They're really annoyed, aren't they?
They're really annoyed, aren't they?

Other urls found in this thread:

You're doing god's work comrade

Based Spanish comrade


¡Bueno trabajes, mi camrado!

(Excuse my poor Spanish, I'm still learning)

Based spanishbro

If i wasn't permabanned from 4chan i would join your threads

Australia is probably the worst and best country ever.

You can always just use TOR. That let's them see that you're in Uzbekistan.


Fuck, man I feel like we'd get to Holla Forums a lot easier if ML's weren't always spearheading these conversion threads. ML is generally pretty unappealing to most people. Even on pol.

Tor isn't allowed on 4chan. They have a protection against that.

lol as if anarchism is somehow preferable. ML will always be the most appealing branch of socialism owing to the fact that it's actually a thing

nice meme.

Huh. Duly noted. Go to the library?

Well if you're neither then you are part of an even more irrelevant sect. You know what I meant, whether you are a leftcom or a trot or whatever


It was a thing more than 25 years ago. It's just as irrelevant as the rest of the radical left nowadays.

They get converted by Islamic Sunni OPs? have we lost?

I'm too lazy mainly. Maybe later when I'm in the mood to answer a lot of retarded questions

Nobody doubts that.

You'd be happily singing Horst Wessel by the end of the day, if Dumb Tankies(tm) weren't there to punch some sense into you.

well at least you don't deny that your kind is what scares people away from class-consciousness

You're the one trying to make yourself appealing to the biggest bunch of reactionaries on the internet.

We hardly need the Horst Wessel when our dear Tankie leaders write nationalist songs about the greatness of our nation, the party and our leader.

Wait, I thought that was what ML's were doing. After all, y'all made the thread :^)


Our Socialist nation. This bit is important.

Red fascists seeking out their kin.

arguing in Holla Forums is about edge, not about ethics or any dense philosophy, all need in terms of arguments is some basic knowledge of logical falacies and some (not necessarily true) facts and data neatly stuffed into infographs and memes. Libertarian Socialism hasn't been edgy since the 80s.

Dr Pavel?


So none of you can refute Holla Forums?

Hourly reminder that your memes are cringy and terrible and/or copied from Holla Forums, your political ideology is a childish and extremely naïve steaming pile of nigger shit and if you unironically are a commie you're literally mentally retarded and/or a 14 year old living with their parents and your hobbies consist of: masturbating to sonic fanfics and cuckholding porn, LARPing online about how you're going to "bash the fash" (which means taking black cock up your anus while you pretend in your mind that it's St*lin or some other kike penetrating you), sucking mutilated jewish dick, literally shaking at offensive posts, prepping the bull for your gf (who has a dick because you have to show everybody how progressive and tolerant you are [and also because you're an actual flaming faggot]), saving up to buy a softair gun so you can post pictures on facebook to "scare le evil fascists", calling people with a different opinion than yours "bigots" and "racists" on the internet while having no counter-argument whatsoever, pretending you know what you're talking about because you read the first 15 pages of Das Kapital once, doing drugs and sucking off your disgusting "antifa comrades" to escape from the reality of your pathetic life (seriously, get a job your revolting parasite), posting on Holla Forums and tumblr about how much you hate capitalism from the latest model of iPhone that your mommy bought for you thanks to capitalism and, last but not least, collecting tolerance points on twitter so mommy will pay for the operation to become a tranny.

Your life sucks, everybody (yourself included) hates you and you will hang soon.
Thanks for your attention, now kill yourself comunist scum.


It's a nonsensical strawman. We're reforming the economic system, not committing highway robbery. Putting workers in control of the workplaces would mean that they're no longer to be fired or exploited at some capitalist's behest, no longer given a pittance of the value they produce, capable of using automation to reduce work hours rather than the amount of people who receive money, etc, etc.
This seems more tailored towards /r/socialism, honestly. None of these memes really appear here at all.

You did a good job, tovarish

It's "Buen trabajo mis camardos" in Mexichan Spanish

Here's your reply. Now run off and think of us when you're jacking it to pictures of your mom.

we're not r/socialism buddy.


My god, are you 12?
This place isn't what you think it is.
It's better than most Holla Forumsacks, who only read the first paragraph of a Wikipedia article most of the time.
"M-muh iphones!!11!!11!1!!1!!!!"

Jesus fucking Christ get a life you faggots.


I've never got this, I thought we were trying to convince the people (especially the discontented proletariat/lumpen) to our views? Isn't not competing against the fascists allowing them space for their ideology to lay down roots?

wew mods triggered

There are better things to do, than going to half.
We agree there.

Reminds me of the old days tbqh when Holla Forums was good and Holla Forums wasn't like you faggots