If I had a dollar for every gender

I would have zero dollars

How can we convince people to stop falling for the gender meme? I feel like the idea of "transgender" can help; it isn't a huge logical leap from "it doesn't matter what gender you are" to "gender isn't an innate quality" to "gender should be discarded." But at the same time, if you say that gender isn't real, you can be accused of being transphobic, which will alienate your target audience.

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Who gives a shit?

I like how postmodernism deconstructed gender as a social construct, I don't like how they went on to create new gender identities. But, I get it. Humans like identity and there is a biological - not just that of sexual features, but actual neurological - basis for gender identity. But personally I agree, I would like it aswell if we could overcome gender as a social construct entirely and I would be most content with idpols advocating for that instead of losing themselves in infights and the like.

If you haven't read it yet the Cyborg Manifesto is a really popular piece of writing that goes into postgenderism and transhumanism and is critical of identity politics.

+1. How does this help to bring about the public ownership over the means of production?

It's a popular misconception that has total dominance in leftist spaces that is part of the larger problem of the commodification of identities and peddling them as radical politics.

Say "gender is a spook" and you'll be called a transphobic terf and kicked out.

know your enemy and all that

there has to be actual scientists (neuro scientists?) with better knowledge of this than myself

Scientists alone will not answer many questions for you. I know Judith Butler is at the forefront of idpol, but I honestly think if you're interested in the topic of gender you should've read her, since her deconstruction of gender is very interesting and actually quite rational (as in not baseless). She explains her reasoning with examples found in biology such as intersex people that are biologically one gender but identify and look like the other or hermaphrodites and all that.

as I said here there actually seems to be a neurological basis for gender identity that is largely predetermined/unchanging. We can see this when we compare the brains of people who are transgender with those who do not suffer from gender dysphoria.

However what Butler does quite eloquently is show how the conclusions we draw from these biological features are not at all necessarily connected or justified

so there is a noticeable difference in the structure of the brains of trans people

There's only been one study of this and it was based off the corpses of transgenders who were on hormones for decades.

For the theory to be proven true they'd need to be looking at babies.


Yeah in the sense that a MtF person will resemble a female brain and the other way around

I mean no one honestly believes that gender dysphoria is not some kind of disorder that has neurological reasons

nah theres been more. Ive never saved it but they looked at alive people of different transition stages and ages

I'd need to see it. whole thing is riddled with ideologues desperate to prove the existence of innate gender identity.

I probably won't find it even if I went looking for it right now, sorry. The study was shown to me >1 year ago by a trans person (that I despise) and I sure as hell won't contact her again

The research actually shows that trans brains are intersex, not that they resemble brains of the opposite sex

really? than I mustve misremembered. could you link the research?

These kinds of questions could be easily answered if people on this board would bother to read like literally any feminist or queer theory, but ofc any threat of not totally dominating the discourse and being the protagonist of any liberatory ideology is too much for dat cis male fragility.

You deterritorialize gender by critiquing the narratives that reify gender by equating it to biological sex. Gender roles serve distinct purposes for the State and were instrumental in primitive accumulation, because they create micro-fascisms that make children desire to be subjugated and make women a class of unpaid household servants who reproduce the labor of the proletariat.

Not really. Even liberal trans* people are aware that gender is a social construct, and trans* people who adhere strongly to binary roles do so because they've been conditioned socially to feel most comfortable filling those roles. One cannot blame them for feeling that way, since it's not something that's up to them. But that doesn't mean that they can't be introduced to critiques of patriarchy and unlearn whatever oppressor or slave role that they've been conditioned to desire.

Really though, fuck the binary and fuck any cis identity.

have you even looked at this thread it has mostly been pretty alright fam

It's relatively better than the usual, I'll give you that.

How can you be 'assigned the wrong gender' if Butler and co. believe gender is simply discursive or mimetic. Don't they mean 'assigned the wrong sex'?

Remove modern "liberalism"

Yes, really. For every one transperson who realises gender is a social construct there's 20 others saying sex doesn't exist, gender is innate and if you disagree you should kys.

Not sure where you've been user but the modern trans movement is batshit insane. Patients running the madhouse.

I have read Butler before. She strikes me as one of those individuals who starts at a desired conclusion and justifies her way backward toward her premises. Her "histories" are very much like that.

N1x is best enjoyed when filtered.

Trannies and feminazis.

Every day they thinnk about gender and nothing else.

What is queer but being ideologically trans and seeing everything as a conspiracy to keep you down?

What then, is authentic desire?

There are 2 genders.




yeah its postmodernism in a nutshell. but when it comes to gender i found her work to be intriguing

Don't bother, only technological progress can save us from gender and other identities.

The picture made no judgement on that you hypersensitive idpol faggot

fucking kys m8


can you please get a trip so I can filter you, youre acting consistently retarded

A cold world of unattractive people who don't want to touch one another.


You'll reap what you sow.

That's a bit spooky.

if no one touches anyone, no one oppresses anyone

problem solved

So what you're saying is…

gender… a spook

Neoliberalism is full of doublethink.

Like if there's no such thing as sex or gender, how the hell can you support feminism?

It's the worst kind of anti-science crazy ideology. Even the religious fundamentalists make more sense now.

Gender is, for me, "wow it's fucking nothing".

Gender shouldn't be neither enforced nor forcibly abolished. Tumblr queers piss me off just as much as ultra masculine dudebros: they're all spooked.

In the hot topic of bathrooms, I wonder why we segregate bathrooms based on gender. I wouldn't feel more uncomfortable if a woman, rather than a man, heard me pooping. I guess it has to do with the horror of watching the gender you are attracted to do bathroom things, but it doesn't bother me.

Were I a woman I wouldn't want to do a piss near pol9kfags

thats just me though

Not an argument

Explain further.

There's only two genders:
Home Depot
 and Lowes

Ace's Hardware

Damn sjws

I wonder about it too, OP. Given the established logic of the people who defend gender as something inate is "agree with me or you my worst enemy", I usually don't try to convince anyone on the internet. IRL, with people I am close or that I know that don't really advocate so much for feminism, it's much easier to explain. You should reach out to these kind of people, and save them from defending stupid theories before is too late.

That's a bunch of queer retards, user. What OP is saying is completely different.

The bathroom problem is about woman. Letting someone with a "rape tool" be with you in a closed and vulnerable space, could end horrendously.

We do that because if a little girl spotted your dick while you were pissing at a urinal then the whole universe would implode and Jesus wouldn't come back.

Except segregating bathrooms does absolutely nothing to stop that, among other things.

At the current moment I don't think you can reconcile trans politics (female brain in male body) and feminist gender theory.

does that mean flags don't exist?
on the board that most flags are used?
and not even on a role play level
more like a repeat this meme and you'll be part of the board itself

Transgender stuff doesn't help it makes it worse by affirming that gender can be defined by stereotypical roles. This is why Radical Feminists (aka second wave) are so against it. Although they take it too far and went off into just being biggots that do nothing to stop it's influence because they are too busy whining about the "neo-vagina" and how it's sexist and all that bullshit.

Gender has long been an important question for those on the left. Unless you think Engels' work isn't relevant to Holla Forums?

Thanks for the serious reply. I still see people called transphobic for suggesting that maybe gender isn't biologically ingrained in the mind.

More or less, yes, although it's more complicated than that.

Transgenerism is complete bullshit.

There are people who are truly born transsexual and truly confused about their gender identity. To allow non-transsexuals to change their gender is appropriation and pretentiousness.

As opposed to the right who insists gender exists while at the same time needing to enforce it?

If you ban guns do you think criminals are going to stop using guns?

Why not? One part of feminist theory argues against gender essentialism, and says that all politics, even the proto-feminists, have hitherto been about defining only what is and isn't "woman." Still yet, it is simplistic to say that a female-to-male transgender person is a male trapped in a female body. It's not because they have a male brain but a "trans" brain and should be treated like so.

I don't know, stop worrying about labels so much and try and break down gender norms and stereotypes?

go back to tumblr

LATimes wants me to turn off adblock lmao nope

Does anyone have an undetectable alternative

I didn't have any problem with uBlock Origin + uMatrix (which blocks these "pls disable ur adblocker" messages)

Nothing that doesn't personally affect Holla Forums's sheltered white male userbase is relevant to them :^)

Well I'm sure there are plenty of people who aren't down with the discourse, but they're stupid and wrong for thinking that there is any essential Man or Woman. That's really missing out on a major aspect of feminist and queer theory that is in the background of the transgender movement, but it's not like I can expect everyone to be #woke

Yet another mistake Holla Forums makes on issues like this is taking any given person who fits their narrative against a movement that they don't like, and making that person a template for the whole movement. Queer/trans and feminist theory is pretty fucking broad and has a rich discourse with anarchism and Marxism, but unsurprisingly it all gets ignored because how fucking dare anything that doesn't make Holla Forums the protagonist of everything be given any representation or recognition?

Holla Forums is the borg antagonist of n1x's great educational fantasy, where he shall be showered with praise for spreading enlightenment

if he could ever make a post actually sharing any knowledge, ever, that is

… using NoScript?

Personally I am an attack helicopter. Since gender and gender pronouns are personally chosen with complete separation from objectivity, I am whatever I tell you I am.

Does she ignore statistics and forget to mention that such people are less than 1% of society and even together with homosex these people make up less than 3% of society? Or is that glossed over in traditional IDPOL manner and trying to capitalise on self identification by creating consumers of more varied stripes?

doesnt matter how few of them there are, the fact they exist is enough to show that our socially constructed understanding of gender is not perfect and falls down when we deal with examples like intersex people that do not fit the norm

this is the most unfunniest shit on the internet by now and the fact that you recite it here like the reddit drone you are should make you seriously reevaluate your right to live

Not really.

gender =/= sex. gender = sex roles.

intersex people are men and women with a chromosomal disorder or malformed genitals. They're not hermaphrodites or a third sex or anything.

Literally nothing to do with trannies.

feminists and idpol liberals


I identify as a stale meme

I find it hilarious that NOW you guys are all interested in nothing but worker's ownership of the means of production.
