Good practice, bad practice thread?

Fuck you, faggot. You are the reason lazy rushed shit is the standart now.

You'd have a point if you meant "remake" instead of sequel, but even then, the occasional new song is welcome if it fits with the rest of the tracks ("G's Roar" for example wasn't present in WA PS1, but is a more than welcome boss theme for the golems in the PS2 remake). For sequels, I mostly expect new tracks, outside of maybe cameo themes for recurring characters, or a series main theme, if there is one.

I'd rather no DLC in general and game ships with as much as it's going to come with, but barring that, DLC ought to actually be worth the money. I'd take Genroku Legends (Muramasa DLC adding four new playable characters, twelve new boss fights, story arcs of three chapters for each new character, and all new music) for $15 any day over other games wanting you to drop money on new outfits (that prior games would have included in the game you fucking purchased) at $4-6 per outfit per character.

Horse Armor was a blight to the industry from a consumer standpoint.

Good practice - Improving the original formula's strengths and trying to find a more solid direction for the series
Bad practice - Dumbing down the original formula to reach a wider audience

you're wrong, it's more giving respect and acknowledging the older stuff as the standard to which they needed to live up to, this is why the castlevania series did so well up to a point then they went "we only need to make sotn clones" and fucked it all up

This is one of the reasons why Bravely Second was bad.

Good practice - status effects are actually useful, if not necessary, and work on bosses

Bad practice - FF-style status effects

Fucking Phantasy Star. Goddamn that shit makes me moist.

OP, you reminded me of the ass trombones played by sad clowns in Resident Evil: Director's Cut - Greatest Hits

Good practice: Story is used as a complement of gameplay and use to better set the atmosphere of the game
Bad practice: Gameplay is used as a complement to tell a story, like a interactive movie or book.

Good practice - bringing back classic characters for a modern game
Bad practice - bringing back classic characters and remake their personality to the point it's a different character