Juche My Shit Up

What do you think of Juche and the DPRK Holla Forums?

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ethnic nationalism with 'Socialist' tacked into the name for USSR and China gibs.

My thoughts begin and end with "The Juche is Loose" being hilarious.

This. Still not up to foreign intervention to decide what government to install. As far as it goes for the US imperialist occupation of the South i'm with the DPRK.


Another socialist state. They're doing good at triggering lefties and rightists

Perfect example of third worldism.

the military first policy mess them up but other then that their good

that's a cool flag

this is some next level trolling

Ho Chi Minh was a nationalist

No more of a nationalist than someone like Castro, i.e., not a nationalist at all.

Besides, my objection was that the other ones were obviously not socialist, whereas Ho was. Ergo, he doesn't fit with that image of so-called "socialist nationals".

how where the other ones not socialists?

Stalinism is corporatism with a Soviet face, Juche is mystical Fascism that openly rejects Marxism, and Gaddafi was a social democrat AT BEST.

care to explain?
except he didn't follow the "democrat" part and he got shit done unlike socdems

Small group of people with private interests controlling all major production and industry for a profit. More or less the definition of corporatism.

So, an economy that was founded on the principles of Marxism-Leninism and then rejecting Marxism-Leninism has probably succumbed to revisionism.

"Socialism is just highly regulated capitalism!"

You sound like a liberal right now.

Not even socialism.

Actually glorious.


A more fucked-up version of Confucianism rather than a debased version of Communism.

Muh self-reliance is utterly retarded. No wonder Korea was commonly referred as the Hermit Kingdom long before even the Korean war.

when you where putting your faith in the workers of the first world
I studied Juche

while you where trying to raise wages
I realised that workers in imperialist countries already receive wages above the abstract value of their labor

And now that the first world populations have turned to reaction in the face of capitalism's innate contradictions
you have the audacity to come to me for help?

Unruhe doesn't seriously defend Juche, does he?

I mean, I knew he's an idiot, but he can't be THAT much of an idiot.

Yes he does. That's what happens we you go full MTWist.

But it's literally just not socialism.

It doesn't even pretend to be socialism.

Besides, Unruhe is a Marxist. How could a MARXIST possibly support such an unapologetic idealist, utopian hyper-nationalist framework?

He supports it because muh western imperialism. This is why no one takes third worldists seriously. They have no real theory other than "fuck white people and fuck (white) capitalism."

It's just National Bolshevism with Korean characteristics.

North Korea should be our go to example of ethnic nationalism.