Hey, ‘Identity Politics’ Critics: Women and People of Color Need Economic Justice, Too



curious, who even came up with the term "idpol", I haven't seen it outside Holla Forums and yet here we are, slowly creeping into the mainstream. My biggest concern is retards pushing the term "alt-left", only further legitimizing liberals as the standard left

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This is basic Marxist theory guys. Why are you so triggered?

Here: archive.fo/psjDW

oh look more liberal garbage

Cart before the horse imo. True racial and gender equality will not happen under a capitalist mode of production.
Focusing on class isn't about "whiteness". I don't give a fuck about "whiteness".

Yes. These issues are facilitated by the class system.

Other way around. Justice is not the word I would use at all.

Who on the left is arguing for this? It's a misrepresentation of the intent to prioritize capitalism over identity politics.

These posts are COINTELPRO. For newfriends, you should be aware that any leftist discussion fora have people working for the government trying to confuse and distract people from capitalism with divisive things like racial politics.

That being said simply electing ethnic minorities and women to positions of power within the capitalist structure is not at all sufficent and should never be considered "justice". Also it goes both ways, especially with regards to race (gender not so much.) If you just give ethnic minorities gibs and then deny them to everyone else that it not true justice.

300 bucks for a 'Healing from Toxic Whiteness' Workshop, sounds fair. 300 bucks well spent.

A range of struggles for "identity" has often fractured rising radical movements since SDS in the 1960s, ranging from foreign to domestic nationalisms. Because these identity struggles are so popular today, some critics of libertarian municipalism invoke "public opinion" against it. But when has it been the task of revolutionaries to surrender to public opinion—not even the public opinion of the oppressed, whose views can often be very reactionary? Truth has its own life, regardless of whether the oppressed masses perceive or agree on what is true. Nor is it elitist to invoke truth, in contradiction to even radical public opinion, when that opinion essentially seeks a march backward into the politics of particularism and even racism. We must challenge the existing society on behalf of our shared common humanity, not on the basis of gender, race, age, and the like. - Bookchin

pic pretty fucking related

That's relevant but misleading. The reason capitalism will always win (outcompete) socialism is because it maximizes competitiveness (profit) at the expense of people's wellbeing when socialism maximizes people's wellbeing and doesn't care for profit or expansion.

Why do so many internet "leftists" hate on Brexit? That was a good thing.

Except they're liberals, and have no interest in anything would-be revolutionary.

Because the weak ass establishment "left" allowed the reactionary right to control the narrative and warp it into a xenophobic shitstorm instead of a class struggle.

Easy to say when you don't live here

So far I've failed to locate the source of "capitalism will always win" meme.

Can anyone point it me to it?

lol did you even read Marx

that's ass backwards, you liberal revisionist cunt

What non-economical justice are they talking about? They haven't achieved shit for a long time.

Only one of those is actually worth fighting before the revolution.

what are you talking about

History for one.

If you don't think it's bathrooms you're a TERF


Not what I said.

That's from the article. This is liberal claptrap. It's focused on income 'justice' rather than economic 'justice'.
Op, go home, you're a liberal, not a leftist.

Again, this article was talking about income rather than class, so technically yes, but *actual* economic 'justice', no.
I don't think anybody is arguing or trying to center whiteness.

"Rape culture" is created by capitalism. It provides a rationale for treating women like commodities instead of people. It cannot be destroyed under capitalism no matter how many Slut walks we do or clever articles we write.

That's essentially what you're saying tho. By stating that capitalism will always win you're invoking Fukuyama's "end of history". Whether you apply a negative or positive connotation with that is irrelevant.

capitalism treats all humans like commodities you fucking moron

what do you think
departments are

What if I don't want to share my toilet time with women?

That's a possibility. I don't see race & gender issues are related to class issues.
That wouldn't fix shit.
NOBODY should have the time to "Center Whiteness" or any other race.

What's the diference between the Tory regime and the unelected Brussels regime?

But it's still funny because here in Portugal are the right wing and centre parties parties that love the EU and the communist party which is against the EU.

Easy lad, all I wanted to know is how the board will respond to their points.

I haven't even bothered to read the article

I'm saying it will always win if you have capitalism and socialism in different countries/lands at the same time. Capitalism can sacrifice everything to make bigger guns (metaphorically). This means this comic is right as far as ductility being its strength, but not because it can incorporate cultures.

Yes but women are treated like commodities at all times rather than just when they are engaged in labor. Why does this trigger you so much?

Right but that commodification manifests in different ways according to different variables (class, gender, geographic location, race, etc). Our labor is commoditized in a fairly uniformed fashion.

so are men. lmao

how you're a commodity doesn't matter - what does is that you are

How #1 is correct?

because race and gender are largely irrelevant to the bourgeois, they're at the top and judge themselves by education or intelligence

That's both not how commodities work in a literal sense, and flat-out wrong in the sense of what I'm pretty sure you're trying to convey. Commodities are always treated like commodities to the people/entities that treat them as commodities. The same people (employers and consumers) treat women as commodities as men. If you're referring to commodification of relationships it works both ways - men and women both treat the relationship as a transaction where they use each other for certain things.

wew, charge of irascibility
so relevant

Societal ills like racism or gender issues impact members of the working class around the world and they aren't going to be erased overnight in the event of a socialist revolution. The socialist revolution will provide the framework to properly address these issues.

Without class it would be difficult for the others to exist. Stratified populations according to race, gender, etc. is often useful to porky. Racism for instance allows porky to cultivate a low-income population that the majority doesn't care about as much (see: black Americans at a time when most Americans are white and racist) which means those people can be exploited more extensively than otherwise possible.

Sorry OP, just get torqued when I see this kind of stuff.

See the 3 others who replied.

Liberal Idpol is itself a blatant form of commodification. Upper middle class activists buy into a fetishized version of their own 'identities'. While white liberals proyect their own values on to 'POC', conceiving of them as an image of the ideal, fully authentic consumer unit. The people which traditionally have stood at the margins of the system are perversely held up as examples of middle class values and praised for their supposed ability to suffer quietly and in silence

The only healing I want from her is sexual.

The 1960s also saw the emergence of yet another form of nationalism on the Left: increasingly ethnically chauvinistic groups began to appear that ultimately inverted Euro-American claims of the alleged superiority of the white race into an equally reactionary claim to the superiority of nonwhites. Embracing the particularism into which racial politics had degenerated instead of the potential universalism of a humanitas, the New Left placed blacks, colonial peoples, and even totalitarian colonial nations on the top of its theoretical pyramid, endowing them with a commanding or “hegemonic” position in relation to whites, Euro-Americans, and bourgeois-democratic nations. In the 1970s, this particularistic strategy was adopted by certain feminists, who began to extol the “superiority” of women over men, indeed to affirm an allegedly female mystical “power” and an allegedly female irrationalism over the secular rationality and scientific inquiry that were presumably the domain of all males. The term “white male” became a patently derogatory expression that was applied ecumenically to all Euro-American men, irrespective of whether they themselves were exploited and dominated by ruling classes and hierarchies.

A highly parochial “identity politics” began to emerge, even to dominate many New Leftists as new “micronationalisms,” if I may coin a word. Not only do certain tendencies in such “identity” movements closely resemble those of very traditional forms of oppression like patriarchy, but “identity politics” also constitutes a regression from the libertarian and even general Marxian message of the “Internationale” and a transcendence of all “micronationalist” differentia in a truly humanistic communist society. What passes for “radical consciousness” today is shifting increasingly toward a biologically oriented emphasis on human differentiation like gender and ethnicity ―not an emphasis on the need to foster of human universality that was so pronounced among the anarchist writers of the last century and even in The Communist Manifesto. - Bookchin


Another dead white guy who was a afraid of women , queers and brown people, what else is new?

Study dialectical naturalism.

"The theoretical backbone of identity politics was the rise of post-Marxist and postmodernist theories in academia.8 This break with Marxism held that the era of “grand narratives”—attempting to understand society as a whole—was over. The stress was now on uncertainty, indeterminacy, and the multiple and fragmented character of reality. Postmodernism reflected the politics of a generation of activists and academics demoralised by the defeat of the mass movements of 1968 as well as the general pessimism of an era in which Francis Fukuyama could famously announce that the triumph of liberal capitalism signalled the “end of history”.9"


what matters is our plan

That's because socialism is not really viable until the contradictions of capitalism reach critical mass and condemn capitalism to the history books. Once the material conditions change sufficiently, capitalism will no longer be the most profitable system.

Send them back to Africa.
Cant get better justice than that.

Hey Holla Forums!

Is there a reason why the feminists write E as a backwards 3?

Im guessing its some odd phobia they have like when they changed women to womyn.

How do.



I guess its a mystery.

Unless you tackle linguistics you aren't using the term identity properly.

You're all Europeans so having identity is core to your being because its core to your language. You cannot argue politics without it, and arguing identity politics in itself is creating an identity of yourself.

But what about the backward 3s?

Don't bother. Pro-EU leftists are usually just young people who are worried about losing muh free travel (i.e. muh holidays.)

Autocratic control of the means of production and employment allows an elite group of individuals to strengthen their dominion by oppressing the economic mobility of any arbitrary groups (in this case, race and gender.) Thus, people of different "identities" will have different relationships with the ruling class.

representational politics add a second order of complexity, as the ruling class attempts to portray itself as 'diverse' and authentically meritocratic, even in the face of rising inequality and concentration of power

True. They really think the EU is only be able to travel without passport. Which if it was, i would be ok with the EU.

fuck off op


The EU aren't actual fascists

Right they just allow fascism to ferment by pushing neoliberal bullshit onto Europe instead. But hey at least they aren't spying on people right?

That's why I couldn't believe my eyes. The argument that we on the radical left have been telling identitarians that socialism would benefit women and minorities for years is exactly the one they are now appropriating and trying to turn against us.

They are against the UK spying on people because that is THEIR job.

shop lenin's head onto molyneux and it would be 10/10

Wait that's not Lenin?

he posted an older version

right click save as

u wot

i assumed op was intelligent and u kno wat they say about assumptions

The cultural superstructure evolves in service to and reinforces the material base of society.

Transport back to feudalism with me:

This neatly exposes the sheer intellectual bankruptcy of such lines of thought.

The drastic change in the "nature" of Christianity between then and now reflects not crass reformism but a change in the material nature of society. The divine right of kings quite simply became obsolete and died away in the wake of changing property relations. It was not, and could not be, "purged" by some sort of diligent, self-flagellating ablution. The bourgeoisie had no need to look inside and painstakingly de-condition the attitudes hardwired into them by the cultural system in order to achieve secular liberal (bourgeois) democracy that upheld the "rights of man" (albeit in a limited capacity.)

The liberal focus on "identity" has come at the expense of a genuine understanding of class forces and has played a key role in suppressing workers struggles through history, especially recent history. Treating racism, sexism etc. as "parallel issues" that must be solved in some cultural vacuum alongside class is, quite frankly, cultural creationism.

Doesn't even name the author, he's just his skin and his penis, haha

Intersectionality and Cultural Marxism are going to eat each other eventually.


This may be the first time I've laughed at an anfem post

Yeah, right. It's not in my interests for Theresa May to be looking through my browsing history. It's so easy for you to say this shit because you probably don't have to live here, stupid fat American cunt.

It basically comes down to this: Does a hypersensitivity about our differences in fact move us toward a more egalitarian society? Or, does encouraging people to treat each other as human beings, regardless of race, gender, etc. move us in that direction?

Hypersensitivity over race and gender issues creates divisions where there shouldn't be any. It really should be just as simple as seeing each other's humanity and learning about each other without getting offended at each other's ignorance.


Well of course it is, it's one of the perks of having a dick.
