Where to immigrate to

Where would you immigrate to? I am from greece but i am not so sure where to immigrate to.

I have graduated my maritime academy as 2nd officer and got a company already for the first few voyages but i am not so sure where to immigrate to

Was thinking of UK but it is not a shithole since they voted to leave and morons are more loud just like Americucks these days who are proud of being dumb cucks and their instability is not a good thing for long term immigration since you dont know wtf they will do.

Is Canada the only progressive place left?

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Being prole worldwide is pretty shit, sure life in certain countries is nicer, but that is deluding yourself

I am not saying you should not emigrate however, move and trigger nationalists, but remember the problem os the capital, not just the country

what is your major malfunction? I mean is this really how you get your kicks?

haha you know I'd only migrate to a majority white country so I can suffer from institutionalized racist haha lmao #fuckwhitepople #blm #solidarity

Fuck your spooks

As much as i 'd love to trigger nationalist cucks by laughing at their "go away" comments i fear unless i have a discussion with them being greek isnt that visible like muslims who are obvious from their clothing or color sometimes.

Life is better if they are more organized and have big tech shops and stuff nearby to buy fun gadgets and stuff instead of having to order them from abroad, in other words easier life with more easily accessible conveniences.

Plus most 1st world countries have more people who dont give as much of a shit about irrelevant stuff and care more about individuals with similar interests like games.

why don't you fuck off won't you
your kind pisses me off
this is why we will never amount to anything
there are too many muh privileged retards here
who don't want to do anything about the current problem but talk shit from their nice little homes
and when something DOES happen they'll go
"Ah yes """WE""" did it"
fuck off scum

last time I checked the universe doesn't cares where are you from. fuck the "nation" spook.

The true power of ideology

Life is easier and more stuff i want is more accessible. Simple really

He taps smugly from his iPhone.

I can smell the revolutionary spirit from here

Not going to deny that, but its silly to base your life on that in my opinion

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism

tbh I agree with his argument

It's easier to get a console or a gaming PC on a country where you can make wealth easier. In other words entertainment & recreative stuff is more accessible.

hmm if you like psychedelic drugs & such things he is right through most "first world" nations have more restrictions & these things are less accessible. Depends on what you want to do on your free time, thats pretty much it. Go where real friends are at imho, emmigrate where there is someone that can make your life better in some sort of way. Other people are usually the best entertainment.

yeah but ethics are spooks. as long as you enjoy the thing why not defend / posses the thing? you can share it too with someone you trust like in an union of egoists.

It's all about going to were you like. But yeah we can't deny that in pretty much all places he can go & live life there is a ruling tyrannic power that wants to posses him.


I don't understand why so many annarkiddies are so fucking dependent on the west
it basically devolves into


you guys don't have…? damn it… sad.


Work to live not live to work. Life is finite, I want to enjoy it my way. Period.

Oh yes
Devolve into a DUDEWEED moron like most lefties are
No fucking wonder nothing ever happens because most people on the """left""" are either cryingheart liberals or retarded annarkiddies that are incapable of even thinking straight, let alone do something
just kys
And to the OP
just fucking kys

even got the shit wrong
fuck english

Cant take these people seriously anymore

Also golden eggs have been neutered, they arent really relevant. And government is quite progressive.

Also i want to have a good life, i have a job and want the money to make me enjoy life, nazis and other retards might throw away their life and individuality but i wont.

Also those two are quite bad since elections and referendums, else i wouldnt be making that thread.

I would reccomend somewhere in California, America. It is not a very reactionary place and it has a decent leftists presence. Even with Trump as president California will be safe.

Weed is also legal, so that is a bonus

These Biden memes are kind of sad and pathetic. They reflect some alternate universe where Liberals actually have a spine and morals and stand up to evil instead of perpetuating it.

And if you are gay you should check out the gay community in San Francisco, that is a place where many gay people meet

now you must be Holla Forums
no one here is retarded enough to actually thing that orange buffoon will do anything

It believe he will do something, but not good things, and no I am not Holla Forums

*I believe

Oh yeah i heard a lot about San Francisco, but not really the stereotypical or slutty type of gay that seems to be dominant over there.

What about Seattle? Kinda prefer cold sunless weather and it seems pretty progressive.

America might be a little harder considering unlike the EU there is no free movement, easiest entry for my job is some master's degree to get in and later get into an office maritime job.

Come to Aus m8

Go to some Sub-Saharan African country.

Don't stay in the west, the source of all bad things.

That is mostly just banter, they are pretty normal people

Well then an option would be London, it is mostly progressive and there is cold and sunless. Do not worry about the EU referendum




Fuck no, i am scared of giant spiders and bugs, and people there are clearly suicidal, i was passing by the coasts once and kept getting reports of missing swimmers, jet skis etc and some kayak group disappearing because they though going between 2 islands that have heavy currents and sharks is a good idea.

You people are crazy

I believe people said a similar thing after the Nazis lost big in the elections in the mid to late twenties. If its so progressive why are you trying to leave? Why aren't they increasing the standards of the living at home so you can be Mr.
in your own country?

As a Brit, please stay away from here, I say this for your own sake. Even shit like loli is illegal and the population is totally apathetic to whatever the government wants to do. Leftism here is pretty much a joke, too.

Fucking hell, Canada is even worse mate. Someone got done for importing a loli RealDoll. Someone from /r/hentai was detained at the border for having loli images in his browser cache. You can't even have any kind of loli fiction.

I know you're not interested in loli, but it goes to show to what extent the governments are fine to go to in order to remove your liberties. Stay cleanly away from any country that does not have a constitutional right to freedom of expression, and that right includes pornography.

As a general rule, stay away from anywhere touched by the Queen, or with stratified citizenship (e.g India).

I have my doubts about Japan (where I'm planned to go to work). You should probably stay away from there too, the courts and government are chock-full of war revisionists and ultra-nationalists. And it's not civic nationalism.

Stay away from SE asian countries, they usually have draconian laws or they're likely to elect the people who make them. You can only avoid that if you become a Buddhist monk or something.

Take a look for some European countries and select the best of all the evils that you find. No country is perfect.


I heard that in NZ they stopped someone at the border to determine if furry porn was bestiality or not.



Because i am not going to waste my life trying to be some l33t politician, fix the huge problem of corrupted church in state, the complete and utter failure of the public sector because "lol ima hire fail grannies cuz muh experience instead of people who know how to use computers", deal with random "lol short sighted corrupted mind obsessed politicians" and a ton more other problems.

TL:DR, I have one life, i am not going to waste it. Especially since i have to always order from abroad and most of the stuff i am interested in are nowhere near greece.

Oh yeah i ve seen some UK furs sharing articles about government trying to ban all "non conventional" porn which is incredibly subjective and stupid
Godamn, why cant they let people do their thing…

Fine, fuck off ya poofta, we were full anyway.

Fine, fuck off you stingy cunt.

How could anyone be this spooked?

The commies will be back in power again and fail worse than the last time. Everyone should come be apart of it.

fuck off

Stay impotent


I actually am Australian though

Fair dinkum, so am I

prole pride worldwide am I right?

Streuth m8, what state?

PT was national-development drivel who made alliances with the national bourgeois and soft right-winger parties to stay in power, there communist parties in brazil are split in two since one is are sellouts on the same level as PT while the other is not.

There is nothing left-wing about the them besides rhetoric and some social programs who did not reach their full potential.

How exactly is South America 1st world? OP wants technology and organization, not something south America has


end yourself

No, Republicans went there when Obama won the presidency and the 2nd term.

Trudaeu looks based though

Nordic countries are the best place to be. They all speak english too. Its not a coincidence all the refugees flow to North Europe.

You mean Justin Castro?

Lets just refer to him as that sexy motherfucker

retard larpers

Colombian here, this thread is relevant to my interests.
I was thinking of moving over to france or spain

I'm Italian and emigrated to Switzerland. Used to be a marxist leninst but after experiencing the efficience of direct democracy in a capitalist market and culture with strong work ethics I'm borderline fascist when I travel back to Italy

Why the hell is that even a think, you work hard you get paid more, it is common sense

I would say "come here to Norway" because

But then

Also, looking back
Impossible here unless you are rich or can manage a huge debt.

The "efficiency" of work-ethic in a extremely small place that is only rich because it launders up the world's money and is bank, aka porky central
Looks to me you never had any strong convictions at all.

I'm quite keen to believe that the trust the world puts into its banking sector is just a consequence of its political stability and of the trustworthiness of its inhabitants.

labor laws are very weak in Switzerland, letting full termination power to the employers. Nevertheless, a supermarket cashier makes around 3500$/month, has a standard of living higher than anywhere else, and is tightly integrated into the democratic process through directly proposing and voting questions from the local level up to the national level.
Switzerland is far from neoliberal laissez-faire. it has strong federal subsidies into healthcare and infrastructures. There exist safety nets. Work ethics mean that people feel responsible for doing properly what they're getting payed to do, I think it's the decisive aspect in the success or failure of a statewide economy.
Work ethics also mean people respect those who do their job properly, no matter what that is. Switzerland in that aspect is almost classless, as there's very little difference, as a matter of prestige, education, standard of living, enjoyed by the ruling class and the laborers



The lore is deep though

Come to Ireland, since you're from the EU it's super easy to move here, also we have a growing left wing movement and pretty much no far right presence.

What i see is the Holla Forums mentality wining over, the "HAHAHA RETARDED LOOKING PPL THAT HAVE SET POLITICAL POSITION = RETARDED POLITICAL POSITION" should never be how we argue and talk politics here.

not surprising tbh

Come to Wales mate it constantly rains and the absence of human life will dirve you insane!

I think he is making a joke, not a serious argument

nah, i have this huge ass folder of semi SFW animu bois.


canada is liberal hell. 80% of canada is democrats the country

Iceland seems nice

Thanks, adding this to my leftypol=progressive/liberal folder

It's very capitalist

I am going to shoot any fucking burger I find in these wastes for emigrating due to Trump

The Democucks are the reason the USA kept swinging right and I'm not letting you do that up here too

How do those areas differ from main UK areas like London?

The whole united kingdom deal feels so weird, it is like 4 parts that are different but we only see the london parts usually.

Holla Forumscucks do care

didn't they jail the corrupt bankers?

You're like that muslim guy i keep bumping into on omegle

h-he… he tried to seduce me
even if i told him i was a trap


I wouldn't do Cali unless you're coming with some kind of fortune that will survive whatever the exchange rate is, and especially not the major cities.

Cost of living is absurd. Only affordable places are going to be rural or desert pretty much.

On the bright side we have Best Buy's, Targets, and Walmarts everywhere so you can get your vidya. Also we got Amazon Prime with the free shipping or you could just do Steam.

I think the internet is also more expansive for lowers speeds than most '1st world' other countries.

Expect $1000+ for a one bedroom in a mediocre area.

do we though

Tell me more about Ireland, I'm interested.
What are the pros and cons?
Also, are the Irish more apolitical than the Brits?

fuck your spook

High standard of living
Some nice scenery (though I am personally sick of rolling green hills)
People are pretty nice I suppose

Irish people are ugly
Irish weather is ugly, it's grey and wet 90% of the time. It's very depressing.
Irish cities are ugly, and small. Even Dublin.
Irish political landscape is dominated by old men and retired school teachers.
Irish politics in general are incredibly centrist and boring.
The whole place lacks life and vibrancy.

Irish people are mostly apathetic to politics. At most they'll have a vague moan about taxes and the government but they'll vote for whichever party fixes the pothole in the nearest road.

Every Irish political party is essentially the same. We have no far right or far left. It's all just centrist shit.

Ireland is a good place to live, but not for me. I aim to be out of here soon.

That was my impression. You are friendly though. I wouldn't feel unsafe in Ireland as an immigrant. I do however also like more vibrancy in my life.

Immigrate to ==S[weed]en==

I've never traveled abroad, do people check your computer stuff at borders? if I bring my HDDs, flash drives and memory cards will they get it and plug to a machine to check what's in it?

The Right2Change and broader water charges movement had hundreds of thousands of participants and pretty much every organisation involved was left wing. While our two main parties are centre right I think there is a chance of that changing.

Canada is liberal you idiot.

Lol wut? I guess if you had an ongoing investigation against you.

The most I've ever seen transit security do is tell you to turn it on to make sure it's a real laptop and not a bomb and I've only heard of TSA doing that.

Well I asked because the other user said things like

Well I guess do a loli sweep on your computer or keep it on a Bluray disc or some shit. I assume you don't want to reveal whatever it is that you don't want found.

All I know is I've traveled to both Canada and England and nobody ever asked to go through my computer. How long would that take? Do they have some kind of magic technology that makes a system search not take like a half hour? Also having some non-porn images on your computer would probably help…

Sounds like those dudes were probably already on a list.

I guess don't look like a sexual deviant would be the best advice?


But still I wonder how much of these the 'border security catch EVERYTHING!!!' 'The RIAA is going to find YOU and SUE YOU!' 'Nobody can escape a police pursuit!'

Shit is just disinfo to scare people from committing 'crimes.'

Passed through airports of US, Singapore, Greece, Qatar, Germany, France, Norway, Switzerland, Kuwait, Chile and have never had anyone search my hard drives, pc or ipad tbh

Norway sounds good but is pretty damn expensive

It's Rojava or death, faggot