information on that manuscript
Kayden Jones
in the other thread I jokingly we should send it to Ocalan but it appears it wasn't as far fetched as it first seemed kek
based Holla Forums making contacts with KCK
Camden Moore
Jackson Sullivan
these nipples in pic two
Carter Adams
Its just some fighter on the ground that seems to know the higher ups pretty well and knows who to forward this to, they are pretty approachable over social media.