Zizek on LTV

This is from his most recent interview: zero-books.net/blogs/zero/zero-squared-95-zizek-and-the-double-blackmail/

Other urls found in this thread:



Summary please. I don't have time for another hour long Zizek interview.

6 minutes webm

wtf i hate zizek now

Another, from the same interview.

lol you can just tell that this guy is real fun irl

Trans woman here, what he said about the fluidity of identity is one of the best things I've heard a cis person say about trans rights.

I'm glad he transcended ideology by drowning in it.

Lacanians in general are very interesting on the subject of the gender problem. Unlike Greerians/"TERF"s or w/e they don't resort to pure scientism when commentating. Give this a read: e-flux.com/journal/32/68246/sexual-difference-and-ontology/, imo.


In the beginning, Sniffman says that all the memes dedicated to him are a way to neutralize his radical positions but I believe it to be the other way.

Zizek improves the Left's image a lot because he's a funny, easy to approach guy who explains things very nicely and has a very pragmatic position in politics.

Zizek memes may neutralize HIM, but in fact they empower greatly HIS IDEAS, because redpills are trivial to swallow when they're given by an overweight hobo with a lisp.



Nothing wrong with not exploiting animals without a strong reason.

inb4 vegetarianism is idpol; how does this make any sense?

Honestly, I don't trust modern science to actually know how to fully replace the nutrients from meat.


have you only noticed just now zizek is an asshole and reactionary in much of his beliefs and behaviour?

Trannies should go to gulag

Mein gott

What is this a response to?

The biggest way his radical positions are neutralized is the social construct of academia.

no, u