If you go on the android app store all you see is pay to win games filled with 10 year olds

if you go on the android app store all you see is pay to win games filled with 10 year olds
pic very related
why aren't there any good mobile games?
what's stopping dev's from creating at least decent ones?


No one will pay for a full price android game, that's the main reason and it saddens me.

There are plenty of genres that would work fine with touch screens. Devs are just shit.

Tough it would be hard to make them good without pay to win shit, they wouldn't profit enough so they end up not doing it.
There are some nice games here and there but nothing really good.
Emulated games would be fine if not for the shitty touchscreen.

Make a game with an audience of 100's of millions children / normalfags


Make a game with an audience of maybe a million or so core games, most of who probably will rather play on other platforms.

Making a proper game on mobile is like making a game that only works with mouse + keyboard on consoles.
Nothing is stopping you, but why would you and who would even play it.

Because people who play games on mobile devices usually don't so for terribly long periods of time at a time. Effectively, this means that any game that requires a sizable amount of time commitment per sitting is more or less out of the question. As a result of this, many mobile titles are games that are to be played in small chunks. And the mobile market thus far has shown that P2W is the most profitable market model for the platform. I think looking at something like Pokemon GO versus Super Mario Run is a good example of different market schemes being applied to popular franchises.

I like Tower Defense as a genre, it's one of the few that works on mobileā€¦ but how am I supposed to know which of the 100,000 of them are worth playing? No idea.

This is a perfect example.

I suppose there are some gems in there, the problem is how the fuck do you find them? The stores are flooded with shit every single day, and it's impossible to keep track of them all, let alone play them.


Like what? Turn based tactics? Good luck navigating multi-layered menus and precisely controlling your units with your fat greasy fingers.
Unless you mean some single cell garbage like nucom, then you should kill yourself.

Jokes on you! There are one good game "Cell lab" on android and its not even port!

I only watch the commercials of that game.

my main nigger

Because normalfags don't have enough attention span to play something more complex than Candy Crush and that's why there are so many pay walls. Downwell is a good example, despite it being a fun game people get turned away because of the graphics and "complex" combo system
Also get ready for more shitty mobile cash grabs now that King is developing a CoD game>>12320724

We've had this thread already faggot

1. touch screens are shithouse and severely limit the potential complexity of games
2. this trash is hugely financially successful, the normalfags actually want to shovel this shit down their throats and won't pay for a well made game at a decent price
3. the people who play this crap are not gamers and won't even touch a pc or a console so they don't know any better

use a stylus, butthead

isnt candy crush a matching game? ive never been good at those

the only genre that would work with touchscreen is turn-based type of games where time is not an issue.