Which feminist wave was best wave? Second wave feminism is my personal favorite since it was the most class conscious

Which feminist wave was best wave? Second wave feminism is my personal favorite since it was the most class conscious.

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I enjoy some third wave, but my main feminism of choice would be black feminism circa civil rights era.

There's really no debate, it was the most hard hitting in analysis of situation, and most of them were wanted and openly communist in a time where being black and a woman alone was socially isolating, let alone being a communist demanding prisoners be released.

Sex is a class stuff is the opposite of class conscious mate.

Sixth wave ironic post-feminism.

Go sew your cunt up.

All awful.

the one that didn't run contrary to basic biology

so none of them

Explain yourself or change your flag. Now.

third wave, because not all women are white americans

nth wave, misog­yn­ist's feminism

I hope you know that daddy is gonna use that same excuse when he smacks you back into the kitchen


First was bourgeois as fuck but the second got good civil rights like birth control and shit.

bell hooks or gtfo

Yeah no. They do get some credit for bringing intersectionality into the mix but that's about it.


1st wave (and very early 2nd wave) were literally the only necessary form. Everything after that has just been autistic LARPing.
Que triggered anfems

Contrarian feminism. That's why I am a male TERF, so I'd be universally despised across the entire political spectrum.

Intersectionality has been a core part of socialism even longer than it has been a part of feminism. I think you might be looking for >>>Holla Forums

TERF is contrarian in the sense that radical centrist or egalitarian is.

No its not. Class struggle is the source of all struggles. To solve other struggles one must solve class struggle.

I think it can be good if it is rooted in class politics. Unfortunately due to the rise of "pop feminism" (i.e. commodified political activism peddled by our lovely patriarchal society) it usually is not.

Hey Holla Forums, do you mean the bastardized child of sociology and psychoanalysis and social Darwinism?

Good shit!!!

Social ecologist feminists. Janet Biehl basically trolled the entire eco-feminist milieu, labeled them all as regressives, and then expounded on some sick social ecological theory.

Highly worth the read, and still trolls eco-feminists and mystics incredibly well:


I'm not fan of Woodhull, but purging members from your party just because they're women, which is what Sorge did with his section of the international, is definitely it's own form of idpol. No small wonder then that the international never really made any headway in the Americas.

So anti-idpol is why there is not a non-FBI American communist party?

If Friedrich Adolph Sorge saw to it that the IWA in America was more than an educational society sympathetic to labor, if Sorge was actually active in union organization or strike campaigns…we might have seen a better fate.

"Without changing the most molecular relationships in society — notably, those between men and women, adults and children, whites and other ethnic groups, heterosexuals and gays (the list, in fact, is considerable) — society will be riddled by domination even in a socialistic 'classless' and 'non-exploitative' form. It would be infused by hierarchy even as it celebrated the dubious virtues of 'people's democracies,' 'socialism' and the 'public ownership' of 'natural resources.'"

New wave was the best.

I like Talking Heads, too


first was alright. second was refined 'alright'. third and so on is/are complete cancer.

why are you so mad

you right

Don't have rose tinted glasses towards the past. Remember - it is that first and second wave feminism which implemented the laissez faire sexual market we suffer in now. This made us go backwards.

First wave, obviously.

We are certainly closer to "free love" than we were in the past but we still have a long way to go.

vaporwave feminism

For the anfems that are actually anfems, what books are there that supports your stance?

Read Bakunin



You mean.

And I'm being serious here.

The only provable part of human nature. Human nature. Do you know the percentage of all life that engages in denial of reproductive rights to an individual

Its a pretty big number actually, it's a pretty universal thing among life out there on Earth


1) I thought fascists were really into catching neo-psychoanalysis/behaviorism/bastardized sociology from what they picked up on the animal planet, why didn't you pick that part up

2) Hey perhaps if you don't like being judged so harshly adopt an ideology that doesn't make you sound like a complete and total hypocritical twat nazi

As expected of a feminist.



put flag on nigga

Here's an interesting read.

Trust me on this, the free market is not the way to go.

I don't worship darwinism, stop with this stereotype. What the fact is, is that life on Earth will come to an end if females get the choice of which males to be their partners. What we need is arranged marriage.

First wave was just rich white bitches who were assblasted that the filthy niggers got the vote before they did.

Second incorporated some class consciousness but never reached the full potential of a movement to liberate people from gender (or "gender norms" if you're a faggot). It was still mostly about white people problems though.

Third is absolute trash fully appropriated by the booj to divide the working class along gender (and even racial, sexual-orientation, and sexual identification lines). The people who are trying to make it about "intersectionality" are at best well-intentioned rubes and at worst the porkies who are rusing the former.

I was going to respond to this seriously but then I realized it was neetnazi.


None of them

Sauce on OP's pic?

I dunno, probably 2nd. 3rd is too neurotic and 1st is too porky. A 4th wave that kills the hyperautistic idenity obsession and brings abolishment of gender roles along with class consiousness would be best. Especially if it killed nogfnazi and got me a leftist gf to smash capitalism with.


Women's suffrage is contrary to dialectical materialism, since it focuses on propping a gender that cant hold their own in the political field up to the top

The Reddit invasion is real.


Someone didn't read Hegel.

No idpol is reddit. Feminism has always been a part of Marxism and communist thought.

Jesus christ, it's the nazi who demanded the state give him wives.

Just make prostitution legal.

You should at least be familiar with Darwin because
What would actually happen is the women who would breed would outbreed the ones who wouldn't. The details literally don't matter.

Hmmmmm…Smells like pol.

Kuroko Smith I think.

calm down with the boogeymen, this isn't Holla Forums

No, it smells like feminism claiming to be part of things it had little to do with, just like Civil Rights.

Would Marx purge his daughter Eleanor for joining the Women's Trade Union League?

I can definitely understand why they would want to throw out those free love drama-bombs.

Back then "free love" was not an excuse for hippy orgies. It meant that women should be treated like human beings and not married off against their will/legally raped/etc.

It meant living in these little communes that attracted every kind of fringe in the country.

Someone didn't read in general

Woodhull fan detected.

Someone has no business talking about dialectics.

What color of poop do you prefer to eat?

Woodhull was an idiot. She lied to the American people and to the IWA about them sponsoring her for president. But I'm also not a fan of Sorge who during his time as secretary saw only the decline of the IWA.

Third wave Feminism is absolutely idpol. Anybody who doesn't know this is a complete newfag from /r/Socialism who spends all their time bitching about "Brocialism" and "Mararchism". Counter-revolutionary words to alienate comrades and cause unnecessary divides propagated by liberals.