Why do you guys hate The Elder Scrolls Online again?

Uh… Why do you hate this game again?

because it's shit

It may be shit but it is better than the rest of the franchise for the past decade and a half.

Because the models, armors and weapons look like shit.

I just really fucking hate RPGs.

I honestly thought it was alright, but my huge backlog distracted me and I lost interest. I'll probably go back to it at some point.


It's an MMO that isn't Guild Wars.
It's a TES game that isn't Morrowind.

Go away Todd Howard no one's buying your shit.

I played the beta and it just seemed kind of boring. Combat was meh. The quests were all very similar (go here, kill this, go there find this).

It's just boring

Nigger trash

Its just the same premise of any mmorpg.
People need to realize they are fucking done, its over, move on. I would rather go play through Daggerfall again then touch anyhting TES related again. Just cause you are playing with other people or "friends" doesn't make it go, it makes you a sociopathic fuck.

good** I am tired, fuck this shit.

This game had a bigger turnaround than TORtanic. If you hated it during beta, give it another shot.

I thought it'd die within 6 months but now it's one of my favorite games. They've refined the questing, the combat, added things like thieving, housing, assassinations, fencing stolen goods, entire continents.

Honestly if they keep going, I can see it surpassing Morrowind one day as a sandbox MMO.

Guild Wars is superior.
Even Guild Wars 2 is superior, in every way.

Thats like saying that a dried up turd is better than a fresh, smelly turd.

I don like to be THAT guy but… this is an obvious shill thread

Shall we get some dubs?

You expect someone from Holla Forums to change minds about something that was once shit?

Why are you repeating yourself?

Guild Wars and 2 are so different it's not funny. One fucked up and one didn't.

Guild Wars and what? I'm sorry user, you're not making any sense. Are you referring to some other RPG that exists? I assure you, Guild Wars is a unique game that is sadly very stand-alone.

"Obvious" is something of an understatement.

Because Holla Forums hates everything.

ebic meme my fraud.

False. I love you.

I see where you went with that.

I play GW2 on a daily basis, tho. dont tell anyone user

All you've effectively said. You haven't listed one concrete point about what makes it better than the average pile of crap MMO. Darkfall had player factions, combat that didn't rely on tab targeting and hotkeys 1-5, naval combat, full player loot, completely free PvP, and as a videogame it was still only mediocre- which for an MMO is fucking amazing. So go ahead, explain the unique, non-rehashed features that ESO brings to the table.

mind blown, let me get my wallet.

It's just constant fucking fetch quests, with the only twist being some obvious race bait/sjw pandering thrown in every 10 or so quests.

One thing that has always annoyed me about TES is that they do include racism in games, but they force you to always side with the muhpressed one and if you are the minority you aren't discriminated against and stopped from doing anything.

Kill yourself you fucking faggot shill, but before you do, check em.