Datamining thread

How empathetic are you?

Also general silly tests thread.

Hmm, well can't say I'm that surprised. I'm a Socialist because I hate the upper class, not because I feel bad for anyone suffering under capitalism.

TBH i was quite surprised when i got that score.


"Scores of 30 or less indicate a lack of empathy common in people with Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome."

Well fuck. Probs got Assburgers after all


Looks like I'm fine, especially since my answers were modest. Most of them were Slightly Agree/Disagree.

I'm actually very surprised to have scored this low.

i am a diagnosed spurgboy, but I'm really not high on the spectrum. These tests are all bullshit, but the low result has really quite surprised me. How the fuck did I get a 2/10? the majority of the boxes weren't even in "strongly disagree" or "strongly agree".

i'm not very empathetic, but i'm certainly more than this test portrays me


I wasn't. Someone recently told me that he could imagine what it feels like to be afraid and starving in Aleppo, and felt bad about the idea of children drowning in the Mediterranean. I was somewhat bemused when I thought about this because I can't imagine any emotional state I have never experienced myself and only feel bad because of things that happen to me or people I care about. Probably have some sort of sperg disorder.







So can you, oh great empathetic non-sperg, show us which answers you need to give to get a higher score?

Or anyone else for that matter.


I was wondering why this quiz had certain questions.

Like what does dreaming when you sleep have to do with empathy?

You need to have empathy to imagine what the not-you people in dreams would do is my guess.

I know right. Or these ones:

But whats that got to do with how often you dream? I dont dream often but if I do they are fucking surrealistic so I always wake up confused and disoriented.

or this

That's what I'm talking about, the fuck does any of that have to do with empathy?

It feels more like a


A true sociopath knows to click the most empathetic sounding ones

I am certified not autistic though.


"I find it easy to put myself in others shoes"

Strongly Agree.


it's ok, bros. as an empathy expert i understand you couldn't help being born with autism.

You are like baby

Maybe if you have low empathy and aren't good at imagining other people to populate your dreams, the idea is that you will dream less often. Like, they're thinking that everyone dreams the crazy surreal dreams, but the more empathetic someone is the more they dream other dreams with other people in them. I'm not saying it makes sense, just trying to figure the reasoning behind it. Not all the questions may pertain to the quiz results. Some quizzes do that to act as a buffer for gaming the quiz (I don't know how that's supposed to work).

I'm pretty sure this is just ideology that laws can't be bad or hurt people.
Your future self is another person in a sense. IIRC there's actual research linking concern with the future to empathy, that you're basically empathizing with your future self.
This is the notion that manners relate to empathy which is pretty stupid. Manners don't just get in the way of empathy when they would keep people from doing what benefits others; manners also take altruism out of the space of empathy and put it in the space of rules.
I think this is the thing where you can entertain other people's perspectives.
I think this is getting even more abstract than empathizing with your future self, but the idea here is probably that you can imagine the experience of going on the roller coaster and would avoid it based on that.
I think the idea is that avoiding risks means you're concerned about how your actions affect other people, but that's not always true. It also affects your future self like I mentioned above.
This would involve thinking about how the decision affects other people. The problem is a tendency to weigh pros and cons doesn't necessarilly involve that. Someone could be low on empathy and high on planning. Again, future self is included here.

I know that a lot of these don't make sense because other factors are involved. I'm pretty sure what's going on is asking a lot of questions to indirectly look for signs of empathy, which can manifest in different ways. The purpose of the test is to check for autism apparently, so it's really not supposed to be precise, just a blurry measure that's based around the 30 margin. I imagine that above a certain point different scores become meaningless because the differences are going to be down to the other characteristics interacting with a person's level of empathy.

I got 78/80 by trying to guess which ones im supposed to answer to be empathetic.

Great job, buddy.

telltale sign of autism

Fuck you nigger I got 69.

No you are the little baby.


Doesnt make sense, because I know I love rollercoasters, and my slight masochistic bend would make me even more excited if I was slightly afraid.

Anyway I answered these questions honestly to the best of my ability. I am notoriously bad at answering self-fill-forms.

More like I can't image someone who sees everyone non-german as subhuman has empathy.

Yeah, like I said

everytime i take one of these tests I forget halfway through which side is agree and which is disagree and I mess up my results

That happens to me too. They should colour code it, but that might skew the results.

you haven't seen my true form

They should make a test to see how good people are at taking these tests so people can make threads like this and circle jerk about who's the best test taker.

I hate this sort of test because even tho I always try to give an honest answer to the questions the truth is that I really don't know the answer for most of it. I don't really know myself enough to really know how I would actually act and feel when presented with most of the situations that's on these questions. I also have the impression that the way I would act on most of these situations greatly depends on the day and my humor at the moment, so it's pretty much fucking random and this invalidates the answers.

Yea same here. I probably don't react like my own self-image would.