Can someone explain Holla Forums to me

I've been on Holla Forums on and off since it replaced /n/, and the place went from just another board, to stormfront, to dedicated Trump shill board.

They're also pretty much the only board on front page to have grown while every other board dropped in user and post count.

They claim to worship White culture but deny over 1500 years of Christian foundation
They claim to hate Jews but support Trump
They claim to be against fun but go on about not being a pedophile is a Jewish conspiracy
They claim to be intelligent but watch japanese cartoon shows and go on about 'waifus'

Now apparently they're not even alt-right anymore.

They're a combination of mentally ill, reactionary and edgy. There's no pattern of logic to follow since everything is driven by those motives. If you understand that, everything makes sense.

It's called contrarianism, not logic.

Why the fuck is 'deg.eneracy' wordfiltered you cucks

Holla Forums is controlled by the Kremlin.

top lel, how deeply triggering and problematic, it's anuddah shoah

calm down cuck


This doesn't explain the post 2014 Holla Forums though


Holla Forums also growed a lot since its beginning.

Guess who profits from a louder pol?

Russia ;^)

Their cyber unit is here posting a ton of right wing propaganda trying to destabilize us by indoctrinating dumb Americucks who voted for trump, exactly why they are so big shills


Sad thing is, there's a good chance this is real

Holla Forums is largely just a game for people.

Hey russian bot, sorry to point out about pol's sudden popularity and the profit of indoctrinating such sites so you can get morons to spread your propaganda FOR FREE

Shh don't post stuff like that, the morons keep denying how Russia influenced the election because they think only way to influence an election is by hacking voting machines and releasing info from dnc while in reality most of the Russian Internet force was focused on spread propaganda and pushing for right wing autism on many sites and Facebook, that is why suddenly there were far more anti left posts all of the sudden during election season.

But non lol, let's talk about some. Imaginary hack on voting machines and point out how that didn't happen thus in their minds proving that there was no Russian influence because that was totes the only way to influence ve elections xd

From 268 to 734 users in 10 months

It's not even a recent thing, it's pretty clear that they've been doing it for years.

They started off as politically incorrect then pushed the envelope until they were infiltrated by extremists. Not surprising.

True Trump was the perfect time to go on overdrive though, couldnt lose the chance of installing their easily controlled puppet on there to fuck the US.

Especially when their citizens are brainwashed enough to believe Trump should control the media and punish anyone who goes against him, US might descent into fascism in a worst case scenario with him

You know what also had influence on the election? Nearly the whole establishment against Bernie and Trump(CTR, google, etc)

Also lets not forget that Obama locks up reporters already and got rid of habeas corpus.

Mostly this, but there are specific reasons, ill-thought-out as they are, why Holla Forumsacks believe the things they believe, and I spend enough time there to explain them.

There are secular Holla Forumsacks as well as religious ones. According to the Christians among them, Jesus wasn't actually a Jew, or something like that. It's got something to do with the Khazars supposedly replacing the real Jews, or maybe it was the other way around. As you might imagine, Holla Forums's doctrine changes according to whatever the financiers shilling them need useful idiots to believe. And then you have the pagan Holla Forumsacks who don't respect Christianity at all because Jesus was Jewish.

There may be some left who think he's secretly one of them, but probably not many at this point. The ones who recognize that he isn't and aren't just paid Trump shills will claim that they supported Trump to move the Overton window to the right, and that Trump is just a stepping stone to their eventual goal of a white nationalist US president. However, this isn't working out the way they thought, because the Overton window isn't just moving to the right, it's expanding in both directions and a beam from the ceiling is falling into the center of it and blocking that part off because centrism is dead.

Holla Forums doesn't have a consensus on fun in general or this in particular, and neither does Holla Forums. There is a tiny bit of validity to the statement, although as with all things Holla Forums, the valid parts are seen through a bullshit-colored lens. Basically, as with everything else Holla Forums has been bamboozled into blaming on the Jews, this pedo hysteria is the result of Orwellian language distortion meant to redefine pedophilia in a manner not consistent with biological fact, and the ultimate source of this distortion is the capitalist media. They seek to utilize their financial resources and control of the security state to ensure their exclusive sexual access to teenagers, who from the perspective of evolutionary biology are the best mates. You can be sure that they don't follow the laws they make the average citizen adhere to. Unfortunately, many on the left have also been taken in by the propaganda, particularly tankies…even though it was legal to bone teens in the Soviet Union, but far be it from disgusting liberal feminist hambeasts to actually read history. Check out the thread about them wanting to ban porn if you don't believe that. It's a fucking shitshow and validates every last thing we've been saying about them.

Anime is just another artistic medium. It's as smart or as stupid as the people making it. If you want intelligent anime, watch something like Ghost in the Shell. Not all anime is Naruto or Dragon Ball Z.

Waifus are love, waifus are life.

Holla Forums and the right in general are currently at each other's throats over this exact thing, as this thread discusses. It's pretty entertaining to see them fall victim to the same sectarianism that the left so often suffers from.

Mostly this, but there are specific reasons, ill-thought-out as they are, why Holla Forumsacks believe the things they believe, and I spend enough time there to explain them.

There are secular Holla Forumsacks as well as religious ones. According to the Christians among them, Jesus wasn't actually a Jew, or something like that. It's got something to do with the Khazars supposedly replacing the real Jews, or maybe it was the other way around. As you might imagine, Holla Forums's doctrine changes according to whatever the financiers shilling them need useful idiots to believe. And then you have the pagan Holla Forumsacks who don't respect Christianity at all because Jesus was Jewish.

There may be some left who think he's secretly one of them, but probably not many at this point. The ones who recognize that he isn't and aren't just paid Trump shills will claim that they supported Trump to move the Overton window to the right, and that Trump is just a stepping stone to their eventual goal of a white nationalist US president. However, this isn't working out the way they thought, because the Overton window isn't just moving to the right, it's expanding in both directions and a beam from the ceiling is falling into the center of it and blocking that part off because centrism is dead.

Holla Forums doesn't have a consensus on fun in general or this in particular, and neither does Holla Forums. There is a tiny bit of validity to the statement, although as with all things Holla Forums, the valid parts are seen through a bullshit-colored lens. Basically, as with everything else Holla Forums has been bamboozled into blaming on the Jews, this pedo hysteria is the result of Orwellian language distortion meant to redefine pedophilia in a manner not consistent with biological fact, and the ultimate source of this distortion is the capitalist media. They seek to utilize their financial resources and control of the security state to ensure their exclusive sexual access to teenagers, who from the perspective of evolutionary biology are the best mates. You can be sure that they don't follow the laws they make the average citizen adhere to. Unfortunately, many on the left have also been taken in by the propaganda, particularly tankies…even though it was legal to bone teens in the Soviet Union, but far be it from disgusting liberal feminist hambeasts to actually read history. Check out the thread about them wanting to ban porn if you don't believe that. It's a fucking shitshow and validates every last thing we've been saying about them.

Anime is just another artistic medium. It's as smart or as stupid as the people making it. If you want intelligent anime, watch something like Ghost in the Shell. Not all anime is Naruto or Dragon Ball Z.

Waifus are love, waifus are life.

Holla Forums and the right in general are currently at each other's throats over this exact thing, as this thread discusses. It's pretty entertaining to see them fall victim to the same sectarianism that the left so often suffers from.


They never were alt-right. that was a term made up by the media to describe them.

They have no poltical compass. its a hivemind, constantly changing

RIP in peace.


i can't math right now, what's the growth rate for Holla Forums and Holla Forums?

in total i can see + 377 users on Holla Forums and + 466 on Holla Forums

Holla Forumss growth: 16.66 %
Holla Forums: 173.88 %

3/10 someone will fall for this

anime is for smart people

How many Holla Forums threads have we had today?

Why shouldn't Holla Forums-minor hae threads on Holla Forums?

Like in real life USSR, growth rate under socialism surpasses the decadent west, tovarishch Stalin

Because it's a video games board, silly.

Also as in real life, the USSR was catching up. Holla Forums, as well as the USSR was, is still behind in total numbers and a continuous growth even if in total numbers bigger than that of Holla Forumss doesn't mean that we'll take lead anytime soon or that we can keep up the same rate.

However this doesn't mean that these numbers don't show a clear success of this board and a relative stagnation for Holla Forums as it's also harder to actually take off like this with so much smaller resources than the competition.

Damn Holla Forums has grown a lot.



Holla Forums in a nutshell ladies and gentlemen

Back to reddit

Fuck you moron for making me agree with an anarchist.

Never mind, I'm retarded.

I'm going back to reddit guys, sorry for samefagging.

Ignore anyone pretending to be me.

Guys check out this board
They haven't got a word filter

>>>Holla Forums
stay there, faggot


Sorry guys I actually stayed, I'll go back to reddit later when underage faggots pretending to be me go away, like

p.s. I love sucking nigger cocks



Foolish citizen doesn't know we know what's best and have his best intentions.

They're just a meme to piss off Holla Forums. Once you realize which ones are which (r4ce war = Nazi masturbation fantasy, national s0cialiam = not socialism, I.Q. = Autism level), you can get around them.

Not necessarily true, opinion is pretty split on Christianity, there are loud anti-Christian uprisings once in a while but it's very contentious and in fact, I'd say Christianity has a slight 60-40 edge among the general population there. That's just going by my own eye test.


To celebrate, I think I'm gonna go suck some mo' nigger cocks

I hope the mods realize that this anarkiddo is a Holla Forums shitposter, who's been continuously shitposting for the past some hours.

Stop being dumb, the se ond post is a mad Holla Forumsyp

Yeah, this Holla Forumsack came here specifically to trigger me and has been posting every time I'm on.

Please ban him mods, I feel uncomfortable in my safe space, and add some more word filters.


Maybe because he was a TERRIBLE CANDIDATE? He was lying left and right boldly and blatantly, he was talking big and making impossible promises that anyone with more than one braincell knew was wrong yet people supported him.

of course the fucking media have an obligation to focus on him

He barely got any real attention, he wasnt like Trump, the little media that were posting negative things against him might have been manipulated, but the media shitting on Trump isnt le lefting propaganda, it is people realizing trump is dangeorus and uniting against him

So you might as well go to full fascism right? ;^🍀🍀🍀

To celebrate, I think I'm gonna go suck a couple mo' nigger cocks

In a row

Wow, that's pretty sad tbh burgers

I suggest you go preemptively set up your next VPN or reset your router, as being this unfunny is a bannable offence.

Black flag anarkiddo had been posting about Jews on other threads.

Hope you got a lawyer to sue that faggot for the asshurt he caused you user. Should be an easy win with your bleeding anus as evidence.

Howdy, American.
laugh track

Like pottery

Newfags, namely, you and /r/The_Donald shitposter, need to fuck off in unison.

Oops forgot my downvote

It's actually pretty useful when it does not contribute to the discussion, but I'm sure you read the reddiquette guidelines before you heard of imageboards.

What's a reddiquette? I'm not familiar with you redditors' terminology

Hello, reddit!

Please kill yourself, do your parents a favor.


Into the >>>/trash/ you go! Take your buzzword with you.

It started off as "politically incorrect" and was eventually infiltrated by extremists. Happens all the time.

Holla Forums has grown even more than Holla Forums

all the more reason to disdainfully sage despair threads

>wait until a well-meaning poster gets banned by autistic COINTELPRO ages mods

leftypol grew because right wingers come here to troll more often

This board grew because there was nowhere else to go.

It seems your average chan nerd with an I.Q over 80 would rather argue with smartass philosophy students than with literal fucking neo nazis. As it happens, this is the only board on this site where neo nazis are properly told to fuck off and die.

I guess OP doesn't have to go far to see the Holla Forums mentality explained. Some of our mods have it too, albeit in Tumblr/Reddit form.

Also, if you don't think Ghost in the Shell is well written, you're just a hipster faggot.

You can't argue with nazis anyway.

If that were the case and we subtract all the accused "trolls" on both boards by counting bans, Holla Forums wins by an even larger margin.
Your argument goes both ways, salty Holla Forums fag.

And that's how you spot a newfag.

The fucking irony.

It was pretty clever how he managed to get people to support right-wing policies, tbh.

Yeah Trudeau is doing the same thing up north. Apparently liberals will support anything as long as a hip pro-gay young guy is in charge.

Thankle happy merchant meem I'm a 'newfag' then

Oh wow, and Holla Forums tries so hard to pretend they're better than Holla Forums

Because it triggers you.

Yeah, word filters exist because the word triggers the person who wrote it, not the beta little shits like you ;)

Every time I come to this board I see a Holla Forums poster triggered by the wordfilters.

You are free to discuss anything you like. We are simply poking fun at your abuse of loaded and emotional language.

This is why I can't stop coming here, the funniest board in chan history

Get triggered faggot.

How does any straight man with a three digit Autism Level understand the easily triggered feels of a faggot

If you can't express your opinion without buzzwords, your opinion is worthless.


And you always respond in exactly the same way.
I've seen exactly the same discussion play out multiple times.





Didn't use the word goyim though?

Does Holla Forums have word filters too or is loving censorship a strictly leftard thing?


take your meds

It's probably just his autism. He seems slightly smarter than most bots.

I still say we should filter that to 'sasanach'

This is Holla Forums pretending to be Holla Forums right?

No one can be this retarded.

Holla Forums is not one person but that's the gist

This is Holla Forums pretending to be Holla Forums right? No one can be this retarded.

Pretty cute how you got so triggered you had to start parroting your betters.

quality rebuttal

this much butthurt is surreal

Holla Forums getting triggered is the best feeling ever tbh

Maybe if I keep saying that the person who's laughing at retards like me supporting word filtering words that trigger me is triggered, people will not realize I'm projecting

Please censor every word that isn't SJW friendly mods, I'm literally shaking from all the cis gendered muh privilege words

*Holla Forums

Don't know how I was retarded enough to make a typo like that

I mean, it's not like Holla Forums's the one who got so triggered by words they had to start censoring it



delicious asshurt

yeah, clearly the person who got triggered by words and had to censor it isn't the one butthurt, but the one making fun of you for getting butthurt

you're eternally asshurt because it cripples your cuck-centric vocabulary


Please keep going

Yeah, the guy making fun of you retards getting butthurt over words is the guy that's asshurt. Yep.

Well thought out argument Holla Forums.

nvm I'm retarded, I'll go suck some more nigger dicks while the mods make sure to remove all the words that trigger me in this safe space

If the nazis had one thing right, it was eugenics. God I wish my whore of a mother aborted me ;-;

The guy getting butthurt over wordfilters mocking his retarded buzzword and crying "censorship" like the little anally ravaged bitch is the guy that's asshurt.

Wow I'm attached to anything related to the rear end a lot, probably from my suppressed faggotry and my step father raping me every day since I was 4 (I'm 13 btw )

kek, and you actually think it matters whatever pathetic stupid shit you type in a case this clear that even people that are at each others throat all the other time can agree on what a little rectal devastated bitch you are?


Wow, Holla Forums makes Holla Forums look normal

More, it's so good.

Maybe if I keep projecting my anal devastation, he'll get disgusted by how retarded I am and go away.
I wish he'd stop triggering me ;-;

This is amazing, please keep it coming.

Never stop this constant flow of ass pain.

and a scathing counterargument as usual Holla Forums ;^)

Maybe if I keep pretending me getting butthurt over words and word filtering isn't censorship, he'll get disgusted by how retarded I am and go away

I wish my step father would use a condom at least

Holla Forums

Holla Forums

So Holla Forums's like Holla Forums minus the faggots

But what do you have left once you remove the faggots from Holla Forums?

Word filters :^)

I bet you can post more on how you're totally fractured butthole totally isn't in agony.



Most people here came from /lit/ tho.

8/pol/ is mostly Holla Forums autists and stormfags who thought 4pol was compromised

Is that another board where posters ironically claim to have read books?


Let me guess, books are a degenereate SJW commie cuckspiracy? Also why don't you go there and see for yourself instead of trying to sneer about something with zero information about it?

Thanks for the tip guys, I'll let them know you sent me to shit it up.

Have you already said your daily praise of the Orange emperor and his Jewish children?

Pretty sure it started as a term the youtube reactionaries used to describe themselves, then liberals and leftists used the term to describe them when making fun of them and it just grew from there.

Film is pretty good, show is fucking ass, couldn't finish that crap.

Are you one of the guys who thought moot was becoming being a pc warrior back when he filtered faggot on 4chan? Because you're just as fucking retarded now as you were back then.

Every time we do something you tell me Holla Forums will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about TRS pressure on Holla Forums. We, Holla Forums, control Holla Forums, and the mods know it.
