Holla Forums 2017

How do we improve Holla Forums in 2017?

I was thinking about having some sort of pdf starter pack stickied for new people here

I wanna hear your ideas.

Other urls found in this thread:


We should bring more people here, so we can do positive change via army trolls.

More Memes.
More Catgirls.
More simplified theory.

Less Elitism.

Yes we should make a sticky for each big thinker or some shit

Better memes
Introduction boards that explain theories and ideologies

If any Marxist wants to right a quick intro to Marxism I'll do one for anarchism

1. make chapo trap house say leftypol
2. Make jason unrhue go mainstream by spamming him on 4chan pol turning him into a meme then sit back in laugh while they fight each other
3.create more maymays
4. troll neoliberals and liberals, bully them into becoming commies
5. do a raid on all the leftwing sub reddits making them implode and continuing the legend of el leftypol
6.make funny and educational youtube videos making fun of the alt right and liberals
7. become so notorious that they realizes that being a far leftist is still a thing and some jew somewhere creates the leftypol version of breitbart to cater to an ignored market.

You could start by all reading Bordiga.

We'd need an intro to Marxism, anarchism, capitalism and its economics. Also maybe philosophy

What if we broke it down into

TankyMarx/Freedom Marx

Social Anarchism,/Individualist Anarchism

Neo-Liberalism Friedman/Social Democracy keynes/ Fascism


There are plenty of people who ascribe to Marxism but also libertarian philosophies like Debord etc

We could add onto leftypol's marxist reading list. I used that to move left of soc dem when i first joined and it was really helpful. Maybe adding additional reading lists and stickying them would help newcomers.

I would like to see this board move on from historical materialism and embrace dialectical naturalism.

remove socdem

We need to work on that unified discord/IRC/web leftypol server. I forgot what was it called, can someone post the details again?

Ban planned economy nerds until they've read books

got anymore books like this?

This, tbh. If we're ever gonna compete with Holla Forums, we'll need to create something that'll resonate with the public at large.

Also Alunya is a qt and should be featured more prominently. Perhaps as a permanent fixture in the bottom right?

We need people to Google Murray Bookchin. Also more dank memes

we make situationist anime

Educate on socialist history. Purge the reformists and apologists for capital. This board is not a truly radical one yet.





How about just one sticky with multiple posts for different thinkers that have PDFs of their writings (or writings about them if they're too difficult for entry level).



That would be nice but leftypol never does anything.

Purge liberals and nazbols.
Get the tankies and anarkiddies to contain their autism.
Dicusss more theory.

It's a discord. IRC I think is still bunkerchan. Don't have a link.


Also this
and this

this tbh

That is a good idea.

This too.


This, but I would also add coordinated Twitter shitposting against both lib and conservative journalists in an attempt to get them to write hate pieces about us.


I'm sick do death at looking at the old ones…

I was just about to post this, surely the admin can delete a few ones if the list is full. Let's make a thread for new banners and pick the best ones

We have no .gif banners either, I can make some animated ones.

How big should they be?


The chavez one is a gif
We need to have top bar like /v's with /leftyweebpol/ /freedu/ and /anarcho/

The click here for more leftist boards link does not work and the BO is a fag for not fixing it.

stop with the fucking porn threads and allowing Holla Forumslacks to shitpost/slide valuable threads with muh autism levels. Stop humoring faggots who are trying to push the conversation towards soc dem reformism. more pro-gun threads and discussions of theory and organizing. actively torch libs and reactionaries with current events threads as much as possible. If we always have poignent, biting criticism of the spectacle we will become an island of discourse in a sea of pearl clutching mental midgets and this will attract people from reddit and Holla Forums who are tired of hive mind copy pasta trash memes and karma whoring. oh and more gondola memes please, i can't think of any one meme that better personifies the spirit of post-leftist and post-modern leftism better

Some of this is valuable but

Why? We need to educate liberals and normies


Not here. We need this as our safe space to shitpost and use albeist language.
Education must only happen outside of this place

We need to discuss leftism not become a fucking army recruitment station selling girlscout cookies

fuck off

Agree. Especially with the gondola, it's really growing on me and surely nobody jerks off to that, so gondola will always remain comfy, pure and inocent :3



Also this

Bumping for interest

remove nazbols