Post all your trump golden shower memes ITT

Post all your trump golden shower memes ITT

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it's redpilled getting pissed on, but you leftycucks would never understand.

wow Holla Forums, that's a bit degenerate!

this was an anti-refugee comic wasn't it

How about you explain why?

I thought Trump just liked pissing on girls which is understandable

I don't think it was? This is the original comic
Are you talking about the Sarah Scribbles edits that the greasy nerds repost?

It's simple, Trump likes it.

Same. I used to think higher of Trump, but if hes one pro-femdom guy who can`t assert his gender superiority he deserves to die.

Lets me give you a little tip, Holla Forums.

Any joke where your in-group is the target of the ridicule is perceived as non-humorous, even if the majority of people consider it humorous.

Post better ones then bitch

Holla Forums jokes:

/lefttypol/ """jokes""":

That's because Holla Forums is part of the deep state you dip

Holla Forums didn't make the dossier mouthbreather. There is no proof of this.

Trump has admitted to being the one who told the intelligence about the golden shower information. It was an attempt to find out who was leaking information about him, he kept the meeting secret from his group so he would know if the information got out it was the intelligence people he just met with that did it.



Holla Forums is a Holla Forums joke

We're just being ironic

8D chess

64D chess

512D chess

4096D chess

The next layer is you realizing none of this even happened. Of course Donald Trump didn't get elected President of the United States. The very notion is preposterous, and you're delusional.

Then who was phone???

Someone tell me how turning their """"god emperor""" into a joke is a win for Holla Forums.

Turning… Trump… into… a… joke…

Think about what you're saying.


So Trump isn't just a Holla Forums meme? Because it seems to me like he is.

here is a chart that should explain everything unless you're too good a goyim to listen and believe the TRUTH!!!

t. Holla Forums

anybody you think they call him their God-Emperor because they want him to keep them on his Golden Path?




Damn that's convincing. Are we sure it's fake.




how do I remember this

poo poo pee pee

Oh god, that's great

Was that story real? I assumed it was a hoax because Holla Forums was claiming responsibility and buzzfeed was the source (so no good reason to believe it anyway).

It's from a kanye west video



I don't care about this story, might as well be a hoax, but why'd you take anything Holla Forums says into consideration?
If anything it's even more likely true if they start covering for their meme president.

KEK just like pizzagate

photoshop is for pussies, I literally just sit on printed out pictures of trump and piss myself until my pants soak the pictures

only the cool kids do this and only Marxists can be cool kids

it's true

source? also this doesn't prove that Trump's administration team isn't just some pol shitposters

holy shit were onto something here
#Pissgate general when?

Someone post this in the pizzagate general on 4/pol/.

It's shopped unfortunately ;____;
The memes of my dreams can't even come true

look at what you made me do

Great now I gotta mop up the piss
Thanks for the heads up though comrade