Jewlywood kikery ruining vidya

>When you can just focus on an engaging narrative with relatable characters and thought provoking story

How can we slay this dragon Holla Forums?
Can it be slain at all?

more like Total Trivial Garbage

Ignore it and buy good vidya, call bullshit out and meme about it.
It's sad to admit it, but it's a good thing memes and chan culture is slowly leaking out, because it gives the masses a bit of a better taste by bullying them into not playing shit games.


You can stop giving jews your money. You can try and influence others into not giving jews their money as well.
Too bad it won't work.
Normalfags are too brainwashed to be able to do anything other than what they're told by their overlords, I was talking to a colleague the other day and he just up and went "Have you played Horizon? I've been watching my influencer play it and it looks great!"
These fucking sheep can't think with their own brains, I felt phisically ill when he mentioned his (((influencer)))


don't be a fanboy
Kojima has his turds just like everyone else
A blatant Blade runner ripoff comes to mind


I don't know. Normalfags can carry it to greater and greater heights so that no matter what we do, the shit practice survives.

Don't even ever imply that again

Made by the guy responsible for 'Make Merica great again' slogan. You do realize how these games redpilled so many, right?

I enjoy Metal Gear and liked Snatcher but lets not pretend Kojima pretty much popularized the cinematic game.

The worst part of this to me is that games focusing on story is not new in the slightest. To have shiteating revisionists pretend otherwise so they can push their gay agendas is infuriating.


Ronald Reagan?

We need to find some way to trigger the San Andreas fault. The end result would be the big one and the end of California, the shitty entertainment industry and Jewllywood as we know it. Killing a shit ton of birds with one stone.

I was baiting a bit with my previous comment, but nevertheless I am a fan of Kojima. His games are "cinematic" but they never become cinema. All of the interesting details in the game that reward the player for finding them and the intricate ways the mechanics interact with each other prevent MGS from becoming The Order 1886.

I guess I can't say with any amount of certainty that his new efforts will keep to that, but I hope they will.

You know that no one gives a shit about that looney.

I dont know how about focusing on fucking over triple A devs rather than blaming everything on atmosphere and story no one likes shitty sjw feminist shit we like things that have depth and gives a unique feel. Just focus on mainstream shit and if we cant stop mainstream shit frpm being shit just turn to independant devs who make great games

As I said, I enjoy Metal Gear and his games are good, but he absolutely deserves a fair share of blame for the current situation.

You could've just told us that you started on MGS2 like all the millennials here.


You play actual games instead of the products of failed hackjobs who couldn't make it to hollywood.

Metal Gear is god tier imo, but it's not without it's flaws and neither is Kojima
Sure his stories are great, but the guy couldn't write a dialog with less than 2 millon words even if his life depended on it
For fuck's sake, nobody in MGS ever stops talking and it does get annoying from time to time

True dat
Kojima is movie maker wanna be, but he never slacks in the game dev department either

We memed evola, zika and winter chan into existance
Can't we meme earthquake chan too?

Tru dat too… kinda
Kojima is the pioneer whose footsteps everyone else is trying to follow, but treads the ground he treads with grace and elegance most of the time while those behind him are just a bounch pretentious hacks who were to shit even for kikewood
That said, pulling a "David Cage" and go full retard hiring expensive actors is a new low for him


I started with MGS1 four years ago ;^)

Yup, I hate to say it, but people on Holla Forums need to get in some place besides their safe space and actually start meming and shitposting in the wild. Holla Forums didn't get Trump elected by whining and bitching on their own board, they got him elected by spreading their influence among normalfag communities like Reddit and Facebook
I've been on /r/Zelda lately bullying Redditors who use quest markers and call BoTW hard. I've also been bullying the Western faggots who wanted more "muh emotional impact" in the story

The only good coming out from those games are the speedruns.

Fuck this guy already. Kojima was holding all other Konami's and Hudson's franchises back only to fund his phantom baby.

You can always buy the Switch if you want to play your Bombergirl and Harvest Sun.

++ increments by 1
So [CURRENT YEAR]++ would be 2016.
t. faggot who knows a very small amount of C.


That's where you fucked up, kid.

It's the postfix version so it returns 2015 then increments the value of the variable.

we don't buy these games, so we have to hope casuals get bored of non-game elements. theres no way even casuals can be having fun with having to be constantly stopped during gameplay to listen to characters talk, or be forced into a walking sequence to look at a fucking bird or similar wafer-thin horseshit.

hopefully the success of BOTW and nier2 might wake people up that you can still tell stories without those shitty stop-and-go elements. of course its mostly just the journalists and reviewers who want to be taken seriously who praise these 'artistic' elements so highly because they're too fucking stupid to judge games on the merits of gameplay anymore


Thanks friend, I should probably take up C at some point

this problem will defeat itself, games dumbed down in persuit of a wider audience, well they found it, saturated it infact there's nowhere left to grow atleast for now.

games will have to focus on quality theyve already reached everyone that splurging on marketing and dumbing down could possibly reach.

you've been reading too many "gaming" rags, lay off the vox media / univision cancer would you, please

kojima heightened the bar on story telling, but his games still have excpetional gameplay. other devs are the ones who forgot what it takes to make a damn game.

even cutscene heavy mgs2 allowed me to skip the cutscenes when replaying the game, and there was a very clean cut between story and gameplay, i don't think there were any segments in mgs2 where you are forced to walk or spin the thumbstick around in circles while the raiden talks on a walkie-talkie or some shit

i don't mind occasionally mixing the story with the gameplay, but the modern game tries to mix the entire damn thing together making a boring mess that ruins replay value. TLOU is a key example of that, i tried to replay the game to get to sections i liked in it and not being able to skip the CONSTANT slow downs made me grow to dislike the game a lot faster than i did on my initial playthrough

So…this is the power…of nu-Holla Forums

They own directly or indirectly most publishing-studios. Pirating is the way to go at the moment.

Those colored icons you can place? Why is that bad

It's for lazy faggots who can't into bother to listen or read up on said quest before going from point A to point B like a mule.

No, I mean the markers that the main quests place that show you where things like the dungeons are. If you disable them the game is 10x more fun because the process of FINDING the dungeons feels like an accomplishment. When the King of Hyrule told me to go to Kakariko village, first thing I did was disable the quest marker and just follow the road path the Dueling Peaks like he told me. Actually felt pretty good being able to play a current year game without having my hand held.

Nothing wrong with using the custom colored markers, but it does take a little bit of the fun out of exploration.


It still pisses me off that Sony cancelled a new IP (it was supposed to be a big scifi game) to make a God of War in a Last of Us/Horizon Zero way.

sounds to me like a telltale sign of autism