Is socialism/communism and radical leftism dead?...

Is socialism/communism and radical leftism dead?? Don't bother mentioning small rebel groups who don't have any chance of success. Also what do you think about automation?

Other urls found in this thread:Ć³n_Nacional_del_Trabajo#Current_status

Yes it's dead. Communist parties through out EU countries either have ridiculous voter turn out or changed their image completely like die linke in germany or izquierda unida in spain.

SocDem is the only realistic solution at this point.

Yes it's dead, modern society has seen to that.
Capitalism is in a spot of bother but I can't see it being replaced with communism.

Communism is immortal

The revolution is now

Death awaits those who shield the bourgeoisie with actions or words

Why are you autists allowed on the internet?

Oh, it's trashed. Holla Forums has more members than the CPUSA, which is also trash.


You cant stop rock and roll

They're pretty much dead in the developed world, yes, but
1. Parts of the developing world have massive leftist movements, and
2. They could make a comeback in the developed world once environmental pressures force the developed world to deal with pre-WWII levels of crisis.

Get off my board assholes. Automation is the reason why Communism is still possible.

Fuck off idiot and take your shit ideas back to the 19th century with you.
PS Hegel called, he says you're a retard.

Yeah, unfortunately radical left has been dead since at least 1989.

Automation will probably create the new underclass in our societies. Not necessarily by replacing blue collar jobs completely (although it's possible), but by its strong pressure on wages. Jobs will become even more precarious.

Oh? And what fantastically modern ideology do you pertain to?

why would i bind myself with an ideology?
marxism is 90% shit. get over it and move on with your life.

Please tell the class what literature you read to achieve that?

You might as well have just typed "communism sucks." It's an equally coherent and meaningful criticisms.

Automation is a false paradise. All it will mean is mass job loss and capitalists still not relenting on anything.

Yes but we all know how it goes - I BTFO communism in 2000 words and you call me a faggot. I've done it before and now I prefer it this way.

Why haven't you answered me.

OP here. I don't think leftism is on the rise in the 3rd world. In India hindu fundementalists are becoming more and more popular. There is a large Islamist trend throughtout the muslim world like muslim brootherhood in Egypt. Where are these mass leftist movements??

also in many 3rd world countries many groups are giving up armed struggle such as NPA in the Phillipines or Farc in Colombia. Also the Naxalites cant really take power only their primitive villages same with the Zapatistas in Mexico. I think there is a future for Social Democracy whether someone likes it or not.

Ahh, I see you only have time to shitpost.

Not entirely.

I wouldn't say they're dead, but I don't think they'd seize power via violent revolution.

I think there'll be more libertarian socialist movements tbh

For example, the CNT FAI is still around, surprisinglyĆ³n_Nacional_del_Trabajo#Current_status

It's true though, people are so firmly attached to their opinions these days it's often not worth typing out reasoned arguments.
You wouldn't go to Holla Forums and ask them to become a bit less racist and expect it to change anything.

SocDem is what destroyed the left to begin with. Decades and decades of it and not even a single step closer. In fact, the bourgeois are more powerful than ever now.

Automation shows it will be led by fascist technocrats who own all the means of automation.

Everything is the liberals and SocDems faults why leftism will never truly get anywhere.

It's always easy to point the finger of blame at others when you've done nothing.

Communism is inevitable.

Even now capitalism finds itself in dire straits it can't find a way out of, and the right are unable to provide any answers to fix this problem. The radical left was hurt badly by the fall of the USSR and the "end of history" neoliberal shenanigans, but things will swing back in our favor and capitalism further shits itself unless we really, really screw the pooch.

It's impossible to be "outside" ideology.

You have merely uncritically accepted the ideology of the ruling class as truth and convinced yourself, somehow, that it isn't an ideology.

no u

Again, that simply isn't going to happen. It's time to accept communism is an outdated 19th century utopian ideal that will never happen. Many of its core tenets and arguments have long been strongly debunked like LTV.


Truth hurts, don't it?


no it is a shit.

But they do. All the time. For example many of them reject the current neoliberal neokeynesian model of capitalism. The guy who wrote capital is himself a capitalist and provides solutions. But that's the problem, everyone is always providing solutions but nothing ever changes same as here.

so we're both saying the same thing

And you don't even have an argument. What a sad little Marxist you are. Strip yourself of that flag immediately. You don't even deserve to hide behind it.

Communism is indeed inevitable; Marx just happened to be wrong on the subject of which class would attain it. Once labor is fully automated, the capitalist class will live in a communist utopia.

Friendly reminder Produhon recognized and acknowledged that the LTV was correct

Now kys

Except they won't. There will still be class especially the ruling class, most likely more than ever. Just because everything is automated doesn't mean there won't be warlords and dictators and the kind of monarchies you see in fully automated fiction and there will be constant conflict over who will rule as usual because it's the only thing people will feel is worth fighting for next to religion when they use it to fill the void that was once filled by capital. Most importantly, there is no guarantee that you will own that automation, virtually all automation today like the factories are owned by the bourgeois and that won't change in your or any near future generation's lifetime.

And Proudhon was wrong on numerous things as well because he lived in the fucking 19th century like Marx where he had no idea where the future would lead, which things like time preference exists now. And way more anarchists reject LTV than the opposite and you know it because it's the fucking 21st century now.


Well it's obvious now what you are.

I suggest you take your own advice.

If the RadLeft want to be relevant again in global scale they need to destroy their dogmatic ways.

No no, you don't understand these people at all. Warlords will quickly be defeated and replaced with people who are on board with the program.
These people think long term. Longer than a lifetime.

Thanks for letting me know I should not waste my time with you

Why would there be any more classes? The elites will just hoard the automated production facilities and strike down all rebellion with advanced automated weaponry in the vein of drones. Everyone starves to death because they can't sell their labor, becomes a sustenance farmer, or ends up as a luxury slave. Then the rulers can fight each other if they like, it makes little difference.


Almost always for something considerably worse. The right, by their very nature, are unable to effectively create new solutions for new problems, and can only circlejerk about returning to some fabled past. I've yet to see a single right-wing movement that proposed anything that would do anything but exacerbate our current economic woes.

I seriously doubt it. You underestimate the degree to which the rich buy their own ideology. For the rich to create communism for themselves, they would have to defy the very logic that they live by.

I love how ideological purity/loyalty is far more important to Leftypol and the modern Left, then actually organizing, creating a workable blueprint for an alternative society.

western civilization itself is in its death throes, hence the impossibility of socialism as it was conceived during the high times of the liberal state

onwards toward Tiqqun!

The properly rich people don't buy it at all. They know the power of solidarity and comradeship, which is why they try their best to undermine it in the working classes.
Cartels are their wet dream.

Yes its dead, we lost. Unless there is a serious push in the Arts to shill for Leftists ideals they are dead. Automation is good for us from an acceleration perspective. I hope that tech companies are as evil as possible and disenfranchise as many people as possible.

Soviet Union destroyed any chance of communism.
Because of it, people associate it now with authoritarianism, totalitarianism and poverty.

What about all of the communes and phalanxes that predated the USSR?


ITT: Greece pretty much never existed

Marx and Engels were both authoritarian socialist, there's nothing to indicate they thought the "dictatorship of the proletariat" was supposed to be anything less but the violent suppression of the bourgeoisie until world revolution occurred.

Socdem is a failed experiment. Capital bides its time and then destroys all restrictions placed upon it when the people have gotten complacent.

Neoliberal shills out

What the fuck are you talking about?

is rojava our only hope

No, they're capitalists economically.

so we have no hope

Capitalism will allow universal basic income to appease the jobless masses. Not sure you can consider that relenting though.

There has been. It arguably made the situation worse. I can still remember those hilarious poems of Aragon in French school praising Stalin.

I love how almost nobody on Holla Forums actually believes that socialism stands a chance now or in the future, yet still come here and post. What's the point of participating on a leftist imageboard if you believe we have no future? Seems fucking sad to me.

What's the point of participating on an imageboard if you believe we have no future?

That's the whole fucking point of imageboards, my friend.

Of cartels are the wet dream of the rich, why have they seen to it that trusts and monopolies are almost universally outlawed?

currently our best hope it seems.

this is a terrible meme

It is simple. We just need to kill people. A lot of people.

This is where every single ideology always fails