What lies there?

What lies there?




Horseshoe theory is a spook

high octane faggotry

Horseshoes theory is just a bad representation of an elaborate 4th dimensional loop centrism occupies both the space for liberalism and the empty space between communism and fascism

go away.

horseshoe theory is a deliberate attempt by extremists on both ends of the spectrum to stifle and strawman arguments over their similar real world methodologies

suddenly any attempt to point out similarities is met with floods of

very convenient for authoritarians worldwide, a lovely excuse you can shitpost at anyone who disagrees.

In reality violence is a very pretty tool for the twisted fucks in the world to express their willpower onto the rest of the ants.



WTF i love the horseshoe theory now

Durin's Bane

The horseshoe is what your domme will hang on your penis while she steps on you. If you keep it up she'll let you lick her toes and maybe ride your cock.

Or whatever you femdom guys are into.


Radical Centrism





Landian accelerationism

So nazbol is basically liberalism for edgy children?