This guy comes to you and tells you tear down the Berlin Wall, what do?

This guy comes to you and tells you tear down the Berlin Wall, what do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Invade West Germany and start WWIII. Nuclear Holocaust: Best Day of My Life

Tell him the wall just got ten feet higher.



ma comrade

uphold, trumpist-leninist thought

that's savage as fuck

The only way you can fight political slogans is with political slogans.

remind him that he's in a nursing home and just work here. ask him what day of the week it is to gauge his current level of confusion. remind him that Nancy is coming to visit on the week end. remind him that Nancy is his wife.

"I guess."

Tell him to drop the soap in his private prisons.

Have him be so incompetent he single handily causes 9/11 and his own assassination attempt during an era of American assassination attempts, not by political rivals but by a mentally handicapped man.

If it was that easy then someone cogent should have tried it and finished the mother fucking job

tell him to take his Alzheimer's meds

Tell him to go fuck himself.

Gorbashit was such a goddamn pussy. He is such a piece of shit.


Only one option

correct answer


Wow, it looks like the wall fell, luck next time commiecucks :^)

Says the man who defends the right of slave owners to own his ass.

I tear down the wall and invade West Germany.

Ask him how the Taliban are the moral equivalent of the American Founding Fathers.