Can we start a communist coup in hati?

We need to go to hati gain popular support then put in place a democratic socialist government. Hati needs socialism.

look up aristide

We would need to take a lot of experts in various fields, because Haiti has almost next to nothing.
Engineers, medics, farmers, teachers, architects, people with knowledge to make meds(don't know how it's called in english), so on and so forth


You would have to bring capitalism in to build up industry before socialism can work.

This. But considering the Clintons are fucking over the haitans, I don't plan on seeing much development tbh

The word you are looking for is pharmacist, or perhaps even chemist

As much as I hate to say it I feel like the only way to bring socialism to Hati is through some kind of social imperialism via a mass international body.

this is fucked and not so subtley racist. The Haitian people already have cooperatives and shit, they are just oppressed by the US and no Haitian wants any of you outsiders telling them how to have socialism (t. Chomsky and my own experience in FL, I interact with Haitians every day, many rightly hate the US)

I'm not saying Haiti isn't a poor country I'm saying they had a glorious revolution and need no lessons in democracy or whatever white-man-burden's shit you have in mind


if you had all of those, it wouldn't be such a shithole in the first place. Socialism has nothing to do with that you stupid anarkiddie

Is this bait?



they literally need someone like Stalin or Castro to get their shits together.

The US needs a miserable Haiti more than a socialist Haiti.
It's also a play-ground for radical evangelical missionaries and they are very well connected with top American politicians, be it Bush, Graham and Cruz. And like the bully who was beaten and expelled from his playground turf, he will always return with his bigger brothers and cousins.

So what youre saying.

That we would need some kind of…

Revolutionary purge?

If you let them go, the USA will invade
If you purge them, the USA will invade, but this time they have a reason.

Ask Cuba for help, they seem to know how to do it

capitalism isn't going to industrialize shit. they are purely a raw materials extraction point. the people aren't educated enough for their labor to be worth exploiting en mass by capital

here you go

This. T. Black revolutionary.