Trump: Only “Fools” Think Closer Ties With Russia Are a Bad Thing
Well Holla Forums, are we going to see a realignment on the world stage? If so what do you think the consequences will be?

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We'll get a replacement for the ISS.

Fucking Trump. Why doesn't he care about Europe? Russia is obviously the biggest threat to them. Is he even a fucking capitalist?

Trump has literally no ideology. He's just fucking Trump.

Stop crying and accept the Putin.

Russia is more relevant on the world stage than >yurop

Are you really that fucking stu-
I see.

I see the kleptocracies of USA and Russia getting closer with each other as disintegrating Europe is thrown to the dust bin by the USA.


It sounds like your implying China has been a global power in the modern age

We need a new version of the Internationale

Arise, ye Holla Forumsyps of all nations
Arise, ye basement dwelling NEETs
For Putin thunders interventions
A Trump tower's in birth

The communist animal will perish, you will all pray for death before it's over.

will you fucking libtards explain how america will collapse if we don't go to war with russia?

Kill yourself Holla Forumsyp.

If America doesn't start nuclear war with Russia the communist regime will never rise from the ashes of the destroyed world.

Check out this Trot jewel from another thread.

Let leftist ignorance be ended
Respect makes empires fall
Freedom is merely muh privilege extended
For whites one and all


China is not a threat to American hegemony. That is what is at stake here.

PICK your arguments wisely, next time

China is the only true threat to American hegemony in the future, the cold war left Russia a mess and it is now weak economically and deteriorating militarily.

Sure is neocon in here. Money is flowing out of China in droves, all they are left is miles and miles of empty buildings.

China is entirely dependent on western economies. It is not really a threat to American hegemony. Russia however due to its physical location and its oil industry most certainly is.

China while not there yet is closest to being a future threat to the sole world superpower. It's economy is large and it's industrial power is endless. Some might state the dependence China has for other countries economies but it in this global economy the rest of the world is also extremely dependent on China economically and numerous western countries will continue to buy Chinese goods regardless of the relations between USA and China. Additionally over the years China's domestic economy has grown significantly and as a result it has been moving away from a manufacturing economy into a consumption one.

Russia's time is already over with it's economy overly dependent on oil (this is a major problem for the Russian economy), is shrinking and by far is the smallest of the three contenders.

The EU was once a future possibility but is breaking apart due to massive economic and stability issues. As more countries leave and others economically collapse the EU keep growing weaker and less stable at a rapid rate.

Russia is only a threat to the most eastern parts, and as a Western European I can tell you that most people here have zero interest in going to war against Russia to protect them.

Even China doesn't believe it's anywhere near being a superpower, let alone most dominant country in the world. They're more terrified about staving off the massive loan crisis and housing bubble they're sitting on. They're becoming dangerously paranoid have begun reverting back to some of their more draconian laws of the past in an effort to suppress growing unrest.

You mean some might state the reason why China's economy is puffed up on nothing, and can't possibly sustain itself because internal consumption is going nowhere fast as they desperately build empty buildings to try to pump up their fake GDP?

Southeast Asia, Turkey, India (to a limited extent) and even, now, countries like Spain are rapidly eating into China's export market, and there are still countries like Myanmar, Iran, Algeria, Hungary, etc. that are ready to jump into the market and undercut China even harder. This is probably the reason as to why China has started becoming so aggressive towards its neighbours. Their export economy is shrinking fast, entire towns in Dongguan, which used to be the world's factory, now sit abandoned and factories are closing across the country as many peasants head back to the countryside or turn to the black market in the cities for survival.

This is exactly the problem China has, with the exception being that oil is more valuable to the world than anything China is selling them. Much of the world's economy is "too dependent on oil," the oil economy isn't going anywhere soon, being "too dependent" on oil isn't a big short term weakness as prices will eventually rebound. Maybe it will be an issue in the long term if alternative energy makes a rebound, but, the powers that be don't seem too keen on letting that happen.

The answer is clear: leave the capitalist world system and abolish money! Communism now!

I hate LARPers.

The defeat of ISIS is going to lift Cuba and Venezuela.

And the Left are idiots.

Germany is 10 times more relevant than Russia, alone.

leftypol 10 months ago

leftypol now


only industrial output and military capacities give you relevance on the world stage

that's why Russia is seen as more powerful than Germany

We're heading towards another economic crash and we still haven't recovered from 08 fully. The only way the USA won't collapse is by expanding its military campaigns.

t. not a liberal

It's because Holla Forums is /leftypols/ big other. Most people here shape their ideology out of sheer contrarianism to Holla Forums.

On the other hand, it is what makes Holla Forums popular in the first place because people find this board because they are righteously disgusted by Holla Forums.

Well, its not the only way, but it's the most likely way. Neoliberalism has pushed social democracy to the way side, and its unlikely that the USA will put in social democratic reforms again rather than expand the war path.

I have no problem with this really. To be honest, I am really tired of the American govt's international game of chess we play with them. I don't think we should be tight with them. But I think a little cooperation could go a long way.

Also tired of our media's hypocrisy in regard to Russia. We drop bombs on Syria, kill innocents and its necessary losses. Russia does it and its a humanitarian crisis.

That feel when no one realizes trump is a 8d chess master and is going to play russia and china against each other

in an imaginary and idealized beforetime

in the current uncomfortable reality

Holla Forums has probably 300 people posting on it at any one time, when ten months ago Holla Forums didn't even have 300 posters total

But for real, why are we friends with fucking saudi arabia but russia is the big bad guy neocons and recently liberals want to restart the cold war with?
We fought with russia in ww2.
How would going back to a time where the nuclear sword of Damocles hung over the worlds head be beneficial?

Russia is a huge threat to American dominance of Eastern Europe as well as other parts of the world. In order for global communism to occur within the century-ish they must be stopped.

You neocucks dont even realize the age of american control over the world is ending/over, and we are reentering the mulitpolar powerbloc world.
And russia will be one of those powers, so will china and india.

The neocons have done nothing but destroy the middle east and bring about this new age were america is weaker ironically

The fact is in a multi polar world in alliance with russia against the chinks would be beneficial. The neocons can fucking kill themselves or retire because a new age is starting.

cant wait tbh

What hope does Russia have against China? Their population is like 13x smaller, they can't hope to match the Chinese armies.

Russia and China are both permanent members of the UN Security Council. If China invades Russia the entire world will retaliate.

He isn't wrong.

No one realizes it now, but actually we have lived in the final peaceful times of history near the end of americas post ww2 power over the world.
In a multipolar world there will be alliances and war and the world will be a global chess board.

“By 2025, the international system will be a global multipolar one.” That is the forecast of the 2008 volume of the U.S. National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends series—a forecast that still seems correct today.

Provocatively, that volume warned that “we cannot rule out a 19th century-like scenario of arms races, territorial expansion, and military rivalries.” At the time, many senior U.S. policymakers dismissed it and other, even earlier, warnings as just another worst-case “guesstimate,” the kind intelligence analysts love to produce. Where the intelligence community can be faulted is in thinking that multipolarity wouldn’t happen as quickly as it did.

Maybe in a few hundred years once global warming has thawed out Siberia.

All the people whining about this are just discrediting themselves in the eyes of reasonable people.


the neocons destroyed the middle east, ending Americas superpower even though they were trying to maintain it, ironically.
the neolibrals outsourced jobs, making american lives miserable, became center right cosmopolitan elitists.
No wonder the deep state let trump win

USA and Russia preparing for war on the Chinks?

no they were straight up ending them and maintaining them to fit their interests.

This is the only positive thing about Trump. But in the long run his nationalism is hurting globalism.

your saying it like thats something bad

Russia will be China's little bitch boy. It's barely more than Japan these days in terms of population, much less in terms of economy.

gonna be beautiful

post more of the cute dog