Holla Forums utterly and entirely BTFO

How the fuck are we ever supposed to recover?

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damn dude you got me

That is almost dumb enough to be a rant in a Paul Joseph Watson video.



This isn't even a good strawman. Leftists don't oppose all forms of hierarchy or consuming more than is directly necessary to live. You can still elect a leader for your workplace or commune, he just won't be your dictator. Most people under socialism would possess more than they do now because everything wouldn't be hoarded by a tiny few people. I don't understand.

That is why Holla Forums might call others animals but they are the real literal animals

What a waste of free will.

Is it just a severe need for control and fear of ignorance that leads them to be cucked by human nature or just a need for daddy to tell them what to do because their brains are too small to think for themsleveas?

The funniest thing about that is pol is so proud of Christianity to the point that a lot of them are creationists. You cant really base human nature on free will and original sin.

nice quads, checked

Yes i forgot that time where hunter gatherers naturally charge rent.

Oh no, they didn't, they held everything in common and worked together, only forming "hierarchies" based on ability to lead and perform important tasks.

Honestly it isnt completely wrong, because people arent equal.

You just need one smart person to start manipulating people to get higher, and these people will always exist and can fool the system. So you have to have a system that works with that fact that these people exist and will manipulate others for their profit

I really dont want to do this because of my american comrades but

Nice meme

Except there's a difference between a person being able to convince others of a point of view and that person having institutionalized authority that shuts others out of the decision making process.

can someone please for at last sake explain what spook is/means?

from what I can glean it means believing in something that doesn't exist, can you please provide a summary and explanation?!



"fixed idea" = spook


So what happens when they manipulate their way into gaining that authority, knowing most people are either dumb or apathetic and don't really care who runs the show as long as their needs are met?

Max Stirner referred to many common ideological concepts as "spooks" to note their nature as fictions of our minds, including but not limited to the idea of God, country, race, morality, etc. Further he proposed that when we pursue such ideals and attempt to put them ahead of ourselves, we're still ultimately pursuing our self gratification. So he figured that we would be best off if we held ourselves to be the ultimate authority over ourselves, and tailor our values to serve our own interests, rather than attempting to tailor ourselves to suit our values.

Huh? Communists will be the first to lampoon conspiracy theories.

He isnt wrong, people mainly believe in those things because of the psychological benefits like reducing their responsibility, getting answers for things nobody really knows such as death and boosting ego such as nationalism.

And every action taken in the name of those things makes the people who believe in them feel better because by upholding any belief you believe you are doing good and that makes yourself feel better.

You wouldnt be doing something that felt bad, unless you were forced. For example people could kill people and enjoy the power of control, while people raised in peaceful societies can feel terrible if they ever kill someone even by accident.

The problem is the brain is an infinite prison, you will never not do something because if feels good, even if you hurt yourself in order say you are free and doing something against your nature you are still making yourself feel better by upholding your belief of "i am doing something against my nature so i feel good"

So it is an inescapable prison, and the only way imo is to acknowledge that and work with it, people should let their nature loose when it is safe and cuck it when it is not.


Feels smart man

Stirner makes the distiction of spook (things that does not exist physically) and property (physical thing)
A frontier beatween two contries is a spook but a fence or a wall is a property. Accepting that your road ends with the wall is a spook but jumping over it s overcoming the spook

So we can conclude that Trump's wall is also a spook.

Because it is metaphorical and only stupid people who believe in Trump wont be able to pass through it

This is just so backwards though. Literally all the tinfoil comes from Holla Forums

Fucking Hitler was a tinfoilaholic. Fucking muh Thule we wuz lost underwater city CUNT

go to bed nietzsche

No, because this assumes that these things will lead to happiness when they don't; delusion doesn't provide any form of long-term happiness or satisfaction, it's merely a loss of self for temporal happiness. Some ideas are simply more grounded in reality (a material basis), than others, and as such yield more satisfaction, or work in one's interests better than others. If people could find happiness in religion then there never would've been a reason to move past it.

I think you meant neocortex.
