What do you comrades think about this?


What do you comrades think about this?

tl;dr communists should live lavishly to attract massess by their lifestyle

For one I can't fully agree, as: 1. the lavish lifestyle is thanks to the exploitation of classes lower than the luxury communists and 2. after the revolution, the preppy commies would need to give back their precious luxiurous good such as pearls, furs and big homes.
This or the article's author suggests we should wait with the revolution until the wealth generated by the capitalism is so big that everyone can has anything they want, including luxurious goods.



Kill yourself OP


This would have the exact opposite effect on people who aren't interested.

In fact, this was one of the big reasons Trump won the presidency: The lumpen prole saw academics and liberals as these rich elites who live in ivory towers (large cities) and know nothing about their way of life.

So we should already capitulate to revisionism and become the new upper class before we even win? That seems kind of perverse.

Modesty is a spook

How the fuck can we live lavish if we dont have the money to live lavish?

Fuck off, I wrote I didn't agree with the article.





The piece argues that this is the future we should sell people on, not that it's how we should live at this very moment.

this op didn't even read the article

Told you 'bout them morals


they can also be proletarians with false consciousness. What then?

You know what is not a spook?
The material condition you filthy hedonist.

If luxury communism means that I get a white gf then sign me up!

>there are porkies on this board right now

Fucking marxists are actually all porkies!

A lavish lifestyle is most attainable to the most number of people under socialism

Stupid article but I 100% agree that leftists ought to focus most on the future we want to have.

Fetishizing revolutionary asceticism, by governments or by activists, is creepy and weird. Communists live in the woods and grow beards so their children, and the children of all people, can live comfortably.

I can't agree because I have almost no fucking money to spend on luxuries each month while being in a working class job.

so wait
is he saying
we should have




Well, I've read the article

So we attract the proles by… being porky? Also who the fuck from the working class has money to "live lavishly"?

The only thing this will result in is the target demographic being alienated from socialism and the ideology being branded as hypocritical, as if the other labels weren't bad enough already in the US. This is literally just another attempt by liberals to excuse their inactivity while feeling good about their cause, talk about having your cake and eating it too. It's like LeftComs but no theory

I want to see those fuckers actually invest their own wealth in other people, inviting the negro from the ghetto and the trailer park "white trash" to one of their so-called socialist parties. But, naturally, they'd have all the excuses in the world not to, I'm sure. And even if they expose them, if not explicitly invite, to this lifestyle, what do they think will happen? The negro will save for golden grills and dream of becoming a rapper, the redneck will just keep hoping for a lucky lottery ticket. It also begs the question as to how one is supposed to acquire wealth to live this lifestyle.

You can't attract people to socialism by appealing with the excess of capitalism, an excess they are not benefiting from. And it will be fucking pointless if you're attracting them by appealing to luxuries, it guarantees they'd have no idea what they're fighting for once they identify as socialists, if that is to even happen. In this whole retarded mess I can see these luxurious socialist events benefiting a cause for change only if there is actual educational material on the subject - that is, if we're talking about literally throwing luxurious parties, not just individuals having a "lifestyle" to attract proles, which is beyond stupid.

So why should we even bother helping these proles achieve a dictatorship then?

*in the events, like lectures, movies, even comedy skits to send a message

Whatever process needs to be implemented, first comes education on the subject, of at least some degree.

or gulag if they're still reluctant

pic related

This is sloppy, cointelpro. The trash who are innately drawn to the hedonistic lives of bloated parasites will be among the last to embrace socialism. Their obsession with accumulation outstrips their ability to recognize the fact that only a few can achieve (to sully a word) that status, and that to do so, many heads must be stepped on.

The best plan of action, in my opinion, is simply for the radicals to work their way down. Full blown communists reaching out to hesitant socialists, eventually reaching out to don't gulag me for this socdems, and so on. Each advancement making the movement more attractive to the next less radical tier, in order to raise their awareness, understanding and willingness to rebel.

As for how2lifestylism? I generally think it's trash, but if a moderately wealthy prole wishes to purchase luxuries I think it's fine. But signalling with wealth will do more harm in alienating the poor.

And excuse my use of the word trash. I don't want to be insulting to proles brainwashed into worshiping porky, but fixation on consumption irks me. It seems base and animalistic.

It's already happening in China. They popped the US real estate bubble by overbidding for McMansions, and hence the TARP bailouts.

go back to pol

Reported for shitposting


but this whole thread is shitposting user

Uphold Bob Blackism thought!!