DayZ standalone

Think we can get a 2028 release?

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still before scam citizen and overgrowth

Well, Overgrowth went into beta back in January, so at this rate we can expect a 2026 release.

Perhaps. But it was announced in 2008 and had alpha builds in the same year. It's already a record holder for early access.

Ahh friendo, you're not aware of Cortex Command, are you? 10 Years of development, and look at it now.

Woah. Even at the bottom of the barrel there is still competition.

Never give up hope.

didn't he say he was making another game ? what happened to that?


The guy who made it parted with Bohemia because he realized they are crossed-eyed donkey-eating idiots who can't program and rely on modders to carry their products.

It is essentially in its finished state.

Actually, I was wondering about that and it's still getting updated. They're moving vehicles to stable.

You know. Well over 3 years into development.

I've been playing Bohemia games before Resistance came out. Trust me when I say you will see DayZ 2 before you see a complete and stable DayZ.

look at that fucking screencap. They've had how many goddam years to get this shit into something at least resembles a finished state after taking how many shekels from retards on steam and this is the best they can come up with?

I wanted to play this but everything I've seen has reminded me Early Access, Never Ever

Exactly. If a game is good, it will make it out of Early Access. If it doesn't make it out of Early Access, it's shit and shouldn't be played. Meaning there is zero reason to ever buy an early access game on steam.

Also, that screenshot is old, but I decided to check recent DayZ videos to see if they changed the character sheet, and they did.

Yep, it looks even worse.

the next update (.62) will be considered beta
they have come a long way from the first day, they wrote a whole custom game engine. too bad it lacks features of the mod and some game mechanics are ridiculously complicated while others are simple. they really need to simplify and universalize medical shit, and vehicle repair. There is a reason why 80% of other games on steam are copies of dayz

its only a fun game if you have friends regardless of what the devs WANT the game to be
it will ALWAYS be a pvp squad based battle game



yeah, if it makes it out and is good, I'll hear about it and whoa, maybe even buy it but I ain't throwing bucks at something that is perpetually spinning its tires in the mud

how… how is this acceptable? It takes so little time to rough something up that looks vaguely professional and it goes a long way toward making your product look finished.

I wanted to get into this with my friends but the only guy I know who had it warned me it was a buggy mess and to stay away until it was out of early access. I'm impressed with your tolerance for punishment, user

This game needs to be shit on more often TBH fambla.

The moderators on the DayZ Steam forums is a nig called Orlok who does it for free for the last 4 years.
The best part is Elite Dangerous devs get him to moderate their forums as well, despite not being a moderator then ban you if you tell him not to backseat moderate.

They new have a new moderator as well who is a fucking gay furry.

I remember arguing with Orlok before he banned me permanently, he said DayZ would be released in Q2 of 2016.

They CONSTANTLY miss their own deadlines then act like those deadlines never existed. They get away with it because the people who still play it are fuking children who weren't self aware 2 years ago to remember their promises.

I stopped playing it with my friend after my character with top gear, m4 and best backpack optics etc… was killed by a bunch of buggy zombies.

Also the fact that you cannot have few characters in the same time sucks hard

im 100% sure you can have more characters but 0% sure how to do it

this is the problem with early access/kickstarter

they have your money

end of story

Unless steam has changed their policies, there is zero fucking incentive for you to actually deliver on your promises because idiots have already paid you for dreams. It just kills me because this was one of the bigger games but it's been in development for fucking ever.

I think Early Access games can be refunded, at any given time and two weeks after release.

I wonder why more people dont do it then, considering how unfinished most of these projects are. Unless they have been, but who knows


Do you mean Deam "Rocket" Hall? Cuntlord shiteater extroidinaire?

Talk about pot calling the kettle nigger…


yeah whats the story here

I never understood appeal of these games.
The community was full of sociopaths that will murder you the instant they saw you and you just walk around empty world doing nothing.

This is what makes it fun
Also consider pros and cons of approaching other players
Danger outweighs all possible benefits so there is no reason not to shoot on sight

More like squatting in empty houses for hours on end until i wander in like a mule only to get my brains blown out by some random asshole.

Which was the problem.
Either you had people you already knew join up with you or you killed everyone.
The first year of DayZ was almost entirely balance fixes to prevent that, like bullets damaging equipment someone has.
Which ended up resulting in guns being useless other then rifles for robbing people.

Aside from being >a crossed-eyed donkey-eating idiot who can't program and who relies on modders/other programmers?

Dude created DayZ, I'll give him credit for the spark of the idea. But then every single thing he added or changed in the original mod made it a lesser game.

People looked back at his history and found other mods he had made for ARMA that were laughably piss-poor in terms of game design and more importantly programming skill.

After spending a year or so fucking up his own creation and riding the media high that the journos were foaming at the mouth to fellate him with, he went to work at Bohemia to create DayZ standalone. This was the flagship of Early Access on steam BTW. The originale shit heap. (Still not released).

The first iteration of Standalone was miles behind the mod, which had been forked off by other, much more compotent programmers and game designers. Features that were in his own version of the mod were absent from standalone for fucking years. While he worked on adding items that didn't have any function, because he wanted to add the function in later. He'd add in shit like pliers that were to be used in some mechanical mod that wouldn;t be implimented inside of a year (if at all) without realising that he's just shitting up his own loot tables.

This was amidst core gameplay mechanics not working. This continued for years. The free mods improved constantly and consistently, standalone added in a new hat. At one point I think he removed zombies because he couldn't into making them work. I haven't checked but I'd wager money they're still buggy nightmares that act as a RNG killswitch for players.

Not to mention that they for some reason kept working on adding in new towns, and expanding the locations on the map, whithout ever increasing the player count beyond the paltry 70 or 80 or whatever it was. In the original mod, before standalone, you could play in servers with 100-120 people. The DayZ map is massive for the game mode it is. It was the best available out of the default Arma2 maps, but with a limited player count it really feels lacklustre. Walking for 4 hours without interacting with another person, when zombies are removed from the game, is just tedious.

Throughout the development of the mod/standalone Hall would constantly say he was deliberatly desiging the game to be unfun, boring and something people shouldn't want to do. Not hard, or difficult, or punishing… Unfun. He'd add in mechanics and items purely to ruin the game for his players. Combined with his shitty programming skills and shiteating personality it made for a perfect storm of everything that is wrong with indie gaming. Of course the journos lavished praise on him for it, which he loved way more than actually making games. Common as fuck with indie devs who get blown up in the spotlight.

His new game "dayz IN SPAAAAAACE!" will either be another Notch "hey im making a new game its gonna be cool, oh no wait making games is hard fuck it nevermind!" or it'll be utter shit. The only question is, if it does come out, will the DayZ fanboys finally break the spell and realise there's nothing behind the curtain, comparing it to the nostalgia of DayZ and finding it wanting, or will they love it anyway because game journos tell them to?

There are no DayZ fanboys left (exoneration there is probably like a 100-200)
There are only temporary zealots that play the game, defend it, realize the devs missed every fucking release mark, then they act like they never supported the game in the first place.

When it was first released the gear spawns where much higher and it was actually fun. Though you sound like a role playing nigger.

I don't even own the game and this is my impression of it from everything I read about it. I remember when it first went stand alone and like you said, there were dozens of stories about it and every few months a breathless report about the pathetic update that added new useless shit but didn't fix anything related to the game itself.

I want it to come out and I want it to be good but it's not happening from the look of things. Speaking of, what's the best DayZ clone out there right now?

Although my two cents is just preaching to the choir here, I'd like to point out that 2016 had only one huge update which was literally an FPS AND DESYNC Fix. For like 6 months cities were still dropping people to sub 30 fps even with decent (for this shit game anyway) rigs because zombies will still hilariously buggy obstacles to annoy players while they ran around cities and to top it off, player item utilization and player vs player was had to be readjusted so you could actually consistently perform actions on yourself and other players and not have them delayed, not done, or even started in the first place. For instance, if you grabbed an apple from a tree and began to eat it, you may not actually see any character changes for up to 30 seconds in terms of hunger levels, you may not see a complete animation, you sure as hell wouldn't see a fluid change throughout the whole thing, hell I would end up with 5 or 10 second delays on whole actions.

Thats not even including having to scrounge for apples because every update they keep wanting to make a particular area desolate and some other place a paradise of items. They actually did it to the whole coastline at one point which while it would help goad people away from there, they wouldn't have the resources to effectively make it out so dying was a complete waste of time. That's not even getting into how half assed everything is, the game breaking bugs (people literally swimming under the ground getting to attack players freely), the ass backwards design on anything vehicle related, the utter grind of said vehicle parts scrounging, broken item spawns every other day, and any attempts at hardcore item spawning being completely circumvented by people just server hopping.

The mod did it better and for free, with less bugs and glitches. And the only reason I knew that dayz only had one update was because my friend who loved the standalone but hated the mod (shit taste but what can you do, complained about base building, despite the fact the standalone only has barrels and a few shitty tents that make where you're hiding shit obvious) told me so. I just laughed at him and said maybe when my grandson is living on Mars they'll finally release it into open beta.

This is how they should do it

they shouldn't do early access at all

They should come up with a new term for games that are clearly not intended to ever be "finished" or have an end goal.

Those kind of games can be ok but calling it "early access" implies that the developer has an end goal in mind and is actively working towards finishing it, not just randomly adding more shit indefinitely.


Actually if the news around the net is to be believed his new game "Ion" was cancelled or rather no one has been working on it so it might as well be cancelled.

Yes, Rocket or whatever the fuck his name is, quit the DayZ team because the game wasn't becoming what he wanted it to be but Bohemia had an entire dev team for this. Rocket was just project lead.

I like how his focus was always to make player interaction "emerge". So instead of having "disease" and "cure", you had 5 diseases, and 5 cures. Because somehow that is more fun.
Add in the desync, the no-fun and overall choppiness and you have a recipe for failure. The game simply doesn't allow for long hours of playtime, then continue. So it falls between two chairs. You got Overwatch DayZ which is more militant, more vehicles and more of a big PVP environment. Great fun for those that enjoy that.
And you have the more roleplay-y mods which is outconquered by Arma Life since DayZ zombies are just stupid.

I like how he abandoned it because he had too many ideas to what would make it soooo great, he just didn't have time for it :^) .
Sure, ideas are great to have and all, but chill out. Every single concept he wanted, that he could put into the source code which he had access to unlike modders ended up being bypassed in quality by modders anyway.
