Bioshock thread

Is bioshock JUST?

Will we ever see another bioshock game set in an alternate universe?

Will 2K step up to the plate?

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We Happy Few is looking good…. but it's not Bioshock, of course.

Is that game even still being worked on? I don't hear anything about it anymore

What the hell is good about it?

I really hope we'll get to see a Bioshock that takes place in space

It's almost as if you have fucking shit taste and need to fucking kill yourself.

Or so Holla Forums always tells me when I say I love these games. ;_;

The only good game in this series is the one made without Ken Levine. So if 2K steps up to the plate, we might actually get a second good Bioshock.

Indeed, Bioshock 2 was charming for some reason. Especially with those endings.

It's the way to the endings that makes it special. Seeing your little girl deal with situations the way Daddy would deal with situations… I want more of this kind of choice-consequence-mechanic. BS2 is one of those rare cases where innovation didn't mean "It's shit in a new way!"
Damn shame it remained a mere proof of concept that didn't get picked up to be implemented and reiterated in more games.

let's face there's only one reason why this game is even relevant anymore and that is the shit taste some fags still have in dagtherfus
your waifu a literal shit , she deserves no less than that

For me it was the realization that love was just a chemical. To be honest, I was oblivious to this beforehand…I was raised christian and taught at home. The bioshock series was just that: a biological shock that threw me into a catatonic state of despair and existential crises. I'd never seen words as controlling, love as a chemical, or free will as a cosmic lie.

Funny how all it took were video games to completely destroy my world.

I only played infinite. It was retarded and gay, why do you want another one?

If you still feel a need for spirituality, go read for a version of christianity that doesn't preach lies about reality.

I don't even consider Infinite a part of the series ecause of how awful it was.

Or become one of those Jehovah's witnesses

Son, I don't even like Bioshock and I can tell that's degenerate.

Why would you play a pretentious knock off of the System Shock games

You remind me of those fags who claim that "true" communism hasn't be tried yet.


There is a website for degenerate cucks you know, in fact I'd wager that's where you got those gifs. Go back there and stay there please.

You're still posting beastality

You don't have any right to knock these games until you try the good ones. Infinite plays like shit compared to 1&2.

Reminder for the newfags ITT, the "bioshock 2 was good" meme is just the local version of Holla Forums's own "the SW prequels were good".

No one ever gave a fuck about Bioshock 2, save for some butthurt autist with buyer remorse.

Funny how weak and pathetic you were to have had a video game change your worldview into objectively wrong shit.

butthurt autist detected

Kike: the game


Bioshock was a pathetic attempt at mimicking System Shock 1 and 2.
Shout outs to Looking Glass Studios.

Can't anybody enjoy the game for once and stop comparing it to system shock..

Bioshock 2 was the best of all 3 games

Bite me, it was a 4chan meme before that

You can't get any more JUST than this:


Now that's a fine example of a beta male.


Post YFW you're not Ken Levine

Bioshock 2 was the best of the series and you know it.

The only newfag here is you, falling for the "Bioshock 2 is shit" meme.

Bioshock was shit starting from Bioshock 1. The only thing that it had going for it is its setting. It is like Ken Levine put a lot of interesting ideas in a generic FPS maker, play what came out it, smashes it, and said "What hell! This is too fun and interesting. Cut this shit out or your all fired!".

Why is the main character one of those Half-Life style silent protagonists? You hear him talk in the opening scene so why is he suddenly mute? With games like Portal 2, you feel like there isn't anything add to the conversation but Bioshock feel like the main character is a literal mute and everyone else is ignoring his numerous hand gestures.
The twist doesn't make sense and it is super pretentious and hypocritical. I have nothing to add to this but an opinion that this wasn't some kind of commentary. Remember this was from the guys that help coined the term Ludonarrative dissonance.
Like everyone has said, you going make one choice and stick to it. The game has garner a lot of praise due to this "moral dilemma" except the game does so much to get you pick the good option. Besides the whole moral issue, the game does a poor job incentivizing the evil choice. Adam isn't really that necessary and you have no idea how much Adam you will get from the process. You only know that harvesting gets more Adam than rescuing. You don't even have a vague idea like "You'll only half the Adam.". Also, the first person that you meet that wasn't trying to kill you tells you not to do the evil thing, gives you a non-evil alternative, and killed the last person who tried to do that evil thing. There is also the whole bias to the status quo. People should stop patting themselves in the back for not killing fictional little girls.
What I hate about the game the most is how obsessed it is in controlling the player's experience. You can't horde anything. There is tons of ammo lying around but your character will only pick up a hand full. This is to make sure bad players can always find ammo and good players won't be rewarded for being stingy with ammo. This also applies to money which has a rather small wallet cap for a game about Objectivism. There is also the quest markers, vita-chambers, lack of a "Shut the fuck up, Atlas!" button, and how the game "teaches" you how to use fire and electric magic. Seriously if you need to be taught using electricity on enemies standing on water hurts them, then you probably shouldn't be playing video games.

What a faggot. What he ultimately wants is a game that everyone play the way he wants it to.

It's been years, and i only played it once, but the things that pissed me off was the side characters only helped maybe once if you didn't kill them and then faded away, the big sister always attacked you even if you were nice to the little sisters, Rapture was falling apart a decade ago yet still hadn't completely collapsed somehow, and the antagonist was just some stupid comie bitch who only had rhetoric rather than signs of how to make Rapture habitable or even thriving.

There's shit and then there's shit; while Bioshock 2 isn't unplayable, it doesn't have quite the feel that Bioshock 1 had with it's depth of character and original setting. As such, people who loved the first will call the second shit without going into detail as to why; the only gameplay change i ever noticed was different guns.

I know, I know, this is the dumbass who made the Gears of War games, so he probably considers chainsawing space goblins to be "art."

I played bioshock 2, it was a great game for when I played it.
bioshock infinite while I recognized was suppose to be different was too different, they are suppose to be in the same series, ya feel me?
I didn't finish infinite, just wasn't good enough.

You can join Blozonski and (((Levine))) in the ovens faggot.


Nah, I'll be throwing you in the oven. And then I'll shit on your keyboard, piss on your monitor and take a powersaw to your computer tower.

And when all is said and done, I'll rape your waifu.

Did you grow up without a father user? You can tell us.

Nah. But you can keep trying to act cool, we all know you're the same pathetic loser as the rest of us.

Kellee Santiago gave three games to Roger Ebert to play in order to make the case that video games can be art:
1) Waco Resurrection
2) Braid
3) Flower
Oh boy! Let's pick a title that relies too much on deconstructing Mario to present to a guy that doesn't play video games!

Well yeah, you are pathetic loser listing games as mechanically shallow as a kiddie pool and only seem "deep" and "artistic" if you've never read a book.

It's almost like Bioshock would have been better as a walking simulator..

BioShock 2 is hands down the best game in the series.
> incredibly customizable plasmid/gene tonic combos you can spec yourself for stealth, plasmid wizard, walking tank, or anything in between. Shit is glorious

That said I did experience some noticeable sound/graphical bugs similar to the first game during preformance heavy sections. It also suffered from the first person ghost meme which is especially noticeable right after the game starts- in the opening animation you see your lower body and even reflection in the water as you're standing up, but when you look down again it's suddenly all gone and you're just a flying pair of arms.

big fat tits make my dick harder, they win

Flat tits make me happiest, they win.

you nailed it.
the cuck even said it himself - 'they are judging me thru my game!' so of course you dont want to disappoint anyone. Gotta smooth out that difficulty, cant let anyone get fustrated, we wouldnt want them to miss out on all these neato enviromental kills!

all that hand holding that for sure enhances the bottom line, but will inevitably lead to a slow death for the thrill of the challenge.

kill yourselves

Hopefully not, because the last game ate shit, the devs are incompetent liars and System Shock 3 is coming out soon. There's literally no reason for Bioshock to exist as a franchise anymore.


Is there any reason why I should believe that SS3 wouldn't shit in the [current year].

Why the fuck does anyone even like system shock..? I'd rather have another underwater adventure with plasmids like bioshock. The whole bioshock premise of plasmids, big daddies, big sisters, daughterfus, an underwater city with a dark atmoshphere, grisy murders and insane people just feels so much better.

I thought infinite was shit for this reason.
That was absolute garbage and you know it, it kept the hud and color scheme from infinite and the shooting felt so much different than bioshock 1&2. It felt like a cheesy knockoff.

no, but you should probably wait for it to be out because as far as I know there is no media on the game at all, just an announcement.

is this bait? i pirated it and it was a lifeless, boring pile of shit
mfw 30 minutes into the game and 2 minutes before uninstalling

Bioshock 1 was shit.
Bioshock: Infinite was shitter.

Unless it was made by people who actively hate Bioshock, I won't hold my breath. Bioshock 1 was critically acclaimed and it was irredeemably shit. Everything but its setting was a mistake.

bioshock was terrible, but 2 made up for it by having solid mechanics brought to fruition by an excellent set of weapons and a good cast of enemy types that filled various roles. Combine that with multipurpose level design and you had a proper realization of what bioshock should be more like.

Otherside is developing SS3 last I heard, former LGS devs who have really shit public appearances, but have yet to release a product. So we have to see what they turn out and how it ends up before we really have a good gauge on their level of quality.

If they sacrifice the rpg shit ss2 botched and lean more towards ss1's action/skill/gadget approach, that would be great. Combined with learning lessons from bioshock 2's solid design, that would be another huge perk in the games favor. Like I said, it's a wait-and-see situation. There is pretty much no information other than it exists at the moment.

its an above ground bioshock with an interesting premise. people want to wander in a world like this and do quests and see how they'll end it, but it definitely lacks the polish you find in things like skyrim or fallout 4. But you can tell they probably wont end it well - but younger gamers wont notice.

Its basically single player wow.

Roger Ebert was able to call out pretentious indie 'art games' for being what they are, and recognized Cosmology of Kyoto for the brilliant and underrated gem that it is. For this, casuals who want to reclassify BMX XXX as an art piece still fucking hate his guts. One of these days, Holla Forums needs to find a solution to the normalfag question.

Do you think a sustained campaign of petitioning and letter writing would help him kill himself ?

Bioshock is trash and ayn rand did nothing wrong.

What the hell is going on in the second one?
I mean like two or three clumps of hair hang downward so who ever made this is clearly aware of gravity but then why leave the rest of the hair hanging as if the head was upright?
Like really what the fuck?

I really liked the original and thought it was fun.

How did they fuck up the remakes so hard?

An inexperienced, wo man studio is how


How the fuck do you even fuck physics up this bad?


da fuck nigga? yeah, its a chemical reaction, but your daughter told you that she CHOOSES to love you, you have to be more stronger than some damn chemicals

The end logs are some of the most fucked up shit in a video game ever. Bioshit sucks in compare.

it's really typical sci-fi 101 shit


All bioshock games are shit so why even care?

This meme again?

so is ur mom

Don't be like that now, Ken is a good guy, just a very sad one.
This is from the same interview:

Hahah, get fucked.

Good guy or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that he spent his time on shit he's not really suited for. Worldbuilding and prototyping? Sure, let Ken do his job, he'll pump out a skeleton for a decent game that others can graft the meat and skin on. But producing a whole game? He's far to indecisive for that, changing stuff far too late so there's just no cohesive whole anymore. He's not the kind of guy who can do or rather: suffer polish. Get him the fuck out of the way once the structure is decided for the first time, otherwise you get a clusterfuck like BS3 or, to a lesser degree, BS1.

user, I don't see what's wrong with that presentation.
Is it really so bad that when devs want to make the public a little excited? Show them the dreams they crave?
Look into my eyes and tell me, would you really not trust me to make your dreams come true?

Bioshock 1 strikes me as a game that got worse the longer it was in development. The kind of faggots that care about Luddonarrative dissonance want a game to not so subtly hold your hand and shoehorn a line where Atlas tells you how electricity works.

You need better lies, toddler.

Why did Cliff even say that? The first Unreal is much more "true art" than any Bioshlock – because it doesn't try to be artsy-fartsy.