Mostly this, but there are specific reasons, ill-thought-out as they are, why Holla Forumsacks believe the things they believe, and I spend enough time there to explain them.
There are secular Holla Forumsacks as well as religious ones. According to the Christians among them, Jesus wasn't actually a Jew, or something like that. It's got something to do with the Khazars supposedly replacing the real Jews, or maybe it was the other way around. As you might imagine, Holla Forums's doctrine changes according to whatever the financiers shilling them need useful idiots to believe. And then you have the pagan Holla Forumsacks who don't respect Christianity at all because Jesus was Jewish.
There may be some left who think he's secretly one of them, but probably not many at this point. The ones who recognize that he isn't and aren't just paid Trump shills will claim that they supported Trump to move the Overton window to the right, and that Trump is just a stepping stone to their eventual goal of a white nationalist US president. However, this isn't working out the way they thought, because the Overton window isn't just moving to the right, it's expanding in both directions and a beam from the ceiling is falling into the center of it and blocking that part off because centrism is dead.
Holla Forums doesn't have a consensus on fun in general or this in particular, and neither does Holla Forums. There is a tiny bit of validity to the statement, although as with all things Holla Forums, the valid parts are seen through a bullshit-colored lens. Basically, as with everything else Holla Forums has been bamboozled into blaming on the Jews, this pedo hysteria is the result of Orwellian language distortion meant to redefine pedophilia in a manner not consistent with biological fact, and the ultimate source of this distortion is the capitalist media. They seek to utilize their financial resources and control of the security state to ensure their exclusive sexual access to teenagers, who from the perspective of evolutionary biology are the best mates. You can be sure that they don't follow the laws they make the average citizen adhere to. Unfortunately, many on the left have also been taken in by the propaganda, particularly tankies…even though it was legal to bone teens in the Soviet Union, but far be it from disgusting liberal feminist hambeasts to actually read history. Check out the thread about them wanting to ban porn if you don't believe that. It's a fucking shitshow and validates every last thing we've been saying about them.
Anime is just another artistic medium. It's as smart or as stupid as the people making it. If you want intelligent anime, watch something like Ghost in the Shell. Not all anime is Naruto or Dragon Ball Z.
Waifus are love, waifus are life.
Holla Forums and the right in general are currently at each other's throats over this exact thing, as this thread discusses. It's pretty entertaining to see them fall victim to the same sectarianism that the left so often suffers from.